Torn into Two

Molly, I don't think you are

"Molly, I don't think you are." My mother shook her head in disbelief.
"What do you mean? Shouldn't I know myself? It's not like you know my feelings." I spat back.
You're probably wondering what the hell is going on aren't you? Well, the past month or so, I've been looking at girls a, well… different way. And I just now decided to tell my mother that I believe I'm bisexual. I had already told two of my best friends; Marie and Ann. Marie seemed to accept it more than Ann did… which didn't really surprise me because Ann was from a kind of religious family. But of course, Marie being the best friend that she is.. was absolutely fine with it! The thing is, my mom is religious as well… that's why I think she isn't taking this very well.

"I just don't think that you are like that." My mother shrugged and sat on the couch.
"May I ask why you don't believe me?" I tried to calm myself.
"You're living in a two dimensional world Molly." She wouldn't even look me in the eye.
"Say what?" I raised an eyebrow.
She sighed. "All you do is go on your computer, or watch TV."
"So? Are you blaming an inatimant object?" No shit she was.
"No! I'm saying that it's feeding you ideas. And I think like everything else… it's just a phase you're going through. You'll get over it." She turned her head and looked out the sliding glass door of our two story apartment.

I shook my head sadly and went into my room and flopped on my bed.
I laid there and wondered what my father would say.
You see, about two months ago my father and mother divorced. My father moved to Florida whilst my mom and I were stuck in a two bedroom apartment, with a tiny bathroom to match the itty bitty kitchen and living room. So everything was pretty much as small as you could get it. But I guess that's what an apartment is right? A very small house.
Any way… I wasn't really sure what my father would say. I don't really talk to him all that much, besides the occasional phone call or email. He's recently been 'found' by Jesus.. so maybe telling him wasn't the greatest idea.
But hey, don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to put down Catholics, or any other religion. I just don't see what's wrong with gay or bisexual people.

As all these thoughts were flinging through my brain, I heard a small beep. I smiled and went to my computer. Upon turning on the monitor, I saw a message from Marie.

'Hey, did you tell her?'it read.
I sighed as I typed back a response. 'Yeah, I told her.'
'What did she say?'
'She pretty much blamed it on the computer and the TV.'
'Aw Molly I'm sorry.'
'Yeah, so am I.'I felt a twinge of pain in my heart. I really was upset that my mom couldn't accept me as I was, and she had to blame it on other things.
'Well, she'll get over it some day.'Marie responded and I smiled.
'You always know how to make me smile don't cha?'
'Yup, pretty much.'
'So, do we have any thing exciting planned for this magical summer?'
'You know how you wanted to go to that Bouncing Souls show and I couldn't get tickets?'
Oh please tell me she got tickets. 'Marie, please tell me you have tickets!'
'I AM Marie aren't I? Of course I got us tickets!'
I squealed in happiness. 'Oh my god Marie! I love you!' She knew I meant just as a friend of course.
'Yeah, happy 17th birthday!'
'Wait, that concert is tomorrow night!' I need to go shopping… bad.
'You have nothing to wear do you?'
'Sure! Pick me up in about an hour?'
'See you soon! And thank you so much Marie!' She really was my life saver.
'You're welcome!'
I turned off my computer and headed into the living room.
"Hey mom?"
"Yes Molly?" She asked as if I had told her nothing earlier.
"Is it alright if I go to the mall with Marie?" I asked as I sat next to her on the couch.
"Sure. Don't stay out all night though. We don't need you trying to climb in through the balcony." She chuckled.
"Okay.. and uhm hey mom?" Please say yes.
"What?" She turned away from the TV.
"Can I go to that Bouncing Souls concert tomorrow night? Marie actually got tickets!" I smiled and hoped for the best.
My mom sighed.
"Please mom! She got me the tickets for my birthday!" I pleaded.
"Well… since she already bought them… I guess you can go." My mother smirked.
"Yay!" I shouted and hugged my mom. "Thank you soo much!"
My mother laughed. "You're welcome, and remember, don't be home late!"
"I won't!" I called as I raced up the stairs to get ready to go to the mall with Marie.

should i continue ?