Torn into Two

Should I explain?

Frank's POV

"Alright, I'm going to see Zoey!" I called to Mikey and Gerard as I slipped on my converse.
"See you later!" Mikey called back.
"Don’t come home late." Gerard shouted.
"Whatever Gee!" I laughed and headed out the door.

You see, my mom and dad divorced about 5 years ago, and 4 years ago my father married a lady named Lilly. She had a daughter… Zoey. So, that makes Zoey my step sister. She's actually pretty cool. But the thing is, she's gay… and my father is a huge homophobe. And I guess you could say I'm just scared for her. Any way, every once in a while I go over to see her at Lilly and my dad's house, just to check up on her and stuff. I'm a good brother I guess… well I try any way.
I pulled up to the house and saw a black mustang parked outside…It looked familiar. I shrugged it off and walked up the steps. The door was unlocked so I just walked in. An amazing smell filled my nose as I walked towards the kitchen.

"What smells so good?" I asked as I entered the kitchen; but stopped dead in my tracks. Here was my step sister, having lunch with Molly? Obviously they weren't just friends because Zoey does this for all her girlfriends on their second or third date. I swallowed an invisible rock.
"Oh Molly, this is my step-brother Frank. Frank this is Molly." Zoey smiled. "So what are you doing here Frank?"
"Uhm, I came to just say hi." I kept my stare on Molly. And she just stared back.
"Do you want to eat with us?" Zoey offered.
"What are we having?" I asked, now slowly moving my gaze to Zoey. I didn't want to be rude.
"Chicken… oh right. You're vegetarian. I can make something else if you like." Zoey stood and was about to walk to the fridge.
"No it's okay, I'll just catch up with you later." I looked one last time at Molly, making sure she saw my facial expression, and simply walked out.

I pretty much ran to my car and zoomed down the street.
What the hell was going on? Didn't Molly like me? Was I not good enough for her? Maybe there was a reasonable explanation for it, and I was just blowing it out of proportion? No. I know what I saw. I pulled into a random side street and parked on the side. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Molly. Not planning on being discrete. I was just going to simply ask her.
'Are you going out with Zoey?' I hit the send button and waited.
After waiting a good 5 minutes I sighed and decided she wasn't going to answer any time soon. I turned my car back on and pulled on to the main road. I didn't want to go back and talk to Mikey about it. I kind of just wanted to be alone. And where else better then the park swings?

I pulled up to the park and smiled. No one was here. Thank god, I don't think I could handle screaming children right now. I locked my car and slowly wandered over to an open swing, letting my body sink into the odd smelling rubber seat. I used my feet to push my self slowly back and forth, hardly even moving.
Was I even aloud to get mad? I mean, we weren't technically together. But still, I think I had the right to be confused. And I think I had the right to have this explained to me.
Just as that thought ran through my head, my phone beeped. Oh, she decided to answer I guess.
'Can I talk to you? I'd rather not talk over the phone and risk a horrendous car crash.' I smirked as I read this. Maybe it would be better if we spoke face to face…

Molly's POV

'Are you going out with Zoey?' I read the message at least 10 times. I knew how to answer the question, but I didn't want to have this conversation through text. I wanted to speak to him face to face.
'Can I talk to you? I'd rather not talk over the phone and risk a horrendous car crash.' I hit the send button.
It wasn't a lie.
I drove around aimlessly waiting for an answer. Finally I heard my sidekick beep and I flipped it open.
'I'm at the park.'
Thank god. I smiled and sped down the road.

I slowly pulled into the parking lot and shut off the car. It took me longer than usual, but I finally got out of the car and locked the door. I looked over and saw Frank's red mustang sitting on the other side of the parking lot, nearer to the swings. I took a deep breath. At least he told me the right place, he didn't send me on a wild goose chase across town.
I walked into the entrance of the park and saw a small body sitting on the swings, kicking the wood chips occasionally. I walked up to the swings slowly, my feet crunching, yet he never turned around. I was at least 8 feet away from him. But it wasn't until I cleared my throat that he looked up. When he noticed me he stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey." I whispered for a reason unknown to me.
"Hi." He was whispering as well. I felt like he was about to tell me the secret codes to the white house, and I was going to kidnap the president.
"Should I explain?" I inquired.
"Please." He asked sternly.
"Well," I took about 5 minutes straight to explain how I mad met Zoey, and my feelings for her. I also explained to him my feelings for him. "And I just don't know what to do." We were now sitting on the benches.
"That was, quite a story." Was the response that Frank gave me.
"I'm sorry Frank." And I truly was. "I just figured I would have picked by now. And if I hadn't I would have wanted you to find out this way. And it's not like I knew she was your step sister."
Frank took my hand in his, and looked me straight in the eye. "If you do pick her. Please don't hurt her. And if you pick her, I think you should be careful."
"What? Why?" I was obviously confused.
"My father- her step father- is quite a homophobe." He sighed. "And I don't want either of you to get hurt in some way."
"I would never hurt her." I said quietly and looked down.

I was suddenly scared of being in a relationship with Zoey. What if her step father did find out, and he did something terrible?
Frank used his index finger to gently pull my face to look into his eyes. His eyes searched mine, trying to comprehend all my emotions running rampid in my brain. I caught him by surprised by crashing my lips against his. I squeezed my eyes tight and wrapped my arms around his neck, making the kiss deeper. I tried so hard to keep from letting a tear spill from my eyes, but my best wasn't good enough. A small tear left my eyes and mixed with our kiss. Frank pulled away. I'm surprised he had let the kiss go on for that long. I thought he would have pushed me away.

"What's wrong?" He stroked my cheek lightly.
"I'm so confused, and scared." I admitted and Frank pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Talk to me." Frank said as he rubbed soothing circles on my back.
"I-I don't know what to do. I'm scared that if I let one of you go, I'm going to regret it. And I'm just confused on everything." Yeah, like he would understand that.
Frank sighed. "I don't know what to tell you. All I know is that I would want you to pick who you would be happy with."
"The thing is, is that you guys are opposites. Literally. I'm trying to pick a girl over a boy." I gritted my teeth. Why was this so hard?
"That is true." I felt Frank nod a little. "Does Zoey know about you and me?"
I shook my head. "No. I tried to tell her, but I didn't have the guts."
"I don't think she would be happy about it." Frank said.
"Who would be?" I sighed.
"True." He nodded again.
"But you seem to be taking very well." I commented.
"That's because I really like you, and I love my step sister like my own flesh and blood." He pulled me closer. "And I can't choose between the two of you. I mean, I can be selfish and try to have you for myself, or I can let you go with Zoey."
"Go on." I told him.
"So I'm basically trying to stay neutral, I'm going to let you make your own decision." He was so honest.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"For what?" He asked.
"For being so understanding." I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, the eyes of an angel.
He smiled and me, and I returned it the smile. As if he was reading my thoughts, he brought his lips onto mine. I ran my fingers through his colored hair and placed them on his neck. He wrapped his own arms around my waist and pulled me as close to him as physically possible. I smiled into the kiss as I felt him snake his tongue gently into my mouth and graze it against my own.
How perfect was this? He made me feel so safe, like nothing was ever going to hurt me, like no one else in the world existed. We pulled away -to my disappointment-, to breathe oxygen we desperately needed.
I kept my eyes shut with my forehead against his and bit my lip.
This was going to be way more difficult then I thought.