Don't Cry For Me

I'm Not Going To Let That Stop Me...

"Frankie.....are you alive?" Renna asked, shaking him by the arms. She was careful not to touch his skin, since they both knew what happened when that occurred. He was on the couch in the new apartment, and he had been sleeping for about 14 hours, which worried Renna a lot. Suddenly Frankie opened his eyes and groaned, obviously not happy that he was now conscious. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, which caused him to smear his old eyeliner and form a diagonal streak across his right temple. Renna held back a laugh and watched him slowly wake up. He looked at her for a moment before smiling and leaning his head on his own shoulder.

"How long have I been snoozing?" he asked, still smiling and staring at her. She smiled right back.

"Half a day....if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were dead...." she joked, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, well I guess it was the first real sleep that I've gotten in a while.....when you were gone, I couldn't sleep at all.....that was terrible to say the least..." he said, looking out the window and seeing an ambulance drive by. The sirens were blaring, and their sound shrieked in the air for miles. The red and yellow lights soon faded away and Frankie looked back to Renna. She was still staring at him, and she had never looked away.

"Frankie.....we need to find a way to be together....." she stated, finally looking down. He gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean? What do you think we're doing now?"

"No, I mean together....I wanna be able to hold you without caution....kiss you without getting grey lips....touch you without getting TATTOOS!" she said, on the brink of crying. Frankie rushed off the couch and embraced her, regardless of the fact that he was touching her arms. He held her close to his chest, letting her be soothed by his very own heartbeat. She sniffled slightly and enjoyed the security, his warm chest and his arms around her, holding her arms...arms?...wait, ARMS! She pushed him away and saw black patterns start to form on her arms. They were denser, since it was his arms touching her this time, and not separate fingertips. She watched the tattoos stop and then felt a tear fall on them from her eyes. She looked up to Frankie. "You see? This is what I mean.....we can't touch.....hold...or even kiss!" she screamed, turning away and starting to walk out of the room. As she was about to leave the room, she felt a hand pull at her left hand, and it caused her to walk backwards. She was spun around and then faced Frankie again, and he was looking right into her eyes with intensity and love at the same time.

".......I'm not going to let that stop me...."

"'s MY skin.....I'm the one that gets to make the decisions about it....I don't wanna end up with pitch black skin and look like a zombie for the rest of my life!"

"......but I'll still love you, even with black skin...."





"......did you just say you love me?" Renna said in shock.

"...yes..." Frankie said, taking another step closer to her. She looked at his eyes and smiled, starting to process what he was actually saying. He loved her....LOVE...she started to cry at the thought...the reality....and he instinctively used his thumb to wipe away a small tear that had rolled down her right cheek. Almost immediately a black line following the path of his thumb formed, but he ignored it. He kept looking into her eyes and his face was blank, not knowing what to do now. Instinct took over, as well as his heart, and he leaned in to kiss her. She backed away.

"Frankie, know what happens...." she said in sorrow.

"...but I'll still love you..." he said, just staring into her eyes. She sighed.

"I'll look terrible if you keep this up..."

"...but I'll still love you..." he repeated, inching closer to her face. She wanted to look away from him, but his hazel eyes wouldn't allow it.

" don't care about the consequences, do you?" she finally stated, more a statement than a question. He smiled slightly and was less than half an inch away from her lips. He whispered so softly that she was surprised that she had heard it. She could feel his breath on her lips, and it sent chills down her spine. He sighed before whispering seven unforgettable words....

"Nothing will stop me from loving you...." he whispered, and he finally connected his lips with hers, and she gave in, not caring anymore herself about what she'd look like afterwards. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Frankie gently backed her up against a wall, not being forceful in the slightest bit. He wanted to take his time, since he knew that rushing things would just end up seeming raunchy and tasteless, despite his deep feelings for her, and vice versa. Just then there was a loud knock on the door, and it sent Frankie to the floor in shock. Renna laughed at him and helped him up. She was still a little weak from the fire incident, so she fell down as a result of her help. Frankie was quick to pick her up himself and sit her on the couch while he ran to the door. He opened the door and was taken back by what he saw.

