Torn into Two


Frank let out a deep sigh. "I have to go."
"No, stay." I kept my hand on his neck, not letting him take his forehead off mine.
"I told Mikey and Gerard that I would be right back. And it's getting dark out." He looked deeply in my eyes. And every time he did this, it was like he was reading my soul.
"Aww, are you afraid of the dark?" I teased.
Frank chuckled. "No, but I'd rather not-"
"Yeah, yeah get molested by a deer in the middle of a park. I get it." I sighed a slipped my hand off his neck.
He pecked my lips once more. "Call me if you need anything."
I nodded and he left the bench, leaving me to get smothered in my thoughts.
A few minutes later it got surprisingly cold for a summer night. I decided to retreat to my car.
Once inside I revved the engine and turned the heater on right away. But I didn't leave the parking lot yet. I searched my glove box for what I really needed.
"Yes." I smiled to myself as I pulled out my carton of cigarettes. I don't usually smoke all that much, but man did I need one right now.
I flipped open the top to see at least 5 cancer sticks looking back at me, and a small black lighter that fit perfectly in the box. I pulled out the lighter and one of the nasty little cancer causers. I quickly lit it and inhaled. I rolled down both of my windows and blew the blue tinted smoke out.

I flipped open my sidekick to check the time. 7:15. It wasn't that late. In fact, it wasn't late at all. Just as I went to put my phone back into my pocket, it rang causing me to jump.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Molly, its Zoey." Wow, does she have timing or what? Frank probably hasn't even reached home yet, and she's calling.
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier today." She sounded so sincere.
"That's alright. I understand." I took another drag and smiled. And why was it that I decided to not smoke as much?
"I want to make up for it. Do you want to come over? We have ice cream!" She offered.
"I sure do love ice cream." I smiled, even though she couldn't see it.
"So I'll see you soon?" She asked hopefully.
"Definitely." We said our good byes and hung up.

I took the last sweet drag and flicked it out the window. Some kid is probably going to find it on the ground and try to use it as chalk. I laughed to myself as I pulled onto the main road. Then his mother will probably see what he's doing and freak out. Oh I just love the stupidity of kids.
I wasn't far from Zoey's, so I got there in record time.
And there she was, waiting for me on the porch.
She smiled as I pulled into the driveway.

"That was fast." She stood as I approached.
"I was right down the street." We both sat back down on the porch.
"Yeah, the park is always fun." She giggled.
"You mind reader you." I laughed along. But my laughing subsided. Should I tell her about Frank and me?
"There's something wrong isn't there?" She sighed.
"You're good at this game aren't you?" I tried making light of the subject.
All she did was give a sad smile.
I took a deep breath before I began. "Well here's the thing." I exhaled. "I'm kind of also seeing some one else besides you."
"Okay, go on." She pushed.
"It's someone you know." I couldn't look her in the eye. I didn't know why I was so scared.
"It's Frank isn't it?" She asked quietly.
"How did you know?" I still didn't look up from the ground.
"The way you two were looking at each other today. Frank looked so hurt." She explained.
I looked up at her. "S-so you aren't mad right?"
She sighed. "Well I'm not happy. And I think that you should-"
"Zooooeyy?" A man came stumbling up to us.
"Shit. It's my step dad." Zoey whispered. "Hi Stan." Zoey's eyes immediately fell to the pavement.
"Who's this?" He pointed to me. "Another one of your girlfriends?" He spat on the ground as he said the word girlfriends, as if a bug had crawled into his mouth.
He sauntered a bit closer to Zoey. "You know I don't approve of this." Even I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I actually happen to be going out with her." Slap. The bastard slapped her right across the face.
"Wait. No. I'm just a friend. I'm going out with Frank!" I couldn't stand it that I was the cause of Zoey's pain.
"Oh. Frank? My son?" Wow. Yes buddy. Your only son Frank.
I nodded. "I just came to meet Zoey actually. I'm going to see Frank now." I stood.
"I'll walk you to your car." Zoey offered.
"Whatever." Stan scoffed and clambered up the stairs.

