Torn into Two

Because you're a crazy little boy?

"That was fantastic!" Mikey exclaimed as we exited the theatre into the cool air.
"Yeah it really was." Marie smiled.
"I'm hungry." Frank stated randomly.
"Really, is that your take on the movie Mr…" Shit. That's when I realized; I don't even know their last names!
Frank laughed. "Iero. And this is my co-pilot Mr. Way." He motioned towards Mikey, who waved.
"Well, that's good to know." Marie chuckled as well.
"I guess you'll want to know my last name as well?" I asked.
Frank shrugged. "Sure, why not?"
"Alright, I'm Molly Flanagan, and this is my co-pilot Marie Mason." I motioned to Marie, who had waved just as Mikey had.
"Now that we're all acquainted. Let's go get some food, before I die!" Frank skipped off in a random direction.
"Does he do that often?" Marie laughed.
Mikey nodded. "You'll get used to it."
"Wait, whose car are we taking? Or are we following you?" Marie asked, and Frank stopped mid skip.
"You can follow us I guess, so your car doesn't get kleptoed!" Frank shouted from across the parking lot.
We all laughed.
"What? Kletpoed is a word!" Frank pouted.
"Okay Frank, we believe you!" Mikey rolled his eyes.
Frank came back over and stuck his tongue out at Mikey. "So, where are we going to eat?"
"Papa Gino's Pizza?" Mikey shrugged. "I can never turn down pizza!"
"Alright, pizza it is then!" I said as we all got into our cars.

"This is fun." Marie grinned as we followed Frank's mustang down the highway.
"Yeah it is." I agreed and grinned myself.
"So… who are you going to pick?" Marie and her nosiness. Gotta love her though!
I sighed and looked outside my window. "I seriously don't know. I mean, they're both great people and everything."
"Can you see yourself being with one of them longer?" Marie got all serious on me.
I thought. "I still can't tell. But I hate going out with two people at the same time, it feels weird."
"Well, let's state the obvious. What do you like about both of them?"
Again, I thought. "Zoey is so sweet and caring, so beautiful, she speaks her mind. She seems like she isn't afraid of anything. Frank is so hyper, so gorgeous, so concerned. I mean, I've seen him one other time besides this, and I walk up to him and he hugs me; just because my house was robbed." I shook my head in confusion. I truly didn't know what to do. And I really didn't want to hurt one of them by breaking it off with them. Sure I would want to stay friends with the one I 'dumped' -so cliché I know-.
"Hmm." Was all I got from Marie as we pulled into the parking lot. "Just think about it. Maybe if you keep an open mind, it and your heart will choose for you."
"Wow, that was deep." I giggled.
Marie rolled her eyes. "Hey, I'm trying to help."
"I know, and I appreciate it." I smiled.
"Come on guys! Pizza awaits!" Frank said impatiently as the two of us closed the Scion's doors.
"We're coming! Keep your pants on!" I laughed.
"Maybe I won't! Maybe I'll walk in there with just my boxers on. That's not illegal!" Frank joked.
"You are one weird kid." Marie joked as well.

We ordered a cheese pizza, and Frank got a vegetarian pizza.
"So, how's life as a vegetable?" I giggled as we all ate our pizza.
"It's very good thank you." Frank said as he popped a small piece of pepper in his mouth.
"Weirdo." Marie mumbled to herself, and Mikey -who was seated next to her- let out a chuckle.
"I heard that." Frank pouted. "Molly!" He dragged out my name as he said it. His hazel orbs burned into my icky brown ones.
"Yes Frank?" I asked.
"Your friend is mean!" He still kept a tight lock on my eyes.
"I know." I snickered.
"Hey! Am not!" Marie argued.
"Yeah huh!" Frank argued as well.
"Children be quiet!" An old lady growled from a table over.
We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
The old lady grumbled something and went up to the counter. The employee looked at us and slowly started to walk over.
"I'm going to have to ask you four to leave." He spat.
"Okay man, chill out. We were laughing, not throwing bombs at each other." Frank said as he stood and took my hand. Mikey followed with Marie.

"That was awesome! I didn't know you could get kicked out of Papa Gino's!" Marie laughed.
"Me neither!" I wiped a tear that my laughing had produced off my cheek.
"Aw look! Us getting kicked out made Molly cry!" Frank wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin against my shoulder. His warm breathe tickled my neck. "It's okay sugar, we can go cause havoc some where else!" He promised.
I rolled my eyes. "You really are a silly little boy!" I ruffled his hair.
"Uh oh." Mikey said as his eyes widened and hid behind Marie.
Frank let go of my waist and just stared at me. "Yo-you ruffled my hair."
"Yeah…" Uh oh was right.
"How could you?" Frank asked sadly.
"Because you're a crazy little boy?" I asked more as a question.
"Well then, I'm just going to have to do this!" Frank exclaimed and used both hands to ruffle my own hair.
"Frank quit it!" I pleaded and tried to swat his hands away.
I could hear the laughter from Marie and Mikey.
Frank finally stopped, my hair was everywhere.
"Aw Frank look what you did!" I pouted.
"Ha, have you learned your lesson missy?" Frank asked as if he was scolding a 3 year old.
"No. I have learned that I'm going to wear a hat next time." I retorted as I fixed my hair.
"You're both such drama queens!" Mikey accused.
Frank and I both flipped him off.
"Any way… Let's go do something exciting!" Marie suggested.
"Like what?" Frank returned his arms around my waist, and his head on my shoulder and I smiled.
"Like look at the stars silly pants!" Marie laughed.
"Looking at the stars is exciting?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, when you're lying in the grass in a random field it is!" I agreed with Marie.
"And do you have a random field we could lay in?" Frank's chin moved my shoulder as he spoke.
"Who doesn't?" Marie giggled.