Tonight, Tonight She's Not Alone

Chapter Six.

The day passed slowly and painfully. To pass the time I surrounded myself with thoughts. Every time I would think of anything, my brain would immediately lead me to think of her.
I wanted her. I needed her.

Suddenly, a voice broke me from my own world.
“Hey! Get down here!”
I jolted up from my bed and sauntered downstairs. Mark stood at the bottom with a nice leather jacket hanging from his shoulders, my mom a few feet behind him.

“Can you handle feeding yourself tonight?” My mom squeaked. I nodded my head, though I knew I wasn’t going to eat tonight.
“We’re going out for dinner with the neighbors…” Mark butt in, pushing my mother out the door, and quickly slammed it behind him without any further words.
I felt relieved to be alone with my thoughts.
No Mark. No pregnant mother. Just myself.

I raced up to my room to watch Mark and my mom cross the street and join Her parents. They piled into the car and sped off down the street. When the vehicle turned the corner and left my view, I glanced up and caught the eyes with a face from across the street. We stared at each other for a few moments and then turned away, pretending that nothing had happened.

My heart bounced around my chest cavity.
‘She looked at me!’
A large smile stretched across my face; a genuine smile. I felt as though I could vomit, I was so excited. Through my excitement a thought snagged itself in the front of my mind.
'We're both alone...'
I grinned at the thought and felt my body go numb.

Tonight was the night.
Tonight I would make my move.
Tonight, she would not be alone…
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a short little chapter setting up what's going to happen next...