Torn into Two

She did what?!

"Hello?" A groggy Ann answered.
"I'm sorry did I wake you?" I bit my lip. I hate disturbing people.
"No, I'm just tired." Ann laughed.
"Sorry, I just got back." I held the phone with my cheek as I fished out some PJs.
"From where?" Anna asked curiously.
"I went out with Marie and some…" I stopped and decided on a word. "Friends."
"Friends?" Ann was suspicious.
"Yeah. Friends." I confirmed. And it wasn't a lie. They were our friends… with benefits as of now.
"Would these friends happen to have a name?" Now she seemed to be getting sort of rude.
"Frank and Mikey." I said as I slid on my sweat pants.
"Oh. So you got rid of Zoey?" She said her name as if it was a disease.
"Excuse me. I mustn't have heard you correctly. Can you say that again?" I asked.
"I'm sorry Molly. It's just hard to process, and get used to it." She sighed.
"It's not like you just found out I have a deadly disease, and you're going to catch it by being my friend!" I retorted.
"I'm going to be honest with you." She spat.
"Good." I butted in.
"I don't like it. I don't like the fact that you like girls." It was as if I was Satan's minion coming to take her soul! Why was she being like this? "So to me, it is a disease. And maybe I shouldn't be around to catch it."
"What are you saying?" I knew what she was saying. And it was like a stab in the heart.
"I'm saying I don't want to be around you, I don't want to speak to you, and I don't even want to know you anymore Molly. You aren't Molly anymore." Her words stung me like a million bees.
"But I still am Molly! I'm no different!" I wanted Ann to be my friend. I never thought she'd be like this.
"Not to me Molly. Every time someone says your name, I think of you making out with some chick. It sickens me. So now, any time some one says your name, I'll simply say I've never met you." Her words burned into my skull.
"I-I" I couldn't even say anything to her. I just hung up the phone before the abuse could continue.

I had lost a friend over something completely idiotic. I flopped on my bed, face down in to my fluffy pillows. Tears stung my eyes and fell onto my pillow. What had I done to deserve this? Why did karma decide to fuck me over? Why does every thing have to be so damn difficult?
I probably shouldn't have even told Ann anything. Then she would have at least still been my friend. But then again, maybe it was for the best. Maybe I'll be better off without her always making comments about it to hurt my feelings.
I guess my tears turned into soft sobs, because the next thing I heard was a soft knock on my door.

"Molly?" My mother called. "Are you okay?" She opened the door a little.
"I don't know." And I truly didn't.
My mom came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me what's wrong… please."
"Ann just pretty much told me she never wants to see me again. She doesn't want to be my friend anymore. And on top of that, I'm 'going out' with two completely different people, and don't know who to pick." I wanted to hide under a rock and never come out.
"Why isn't Ann your friend any more?" My mother took it one step at a time.
"Because I'm bi." I just said it. I didn't care if my mom protested or not.
"Oh." Wow mom, original. Thanks for the support.
"She said that it sickened her." I blanched at Ann's words.
"I'm sorry hun." She rubbed my arm. "Now tell me about these two people."
Normally I wouldn't open up to my mom like this, but she's the only one I can talk to right now.
"Well, like I said… they are completely different. One person is very out going and hyper. He is hilarious and yet very sweet and caring. The other person is more shy, yet speaks their mind. They know how to make me smile. And I'm attracted to both of them, and I just don't know what to do." I explained.
"I'm going to guess one of these people is Frank?" Good job mom! You get a cookie!
"Yes." I sighed.
"Is the other one Mikey?" Nope, gimmie back the cookie bitch.
"No." I took a breath. "Her name is Zoey."
"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Because if I tell you my opinion, you're not going to like it." Well at least she was being honest.
"You want me to be with Frank don't you?" Any one could have figured that out.
My mother nodded.
I sighed in frustration. "Thanks for your input mom, but I really think I should go to bed now." I yawned, and it wasn't just an act to get my mom to leave. I really was tired.
"Okay sweetheart. Sweet dreams." Isn't it just spectacular that my mother still calls me sweetheart? -Note the sarcasm!-

She shut the light off as she walked out, leaving me in the darkness, to slip into a dreamless sleep.

//Time Elapse\\

"She did what?!" Marie basically yelled into the phone as I told her about last night's mishaps. "I can't believe it!"
"I don’t understand it either." I sighed.
"She said you had a disease?" Marie was -obviously- pissed. And it's not a good thing to get on Marie's bad side.. just trust me.
"Pretty much." I confirmed.
Marie sighed angrily. "So, am I going to have to call the mafia?"
"No! I don't want to kill her you crazy kid!" I laughed. "I guess she just wasn't a great friend like I thought. But I'm going out with Zoey soon, so that should make me feel better."
"Oh really? What are you guys doing?" Marie's attitude started to go from pissed to interested.
"She said she was going to make me lunch. She is apparently a really good cook." I smiled.
"That's good. Well, in that case, I'll talk to you later. Have fun!" Marie said and hung up before I could say good bye.

I'm just hoping Marie doesn't end up showing up at Ann's house with anger coursing through her veins. I love her to death, but Marie really is a crazy kid. I laughed to myself as I threw on some jeans and a Bouncing Souls shirt I had gotten that night at the concert.
About 10 minutes later, my hair was perfect and so was my makeup.

"Good bye mom!" I called, but didn't give her a chance to respond.
I took out my car keys as I bounded down the stairs. Zoey had given me the directions to her house this morning. As soon as I got into the car I turned the air conditioner on. Let me tell you, summer gets pretty damn hot.
I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along with the music as I followed the street signs.
After getting lost at least twice, I finally arrived at Zoey's house. It was quaint and cozy. Not too big, and not too small. It had been painted a beautiful pale yellow with white shutters. I actually don't think I've seen a prettier house in New Jersey.
Making sure that my car door was locked, I took a deep breath as I walked up the perfect walk way. I lightly knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for a pair of green eyes to meet my gaze.

"Molly!" Zoey pulled me into a hug, which caught me by surprise, but I wasn't complaining.
"Hey Zoey." I smiled as she led me inside the house. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside. It was clean as well. And the aroma coming from the kitchen made my mouth water.
"I hope you're hungry." Zoey motioned me into the kitchen/dinning area.
"I am." I nodded.
"I made chicken marcela." She smiled that smile that makes me want to adopt all the little puppies and kitties that are about to be put in a gas chamber…. Okay, that was very descriptive. I just love her smile okay? "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, I love chicken." It felt a little awkward. I mean, other than my mom, I've never had anyone cook for me before.

We both sat down to eat the delicious smelling food.
"This looks really good." I complimented.
"Thank you." Zoey smiled.
I was about to take my first bite when someone walked into the room.
"What smells so good?" I knew the voice right away.
I turned to see Frank standing in the door frame. We both looked at each other, unsure of what to say or do.