There was this strange woman who had deep blue skin, and her hair was just as unusual. It was in long pigtails that went down past her ribs. The hair itself was teal, blue, black and every color in-between, and she had a design on her forehead, looking like a tattooed jewel. She expressed a smile that seemed calming to Frank, and he showed no resistance letting her into the apartment. She sighed and then shot around to go out the door again, which confused Frankie even more.

"What? Did you forget something?" he asked, despite the fact that he had never seen this woman before in all his years in Dealthboro. She smiled and nodded.

"First off, let me introduce myself. I am Camylia, a traveling Night Roamer-Nurse who senses when a Night Roamer needs me...."

"...who told you we needed help?...and who needs help here?"

"A girl....that's all I one told I said, I had a sense...."

"Oh....wait, did your parents do Dyskatine? Is that why you have the 'sense'?"

"Correct....well, that isn't my main ability....I have another power that is more useful, I think......anyway, I ran into these two wonderful gentlemen standing just down the street a day or two ago, and they asked where to find someone named Gerard....I didn't know who they were talking about, so they started following me......but not in a stalkerish way. More like friendly chit-chat.....well, after a while I found out that they weren't Roamers, so I figured 'Eh, why not?....they're cool....I might make friends out of this....' I revamped them.....I want you to meet them...they seem like the kind of people you would like..."

"They would? do you know that?" Frank asked in curiosity. Camylia pointed to her head.
"I can sense this just by being with you for a few seem like a caring, wait a moment...." she explained, and soon she was out the door, out to retrieve the men she had talked about. She brought them in and Frankie gasped in surprise. He looked at the first one, and his brown afro looked too familiar. Then the other man was standing calmly, his hair wet because it was raining outside. The blonde hair took a dirtier look, since the rain was black. They both smiled at Frankie, happy to see him.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? BOB! RAY!" he yelled, and he quickly embraced the both of them in a warm hug. They all cheered in happiness and laughed their wonderful laughs. Frankie pulled apart from the hugs and sighed, smiling at the same time. "So....I take it you both are Night Roamers now?"
"Yesserie Bob!" Ray said, and Bob looked in his direction. Everyone laughed and wiped away the tears that followed, and soon two other people came into the hallway near the door. It was Gerard and Mikey, and they both smiled wide when they saw Bob and Ray in front of them. All five of them embraced each other in a hug, the happiness flowing rapidly in their veins. Just then Renna slowly came out of the living room to see what was happening, and when she was noticed by Camylia, the nurse rushed over to check her out, since her 'senses' were about her. She smiled and sighed very audibly, staring at Renna as if she was examining her. Renna started to get worried and she weakly tried to back away. She stumbled and started to fall, but Camylia caught her just in time.
"Well.....I think I've found who needs the help...." she said with a laugh. Frankie broke from the hug and rushed over, concerned about Renna. He watched as Camylia sat Renna down on the floor and leaned her against a wall, so that she wouldn't need to hold her the whole time. She placed her blue hands on Renna's arms, and suddenly a small glow came from the edges of her hands, and everyone stared. Camylia had her eyes closed, but she seemed like she was concentrating on something, and Renna, who was wondering what was happening, started to sit up more straight, and her face was in total shock. Camylia then lowered her hands and got up, which signaled she was finished with whatever she had just done. Everyone looked at Renna as her whole body started to glow blue, and then it was so bright it almost made everyone squint their eyes at the sight. Then, as soon as it had occurred, the glow diminished to nothing more than a memory. Frankie knelt down to Renna side, wanting to see if she was alright.
" you feel any different?" he asked, placing a hand on her left shoulder. She smiled and nodded her head, her hair lightly falling in her face as she did so. She got up with ease and sighed, brushing off the little particles of dirt on her body with her hands. She sighed and looked around the room.
"I feel so much better! Thanks a lot, Camylia!" Renna exclaimed, still in awe over the whole thing. Camylia slightly tipped her head, as if saying 'Welcome' with body language. She flipped her pigtails to their rightful places on the opposite sides of her head and proceeded to go out the door. Renna noticed this and ran as fast as she could. She embraced Camylia in a hug from behind like a child would hug. "Thank you so much....." she cooed, as if she was whispering in her ear. The nurse turned around and hugged Renna back just as warmly, and she started looking around at everyone else, who was still shocked by the magic that had taken place within the last few moments...

