Tonight, Tonight She's Not Alone

Chapter Five.

The next morning I found myself still clenching my stomach, the blankets on my bed were kicked to the floor and I was still wearing jeans and a t-shirt. My hair stuck to my forehead and sweat beaded down my neck.
I dreamt of her. Her glorious body, deep brown eyes, and soft golden skin.
‘I need you.’

I sat up and wiped the sweat from my face. The shadows in my room told me it was noon; time to get up. I could smell whatever had been cooked for breakfast lingering around the house, making my stomach growl with hunger pains. I wrapped my arm around my stomach and staggered downstairs.

“Hey, sweetie,” My mom smiled from the table. I gave her a short grin back and opened the fridge. I needed something to satisfy my growling stomach. I prepared a sandwich and nearly swallowed it whole in hopes that it would stop the pains.

“What are you doing today?” My mom asked me, sipping from her coffee cup. I shrugged my shoulders and zoned off into oblivion. The scene from last night kept playing in my head.

“Hello?Hello?Hello?” A hand waved in front of my face. Mark. “Are you going for a shower?” I nodded my head and stood up, escaping from his bulky presence.

I slammed the bathroom door behind me and locked it, just in case. I grasped the toilet, my friend, and began prodding the back of my throat for that gag reflex.

Once I emptied out the contents of my stomach, I started the shower until steam floated around the room and fogged the mirror. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and let the heat attack my naked body. I took a deep breath in and stepped under the stream. The water ran down my scalp and shoulders and overwhelmed me with a burning sensation. I enjoyed the burning; it was as if I was cleansing myself of everything.

After I cleaned myself and stepped out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and sighed…
‘Not thin enough,’

I prepared myself for the invasion of cool air upon my skin and swung the door open. Goosebumps ran up my arms and a shiver went down my spine. As I ran to my room to take cover in the warmth of my blankets, the towel nearly slipped off my hips. I grabbed onto it tightly as I made the trek to my room and slid under the blankets.

I settled down inside the rough material and started to doze off when my attention was caught by the raised voices from outside my window. Curiosity got the better of me and I slithered up to the window, not bothering to cover myself. Two figures were standing across the street yelling profanities at each other. Something wasn’t right.

It was Her and her boyfriend. They must’ve gotten into a fight; why else would they be shouting out each other’s imperfections to the whole world? I watched as his face turned red with anger as she stood on her tip-toes yelling at him. It was like watching two cats fight.

I strained my ears to try and listen to what was going on. From what I had gathered, he showed up to her house unexpectedly while her parents where out and was practically demanding sex.

The fight didn’t last much longer, seeing as he got beyond angry, raised his hand and smacked her across the face before speeding off in his car. The smack as his hand collided with her face echoed up to my ears and I could almost feel the monster inside me wanting to go over there and stab him twenty times with a dull knife.
‘That sounds crazy, don’t think things like that!’ I told myself, but deep down inside I still wanted to do it for the blood lust.

She stood in her driveway and suddenly collapsed to the ground in tears, holding up a soft hand to her red face. My heart was sinking with each sob that escaped from her. I wanted to do anything to make things better, to not see her cry, but I knew there was really nothing I could do.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is awkward and boring, but just wait, better things are to come.
Shout out to ClaraZombie for commenting after each chapter. LOL
