Tonight, Tonight She's Not Alone

Chapter Twelve.

I was pouring sweat by now; each and every muscle in my body was shaking with sheer pleasure. It felt so fantastic I didn’t ever want to stop. Suddenly everything tensed up and the pressure that had built up inside me released, relaxing all my muscles; I sighed and my body went limp. The entire time I hadn’t realized that she was still crying for help and begging me to stop.

I pulled out and rested my body on top of hers, smearing my sweat onto her skin. I kissed her reluctant lips and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. She thrashed around, trying to break free from the restraints, but with no luck she resorted to trying to bite me whenever I got near her face.

“Just tell me who you are! Or let me go! I swear I won’t tell anyone!” She cried. Tears had now stained the cloth draped over her eyes and it hurt me to see her cry again, but I couldn’t let her know who I was. No, that’d ruin the plan that had been set out.
“Shh, don’t worry about it. We’ll be out of here soon.” I whispered.

She stopped her crying and seemed to stare into the darkness.
“Where?” Was the only word to escape her mouth.
“I have a plan. Just you and I… We’ll head south.” Whose voice was this? This strange voice escaping from my mouth. It was a deeper, more hushed, in tone. It certainly wasn’t my voice, was it?

“How long?”
“A couple of days, maybe months… or even forever…” I whispered the last part so it was barely audible. She was calmer now, maybe giving in to this new seductive voice that had even me wondering who it was. “Are you ready?” I asked, sitting myself on her hips. She took in a large amount of air before nodding her head, still a little wary about these plans.

I kissed her soft lips once more and gently glided to the floor. I found my pants and boxers on the floor and quickly slid them over my hips. My shirt still held her hands together behind her head so I’d have to grab it later.

I straddled her waist again and began to untie one hand and then the other. While sitting on top of her I could feel each breath she took rise and fall between my thighs. The sensation tingled through out my body and brought me away from my work for a moment. Once I came back down from my temporary high I started to untie her feet. She sighed in relief and went to reach up to the blindfold that was still around her eyes. I pulled her hand away and put the shirt that had been used to tie up her right foot in her hand. She took the notion to fumble her way through the cloth and slip it over her head.

Once she was half decent, I grabbed her by the hand and lead her slowly down the dark hallway. We both shuffled down the stairs cautiously and stepped into her empty kitchen.
“Now, I want you to do something, okay? Can I trust you? You won’t run?” I spoke softly. She silently nodded and stood still, waiting for directions.
♠ ♠ ♠
What an awkward place to leave off... Oh well.
Probably one more chapter to go!
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed and commented after each chapter so far! It's really appreciated. :3