"If you're still wondering what happened, it's my other ability....I can heal people to a point.....does that make things clear?" she asked, eyeing everyone down. Everyone sighed, now aware of what the event actually was in the first place. Renna shook her head at the boy's reactions, and she looked down. Her eyes widened when she saw a sight that was extraordinary.

Her tattoos were paler....

She looked at her skin closely and noticed the recent marks from that romantic moment just minutes before, but they were paler, as if it was a 40 year old tattoo that had lost its luster and boldness. She sighed in surprise, and Frank noticed her expression. He walked over and became concerned when her face showed more shock than anything.

"Renna....what's wrong now?" he asked gently. She shoved her arm up to his face, and he soon realized himself. He gazed upon the faded designs as if they were rare jewels, and after a while he looked at Camylia in shock.

"Do you know what you just did?" he asked, almost stuttering from his lingering surprise. Camylia glanced at her skin and shrugged.

"I have no clue...what did I do?" she asked, never realizing the tattoos in the first place. Frankie pointed to Renna's arms, which were twirling clockwise and counter-clockwise by Renna herself, still amazed at the skin's look.

"Renna's arms were almost all black with tattoos before you healed they're faded!" he said, getting up and walking towards Camylia. She nodded her head.

"That's a bad thing?" she said, getting worried. Renna and Frank shook their heads at the same time, which caused Mikey to laugh randomly.

"No...that's great!....wait....Renna, come here! I wanna try something...." Frank exclaimed, and Renna did what she was told. She had a feeling of what he wanted to do, so she held out her arms to Camylia, who was giving them confused looks. Renna sighed in impatience.

"Well? Try it again! Let's see if it all goes away..." she said, and Camylia bit her lip.

"I only use my powers when someone needs my help, so...."

"I NEED MY NORMAL SKIN BACK!" Renna yelled, almost wanting to cry. She was so close to looking normal again, and she wasn't going to let the opportunity pass her by this easily. She edged her arms in Camylia's direction, and the blue-skinned nurse finally gave in. She did something different this time. Before she closed her eyes, she sighed and looked around the room.

"Just so you know, this may hurt your eyes, potentially blinding them if you witness this, so I have to ask you to leave the room for a moment, please......" she asked kindly. The others nodded and ran out of the hallway, and Frankie was the last to exit, giving Renna a loving look and smiling slightly before exiting to the right and into the living room with the others. Camylia watched him leave and turned back to Renna, who seemed a little scared at what she'd do. Camylia smiled and put her hands together, as if to pray. "Don't worry....for the patient, the light doesn't blind may feel a little dizzy afterwards, so if you need to sit down, let me know, alright?"


"Alright....I need you to stay still, please....this is going to be a lot different than last time...." she warned, and Renna followed orders. Camylia closed her eyes tightly and slowly a blue light started coming from the middle of her palms. It kept growing brighter and brighter, and soon enough the whole hallway was filled with a bright, cerulean light that shone from her hands. She pulled her hands apart and the lights disappeared, yet a string of bright blue formed, twisting around in mid-air. It stayed in-between her hands, and slowly she went to Renna, concentrating on the powers she was using. Renna looked at the little line, which seemed like a strand of hair, considering its width. It twisted around like a snake that was falling in the air, and even though she had never seen that actually happen, she had a vague idea that it would look just like this. The string suddenly turned white, and Renna jumped as a small shockwave was sent through the whole apartment. She heard the concerned voices of the guys, but she didn't pay attention, for she was transfixed upon the magic before her. The string then was pin-straight, and it only floated in Camylia's hands now. She lifted her hands to her face and blew gently, sending the string out into the open air. It floated like a little toy boat on water at the local pond, and it left a slight smoky trail as it traveled to Renna's body. Eventually it was in front of Renna, and it paused in mid-air. Camylia then opened her hands, since before they were fists, and it made the string blur into a small fluff of light. It went slowly to Renna's chest and implanted itself there, and it tickled Renna. She giggled slightly and then watched as the blurry fluff expanded to light up her whole skin in a light blue. It started to glow brighter, and before she knew it, Renna couldn't see her skin. It was all white with light, and the only thing she could see was Camylia moving her hands around, as if she were smoothing the table cloth onto a dinner table. Then the light surrounding them abruptly vanished, and Renna fell to the ground for some unknown reason. She shook her head and looked around, seeing the floor parallel to her head. She tried to get up but she felt lightheaded, and she fell back down once again. Camylia helped her into a chair while chuckling. "I warned you that you might get dizzy..." she said, and Renna giggled.

