Don't Cry For Me

Those Gazes Are DANGEROUS....

Renna felt a breeze, and she looked around. She saw that she was looking outside a window. She saw lightning in the distance, and she soon felt a drop of rain fall from the sky and onto the windowsill. She looked to see exactly where she was and she soon noticed she was in her room. Dark, dull, and depressing....the three words to describe it. She wanted to change it in the worst way, but of course, her parents always wanted the walls of their house to be clean, so posters, pictures, and even picture frames were a no-go from the start. This was just another reason to hate her parents......well, not hate, but detest them. Hate was too strong of a word.

She then heard a scream come from the kitchen. She ran downstairs and a bolt of lightning struck her front yard, and she yelped in shock. She pushed past the swinging door of the kitchen, and what she saw changed her life forever....


She was awoken by Mikey shaking her, concerned by how she was screaming in her sleep. She tried to catch her breath, and she looked around to find that she was in the room she had first awoken in when she first met Frankie. This must've been their second apartment, since the other place was probably engulfed in flames. She then remembered the nightmare she had just had, and she put her hands up to her head, distressed over the whole thing. Mikey held her in an embrace, trying to calm her down.
"Renna! What's wrong?!"
"It was terrible....."
"What was?"
"My nightmare....oh my God...."
"Renna, what was it about?"
"I can't say, I won't...."
"It's can tell me...."
"Please don't make me say it, Mikey.....I don't want to...."
"........alright, I won't make you......"
"Thank you...."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Just hold me.....please..." Renna whimpered, starting to shed tears. Mikey quickly held her closer, telling her he would do that. Just then Gerard came through the doorway, obviously checking on Renna as well.
"What happened?"
"She had a nightmare...."
"Is she okay?"
"As far as I know, yeah....Renna, did you want anything?" Mikey asked, pulling her away to ask the question. She looked away for a moment, wondering if there was anything, or anyone, that she needed right at that moment. She wiped away her tears, starting to calm down.
"I want to see Frankie....." she requested, looking at Gerard. He hesitated at first, not sure if he should actually bring him down, but after the pleading gaze that Renna gave him, he couldn't really say no. He rushed over to the living room, where Frankie was sitting in silence.
"Renna wants to see you...." Gerard said. Frankie's eyes grew big, and he looked down.
"Do I....have to?"
"I'd say so....she convinced me to go get you in the first place....just from her gaze..."
"Those gazes are dangerous...."
"You bet.....well, she's waiting in your bedroom whenever you're ready to talk....." Gerard said, leaving the room. Frankie sighed and bit his lip, not sure if he was ready to confront Renna. Sadly, he was honestly afraid of her. He didn't know if she was the same person or a complete stranger. Was he still forbidden to touch her? Did she still love him?

Had she converted anyone while she was away?

He thought of all these questions, shaking his head constantly at how stupid he was being. Why was he asking himself these questions? She was right in the next room, and all he needed to do was go over and ask her.

....but he was still afraid....

He cleared his throat and got up, knowing it was now or never. He journeyed over to his bedroom, where Renna and Mikey still were. He knocked on the door frame, causing Mikey to look up and see whom it was. Renna was looking out the window, ignoring the noise Frankie had made. Mikey nodded his head and got up, leaving the room. Frankie sat down where Mikey was before, and he folded his hands, not sure what to do.
"....yes?" he whispered, more scared of her now than ever before.
"Did you miss me at all while I was away?" Frankie's eyes grew, shocked at the question she was asking. He sighed and nodded, even though she wasn't looking at him.
"....more than you'll ever know...." he replied, meaning every word. She looked over at him and stared him down, as if she was trying to see if there was truth behind those words. After a few moments of staring, she nodded, looking back over to the window.
"....did you know it was me in the burning building? Or did you think it was someone else?" she asked, knowing for a fact that Frankie saved her, since Gerard told her himself. Frankie shook his head.
"No....I thought you were Noetta..."
"......from what I've heard, you were the first and only 'Roamer' to go in and supposedly save 'Noetta'...a.k.a: me....."
"That's true...."
" didn't let Gerard have a chance to save her?"
"What?" Frankie asked, surprised at the question.
"You rushed in so fast I heard, and you seemed that you wanted to be the hero.....the man of the hour......"
"What in the hell are you saying?"
"Look, I'm not saying ANYTHING, but from what everyone's told me, you wanted the spotlight, as if you wanted Noetta or Zinelle to like you more because YOU saved them, and not Mikey or Gerard...."
"Look, I have no idea why people would say that, but it's not true..."
"Then what is the truth?"
"I was concerned! They were your friends, and I knew that if you came back one day, you would prefer to see them as well...."
"What made you think I was coming back?"
"I.....I don't know...."
"You don't know?"
"'s another strange thing that's happening to me....."
"Are you sure?"
"Well.......ok.....I missed you, though....."
"You did?"
"Yes....a lot....." she said, getting up and coming over to Frankie. He sighed and looked at her, smiling at her comment. She stopped in front of him, remembering what he couldn't do.....touch her....Frankie figured this out as well, and they both stared at each other with sadness in their eyes, depressed over how love was so difficult in their world, as if love wasn't difficult enough in the human world.

