Status: New story, First few chapters will come fast but then will down because I'm going back to school :)

Breaking Hearts Is What You Do for Fun

Chapter 4.

My eyes flew open, straight ahead of me, was one of the few humans who could pass as angels. Chris’s hair was sticking up in every direction, his bottom lip pouting out like a little kid. He looked so cute that I just had to hold back a giggle. His chest rose up and down slowly ever few seconds; his arms were still wrapped around me tightly, so tight that if I moved my arm a little more, it would brush the skin of his chest. With one hand, I touched Chris’s chest, fingers tracing over the cursive tattoo that was printed on the upper part of his torso.

‘Love Is My Weapon’

As my fingers brushed over the ink again and again, an arm shot up and clasped around my hand. Chris’s eyes fluttered open and met my gray ones into a trance.

“That tickles sunshine.” He mumbled, putting my hand on his warm cheek.

I giggled. “Come on sleepy head. Time for breakfast.” I unwrapped myself from his arms but he groaned in protest.

“Sunshine! No! Ten more minutes. Come cuddle with me.” He pouted his lips like a puppy and held out his hands for me.

I shook my head. “I’m making pancakes, tofer.”

At that, he shot up from bed. “Well what are you waiting for?”

“Oh just some slow poke that I know.” I grinned.

A chuckle escaped his lips. “What a lazy guy.”

“Yup. Come on…slow poke.” I smirked.
It was his turn to shake his head and stuck his tongue out at me.

I grabbed the ingredients to make the vegan pancakes, mixed them together and began making them.

Chris had already served orange juice for the both of us and sat on the counter, waiting for his breakfast like a little kid. Dang this boy could pass for a little kid when he wanted something.

Finally I served him his stack of pancakes which he attacked. With a mouth full of food he said, “I am so annihilating these pancakes.”

I scrunched up my nose. “Whatever happened to ‘spread the love, stop the war’?”
He just shrugged and continued stuffing his face.

After we finished eating, Chris had left so that he could get ready for his concert.

I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of sky-blue jeans with a TWLOHA white shirt and black converse and straightened my hair. There wasn’t much to do around the house, my parents had gone for a two week long vacation, and I had no siblings. The house was alone, so I went outside the house and sat on the soft green grass. I plucked a simple white flower from my mom’s garden and counted the petals.

“Hey, um, do you know where Teakwood Terrace Ave. is?” I looked up and saw a girl around me age with short black hair that cut into pixie-like design, she had on a white v-neck with a black vest and dark blue skinny jeans with some flats. On her hand was a piece of paper which looked like directions.

I got up on my feet. “Yeah, you go two streets to the left in that direction, you won’t miss it because that’s where the huge mansion-like houses are at.” I pointed the directions out.

The girl nodded with a smile. “Thanks um- Sorry I don’t know your name.”

“Oh I’m Sky.”

“Hey Sky, I’m Mimi, short for Marissa. Thanks for the directions. I have to go to this ‘party’ that my aunt’s boss is holding. For some reason I’m being forced to go.” Mimi rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh.

“Bummer dude.”

Mimi opened her mouth to speak but out came was music. She took out her phone who was clearly the source for the sounds.

“Hello? Yeah, I’m on my way. Uh huh. Yeah, ok. Bye.” Mimi spoke into her phone then shut it.

“That’s cool. Saturday by Fall Out Boy?” I asked with one eye brow raised.
She smiled big before nodding. “Yes, they’re on of my favorite bands. You like them too?”

I jumped up and shouted, “Totally dude! What other bands do you like?”
Mimi gave me a weird look before laughing lightly, “Wow, are you bipolar or what, haha, um I like a lot of bands actually. Like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, We The Kings, The Academy Is, Cobra Starship-“

“Me too! I know we’ve barely met and all but since we have like a lot in common with music, would you like to go see my best friend perform tonight? He’s amazing, amazing singer and guitarist.” I offered, secretely hoping she’d agree. If tonight went well for Chris then it meant a lot of girls would be flirting with him and I really wanted to have a friend there while all that happened. Plus, Mimi was awesome!

“Sure dude. What time is it going to be at?”

“Uh eight. Late, I know but it’s because I have a huge surprise for my buddy.”

“Ooo, what is it?!”

“I convinced some from Warner Bros. to come and check out the concert tonight. I hope that this’ll be Chris’s time to shine.” I whispered.

Mimi’s smile turned into a ‘Aww’ look. “Sky! That is so awesome of you to do that for your buddy. Well I gotta go. Here put your number in and I’ll text you when the whole party ends so you can tell me the directions for the concert thing.” She handed me her phone in which I put my number in and she did the same with mine.

“Bye buddy.”She waved goodbye and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for any mistakes. Um an feedback would be greatly appreciated. Oh I forgot to mention that the parts that are in italized are flashback or memories. And this story will contain some of them. I cant wait for Jane Doe to come out on NeverShoutNever's profile on myspace tonight or today! Hmmm...who is Jane Doe? :)