
It Can't Be

I walked into my bedroom and put on my pajamas. I brushed my hair, and relaxed down on my bed, not ready to fall asleep. I looked to my wall which had a Panic at the Disco poster. I smiled at it. My life is so rough. They are one of the three things keeping me alive. Panic, Fall Out Boy, and Blake. I felt a single tear come to my eye. I never cry, why am I crying so much lately? I got up with anger rushing over me and stormed into the front room and I was soon looking at the man who has made my whole life nothing but a hole. The man who took the life of my twin brother. I still feel the pain of losing him. He was a part of me, and still is. I walked into the kitchen fast and took out all of the beer in there and Fed it to the drain. Dumped it all down...

I pulled out a garbage bag from under the sing, in the cubit, and shoved all of the bottles, and cans into the bag. I carried it down the back satires, through the back yard, through the door to the alley, and into the dumpster, where the garbage men will be here to pick it up tomorrow. I walked back up the satires, and through the door. I opened up my fathers chest where all of his beloved drugs, and needles are, and flushed the drugs down the toilet. I shoved the needles behind a book on my bookcase, which he will never look behind.

There is one last thing I must do. I took his wallet on the television and took every penny out. I walked into my mom's room where she was sleeping, and took her purse from on the door handle of her closet, opened her wallet, and put the money out of my father's into her wallet, where it belongs. I am not going to let him to this to us any longer. No more... No more


I yawned with my eyes still shut. I actually didn't get waken up today. This is a odd feeling. I relaxed waiting for my body to reboot. I felt the sheets below me. They feel different. They felt softer, as did my pillow. I put my hands on my head and ran my figures through my hair. It felt shorter. I opened my eyes slightly to see a complete different environment then my bedroom. Shutting my eyes again, thinking I might still be half in my dream. I waited around five more minutes and opened my eyes slightly again. I popped out of bed looking around me. "Oh, I'm still dreaming!" I thought to myself. I love dreams where you know your still dreaming... But, to be honest to myself, It felt like real life. I wanted to wake up. I put my legs over the side of the king-sized bed. I looked around the beautiful bedroom. Everything, was so... clean. I put my bare feet on the soft rug on the floor. I stood up seeing a beautiful pair of silk pajama pants, as well as my shirt.

Do I really want to actually wake up from this dream? I Have to if I should get up on time for work. How to wake myself up? Scare myself out of the dream! I ran around the room slamming myself into the wall, then falling to the ground. I felt all the pain and clutched onto my head as I lay ed on the ground from the fall. This isn't a dream... Is it?! I got up off the ground and slowly opened the door as my heart pounded, thinking about why I am in this extremely nice house. I looked into the hall seeing a kitchen.

"Hello?" I called out, hearing my own voice, thinking it sounds a little off. I took one step out looking left and right seeing no one. I walked slowly into the kitchen and looked around the nice, newly tiled floor. My bare feet hit the floor one step after another. This is so confusing. I know I'm not sleeping now. I gulped as I explored down another hall, seeing a bath room. I walked down the hall and walked into the bathroom. I switched on the lights to see a little better. I looked into the clear, nice mirror and screamed.

This is not me! I am in another girls body! I recognize who she... or I am. I gulped as I looked to my green eyes, and short black hair. I heard fast moving foot steps as I sat on the edge of the bathtub covering my eyes scared.

"Alice? Alice! Are you okay? I heard screaming!" A voice I recognize... It can't be... It just can't be. I opened my eves slowly and looked up to a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Br-Br-Brendon Ur-Ur-Urie?" I said looking up at him as my face grew pale and my stomach turned and ached. I knew I recognized the girl's body I'm in... Alice, Brendon Urie's girlfriend.

"Sweet heart, you look like you have seen a ghost." He said, Brendon was talking to me... I felt my eyes roll back as my vison became black. I fainted.
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Hope you like it :D