Status: New story, First few chapters will come fast but then will down because I'm going back to school :)

Breaking Hearts Is What You Do for Fun

Chapter 1.

“Sky!” I turned around to the sound of my name and saw a boy with long brown hair running towards me. A smile formed on my mouth as I recognized him, my eyes scanned him over. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a blue and gray flannel shirt with a vest on top and a pair of moccasins on, a peace sign necklace hung from his neck. Needless to say, I was out of breath as soon as my eyes locked themselves with his warm brown eyes.

“Chris!” I shouted, waving my hand at his direction. His lips formed into a pout.

“What, no hug?”

I rolled my eyes and closed the space between us by wrapping my arms around his torso; his arms around my waist. I felt my self shake a bit as he let out a small chuckle.

“There we go. Hugs are much better.” He whispered into my hair. If only he knew how his hugs made me want to melt in his arms…

I pulled away from his body and looked down at my shoes, trying not to meet his gaze. “So how was your date with Meghan?” I mumbled.

Chris reached for my face, lifting my chin up. “Why are you looking down, sunshine?”

I shrugged my shoulders in response then waved my hand for him to go on about the date. His eyes lit up instantly. “It was amazing! I think I might love her…I mean…well don’t get disgusted or anything but…last night we, um…” He trailed off. But he didn’t need to tell me, because I knew what he was talking about. He had lost it to her. My heart panged as tears threatened to spill out from my eyes.

“Oh.” Was all I said.

“Yeah… I knew you’d be creeped out if I told you the real word.” Chris laughed sheepishly as he swept his bangs over his eyes so they wouldn’t get covered by his hair. This small action made him seem like an innocent small kid, thing was that he wasn’t innocent anymore.

I gave him a fake smile. “That’s great, Chris. I’m so happy for you.” Lie.

I ran my hand through my hair and covered my own brown eyes. “Well I better head home. Got to clean up…and stuff…”

His smile faltered into a frown but he nodded. I was tackled into a breath taking hug. “Bummer Sky. I wanted to hang out with you sunshine. Call me later, ok?” He stated more than asked.

I nodded into his embrace. “Sure thing, Chris.”

“Ok then.” He said then kissed my cheek. I shuddered as his warm lips made contact with my skin, at the same time as his cold lip ring. My knees buckled underneath me as my heart raced wildly I but regained my posture. This boy is surely the death of me…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that there are alot of more rules in writing a fan fic and I have not been posted stories here so if I did any mistakes, please tell me! I'd really appreciate it.