The two of us silently walked over to my car and leaned against it.
"I'm sorry you had to see that. And thanks for covering up." Zoey tried her best to smile.
I turned to her. "If me being with you, means that I am the cause of your physical pain… I'm not sure if I can handle that." I didn't want to lie to her.
An emotion flashed across her face, but I wasn't sure what it was. "He doesn't have to know."
I ran my hand across her smooth face. "He'd find out sugar." I was trying so hard to be strong, to keep the tears back. "Please tell me you understand that I never ever want to see you get hurt. And that I really care for you." Too late, I felt a small tear betray me and slip down my cheek.
Zoey embraced me in a hug, and I felt something wet hit my shoulder. She was crying.
I wrapped my arms around her. I wasn't going to lie, I would miss this girl; oh so very much.
"I'm willing to take the pain." She sniffed as she still held me close.
"But I'm not willing to cause it." I pulled away a bit, still staying in the embrace but just enough so I could look into those green eyes.
All of a sudden I felt her lips crash against mine. It was a surprise I happily accepted.
She put her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss.
She finally pulled away with a sigh. "I'll always be here as a friend okay? And I'll always be here if you and Frank don't work out."
I kissed her lips for the last time. "I promise you'll be the first person I call."
"Oh, Molly by the way." She added.
I turned back around to face her. "Yeah?"
"Don't tell Frank about Stan hitting me… he would blow up." She frowned.
"Okay. I won't." I promised and hopped into my car.
She tried to smile the best she could as she waved and I zoomed down the road in my car. I looked at the clock on my radio. 7:59.
A part of me inside knew that I would miss her dearly, but then again a part of me said that I made the right decision. And I could only hope that I did make the right decision.

Frank's POV

"Hey Frank." Mikey waved from on the couch as I entered our three bed room apartment.
"Hey Mikes, where's Gee?" I sighed and joined him on the couch.
"Out getting more groceries, since you drank all the coke." He laughed.
I smiled innocently. "Hey, think I can talk to you about something?"
"Of course Frank." Mikey nodded.
"Well, you know Molly?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah Frank. Didn't we just go out with her and Marie like, last night?" He laughed, but his laughing stopped as he saw the expression on my face.
"Well, she's seeing someone else besides me." Mikey nodded so I went on. "And it's Zoey. My step sister."
"Oh man." Mikey's eyes widened. "What did you do?"
"I didn't yell at her or anything, I just told her it was her decision." I shrugged.
"What are you going to do if she picks Zoey?" Mikey mused.
"Be happy for the both of them. I care about them both, and if they're happy, I'm happy right?" I could say that all I wanted on the outside, but on the inside I wanted Molly so desperately. The way she laughed, the way she jokes. Everything about her makes me giddy. And I don't want that taken away from me. Now don't get me wrong, I would love it if Zoey and Molly were together. I would be happy to see them happy. But it would pain me to see them together- and it kills me inside to think like that.
"Do you think I did the right thing?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, say that Marie was going out with both you and Gerard." I explained. "How would you feel? What would you do?"
"I'd feel a little jealous that she was going out with Gerard as well. But I would probably talk to her about it. Maybe do the same as you. But, I'm not in that situation so I hav-"
I laughed. "Okay Michael, stop rambling."
Just as the two of us started to laugh, Gerard came through the door with a shit load of bags.
"Help please!" Gerard demanded, more than asked.
Mikey and I rolled our eyes and helped Gerard with the bags.
"Hey Gee guess what." Mikey said as he put a twelve pack of cokes in the fridge.
"What Mikey, oh brother dearest?" Gerard laughed.
"Frank has a girlfriend!" Mikey ducked behind Gerard; he knew I would have hit him right upside his little nerdy head!
"Oh really?" Gerard raised an eyebrow. "Took you a while huh?" He joked.
"Ha ha." I said and threw an evil glare at Mikey. It wasn't that I didn't want Gerard to know, it was just that she wasn't necessarily my girlfriend….yet.
"So, what's her name?" Gerard asked.
"Molly." I answered as I had to stand on my tippy toes to put the cereal away.
"What's she like?" Gerard pressed.
I sighed. "Nice."
"Her name is Molly Flanagan, 17 years old, brown eyes, black hair, owns a black mustang." Mikey growled. "God! If I didn't say anything you two would have gone on like that all night!"
Gerard and I laughed.
"Well Mikey has a girlfriend too!" I stuck my tongue out at Mikey.
"Ohhh really?" Gerard giggled and sat at the kitchen table, very amused by all the news he was hearing. "And what's her name?"
"Her name is Marie Mason, she's 16, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and owns a black scion." Mikey smiled. "See, wasn't that easier?"
Gerard shrugged. "Still got the information. Maybe I won't remember all of that. You never know."
Mikey groaned and rolled his eyes.
"So when do I get to meet these lovely ladies?" Gerard asked with a smirk.
"When we decide to let you see them. You'll probably scare them to death." Mikey joked.
"Oh yeah, that's hilarious Mikey." Gerard pouted.