"Yes, in all fairness, you did..." she said, sighing. Her skin finally stopped glowing, and she looked at it with eyes that were glowing instead.

The marks were all gone....

She smiled in relief and held her head in her hands, so overtaken with joy that she started sobbing. Just then Frankie knocked on the door frame and sighed.

"May I come in yet?" he asked, still out of sight.

"Yes you may....." Camylia said with a calm tone. Frank cleared his throat, hearing Renna's sobs.

"It doesn't sound like it worked...." he said, his voice a little saddened, even though he wasn't too worried. Her skin could've turned yellow for all he cared....he just wanted Renna in his life...her skin was just skin...nothing more. He walked in and looked at Renna. His jaw dropped, and Renna looked up with tear-stained eyes to see Frank there. She sighed in joy and rushed up to hug him, but she was still dizzy and ended up being caught in his arms, which stopped her fall. She looked up at him, since her head was in his chest now, and started to cry. Frank lifted her up and kissed her sweetly, and it was a moment of pure happiness and gratitude. When they pulled away, Frank noticed that her lips didn't turn grey....he was touching her skin, but it didn't turn black. He looked at Camylia in amazement. "Who in God's lovely name ARE you?" he asked.

"Relax, Frankie's not THAT big of a see, Bovaneer decided to be sneaky and used an old spell on all Roamers, so that whenever any of them would touch one another with love, he'd give them tattoos. It's kinda elementary, if I do say so myself. It was the simple Casum Reversum spell, and since one of his special abilities is spell casting, it was easy for him to perform. Healers like me are in a related category, so with hard work we can pull it off as well....I've known that spell for years, though....I'm surprised no one's ever tried to break it...." she explained, playing with her hair the whole time. Frank just nodded his head, still trying to process all the information she had just given him. Frank then realized what she had said, and his eyes grew wide. Renna gained enough strength to stand on her own two feet, but she still leaned on Frankie for support, and she listened in on the conversation.

"Did you say that Bovaneer has multiple abilities?" Frank asked, getting a little nervous. Camylia nodded.

"Yes, he does....he has about ten or twelve abilities that are extreme...hence why he is the ruler of all Night Roamers....."

" you know the abilities?"

"Yes, but if I tell you, you'll die..."


"Seriously....if I tell you all of his major abilities, he has a smaller ability that senses when someone spills the beans on him...then he sends his henchmen out to kill the messenger AND the recipients....."

"Well, how do you know then?"

"...well, would it surprise you that I'm not a regular Night Roamer?"

"Not in the slightest..." Frank said while shaking his head. Renna did the same. Camylia giggled lightly.

"Well, I was there when it happened...."

"When what happened?" Renna urged.

"Here, let me explain...."


*Pictures of the characters (made in "The Sims 2")









...and of course, the enchanting CAMYLIA!

♠ ♠ ♠
Well there ya go! Part 7-ness! I know this was a long part, but I really had a lot to say, and I think people like long parts....lots of info is usually a good thing! haha

I hope you liked the pictures! I made them so that people would have a picture to go with the helps to make the story more real in a way. You know, to have a face to go with the name. To make a long story short, it's cool, and people usually like it, so there! haha jk jk. Comments GREATLY appreciated! thankies! ^_^
**Steph** \m/