After a little while, Frankie and Renna started talking about nothing in particular. She told him how she loved Clarton Avenue, and she explained it with much detail, since Frankie had never been there before. After she was done explaining, Frankie took out a box from the drawer in his room. It fit in the palm of his hand, but it seemed big. She looked at him with a smile on her face.
"Is this for me?"
"'s pretty rare, so be careful with it, okay?" he said, handing the box over to her. She repositioned herself on the bed and prepared to open it herself. When she lifted the lid, she saw an eerie green light inside. Her smile faded, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. She opened the box completely and saw the whole thing.

It was a medallion....

The characteristics of it were the same as the one in her dream. A sapphire center, diamonds, the glowing green edge, and the jewel surrounding the sapphire.......she gulped in fear and looked at Frankie.
"Is th-this.....Ruby?"
"Yeah, well actually, it's a new one called Black Ferian Ruby.......I love how dark it looks....." he said with a smile. She shrieked and threw the medallion at Frankie, and luckily he caught it, but with a sour face.
"What was that for?"
"I.....I've seen that before...."
"I....had a dream.....I was holding that medallion.....and you were there......but you were fighting a big guy.....I don't know who he was, but he was HUGE......"
"Whoa....this was in your dream? This EXACT medallion?"
"Yeah, exactly.....OH MY GOD!"
"No, it can't be possible..."
"Frankie.....that man named Bovaneer......he supposedly comes to you if something like what's happened to me happens......right?"
"What if that man in my dream was Bovaneer....and he's coming right at this moment to kill me....and it turns out like my dream?"
"Renna, don't get ahead of yourself....that's a little far fetched...."
"'s possible...."
"Well, where did it happen?"
"At a beach..."
"What about I make sure we don't go to a beach anytime soon, okay?"
"I don't know if that's going to work...."
"Renna, was just a dream..."
" was...."
"Just.....a....dream....." Frankie urged, smiling and handing the medallion back to her. She refused it, remembering something else....
" the dream, something else happened..."
"Like what?"
"Bovaneer.....or whoever that man was.....pulled out a smoky gun, and he was pointing it at you....I heard a roaring noise and then I woke up....." Frankie's eyes grew a little wide, now interested by this fact.
"A gun?"
"A Smoky gun...."
"Oh shit....."
"WHAT?!" Renna said, now more nervous than ever.
"Smoky guns end the whole universe!"
"Yeah, they also mutate chickens and turn sunflowers into ducks....." Frankie said with a laugh. Renna threw his pillow at him, yet he caught it, laughing even more.
"You bastard!" she said, starting to laugh a little, even though she was still a little pissed.
"Renna, you worry too much...."
"Someone's gotta do it!"
"Leave that up to parents...they worry enough for the whole world...." Frankie said, walking out of the room. Renna sighed and looked out the window, still wondering if her dream was a premonition of things to come.......
♠ ♠ ♠
There's the next part! I'm so sorry it took forever to post, but I just never thought about it much until now, and it needed editing, so yeah....hope you liked it! ^_^

Comments HIGHLY appreciated! Thanks!

\m/ XxStephxX \m/