We were all sitting around the table laughing about random stuff when my phone beeped.
"Is it your old lady?" Gerard was still laughing from the joke Mikey had told.
I looked at my phone; I had gotten a text message from Molly. "Actually… it is Molly."
Mikey and I looked at each other. Gerard just sat there looking confused at the random silence.
"What did she say?" Mikey wondered.
I went straight for my inbox and read the message. "She wants to talk." I raised an eyebrow.
Mikey gave me a sympathetic look, making me think the worst.
I quickly text her back telling her the directions to come to the apartment.
"She'll be here soon." I announced and slipped my phone back into my pocket.
"Woo! I get to meet Frankie's girl friend!" Gerard got up from the table and started to dance around, the crazy fool.
"Are you sure you didn't drink the rest of the coke?" I laughed.
"Nope. You did." Gerard smiled.
"Be nice please?" I pleaded.
"I know, I know." Gerard rolled his eyes as the three of us retreated into the living room and flicked on the TV.

I sighed and crossed my arms as we continued to sit and chat during commercials.
I wasn't really paying much attention, but I would nod and laugh in the right places. I was really thinking about what Molly wanted to talk to me about. Had she picked already? And more importantly, was her choice Zoey? I remembered what I had said to Mikey earlier; even if Molly did pick Zoey, I should be happy for the both of them.
My thoughts were shattered as I heard a loud crack of lightning go off. I hadn't even realized it had started to pour. I heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I jumped up and went straight to the door.
I opened the door to see a drenched Molly standing there. "Hey." She smiled.
I didn’t even get a chance to say hello before her lips were hungrily attached to mine. It was so forceful that I was pushed further inside the house.

"Someone is happy to see Frank." I heard giggles from the couch.
Molly pulled away and glanced at the couch, her face immediately reddened.
"I'll introduce you later." I told Gerard and pulled Molly into the kitchen. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I held my breath, but by the hello I had gotten from her, something told me I had nothing to worry about.
"You haven't figured it out yet?" She laughed softly.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You've picked haven't you?"
She nodded. "Yes I have." She brought her lips to mine again, this time in a much more delicate kiss.
I pulled away and hugged her. "Was Zoey okay? What happened?" Nosey, I know.
"She was fine with it." She shrugged and ignored the second question.
"Okay. Well, 'Mr. Gerard' has been dying to meet you." I smirked and brought her into the living room. "Gerard, this is Molly. Molly this is the infamous Gerard."
Gerard stood and bowed. "Good evening."
Molly laughed. "Uhm, hi?"
Gerard laughed and slouched back on the couch.
"And of course you know Mikey." I gestured to Mikey sitting on the couch with his eyes glued to the TV.
"What? Did you call me?" He pried his eyes from the TV.
"No." I shook my head and laughed.
"Hey Mikes." Molly laughed and placed herself on the couch next to him. I joined the three on the couch.
Everyone was quiet; the only thing you could hear was the pounding of the rain outside. But that changed when we all saw a huge flash of light, followed by a boom. And everything went black.