Tonight, Tonight She's Not Alone

Chapter One.

Images of her plague my mind everyday.
In my dreams, I see only her.
Every day gets worse, locked in a vice my thoughts perverse...

It seems I know everything there is to know about her, yet, she doesn't know a thing about me. She has cleared me right out of her memory but I still hold each moment we had together as though they could slip away at any moment.

You see, things were never like this before.
Call it "stereotypical" if you must, but it's only truth.
We used to be best friends around the age of 6. When you're six, the world is something undiscovered. Nothing matters besides juice boxes, snack time, and Pokemon cards. You're friends with everyone but your best friends are the ones that matter, whether they be a girl or a boy. Her and I were best friends.
We'd play together almost every day. Sleep overs every weekend. We were nearly impossible to seperate. When it came to school and were put in different classes, we both cried to our parents and begged them to put us in the same class. It worked the first time they complained to the principle of our elementary school but it didn't work when it came to middle school.
That's where it all changed. Where everything changed. People grew up. She grew up but I didn't. In her opinion, I was too "childish" for her. I was ruining her opportunity to become a "woman" and get with guys.
By the nineth grade, I didn't even know who she was any more. She didn't know who I was any more. I thought I was fine with what had happened, but my loss of friendship and my need for a feminine figure in my life, I grew a lust for her.

My lust didn't subside as the years went on, it only grew into a horrible bubbling monster that drove me mad. My want for her grew so strong it seemed to become an... obsession.
She is my obsession....