Torn into Two


Molly's POV

"I can't believe the lights aren't fixed yet!" Gerard groaned.

"Uh oh, Gee's been deprived of coffee. This could get dangerous." Mikey giggled.

It has been about an hour since we stopped playing with the Ouija board, making it at least 4:45 am.

I put my head on Frank's shoulder and yawned.

"Tired?" Frank asked and yawned as well.

"Yes." I replied as everyone else in the room yawned as well. Hey, yawning is contagious!

"On that note, I'm going to bed." Mikey stood from the couch and lazily walked to the hallway.

"I agree with the child. I'm going to bed as well." Gerard grumbled and dragged his feet to his room.

Frank stood up and took Gerard's spot on the couch, causing me to whine from lack of warmth on the floor. He patted the spot next to him on the couch and smiled. I smiled back and happily placed my self next to him, snuggling into his chest.

"You can stay here tonight you know. You don't have to wait for the rain to stop and go home." Frank was obviously tired, because that sentence hardly made sense.

But I still understood it, and snuggled closer to his chest; breathing in his scent. He smelt of Axe deodorant, with a bit of cigarette smoke. But to me it was heavenly. Frank went to reposition himself, but instead, we ended up falling off the couch.

"Ow Frank!" I laughed as he landed right on top of me.

He laughed as well. "Are you calling me fat?"

"No. I'm saying that a human body landing on me is going to hurt no matter who it is." I giggled, and looked into his eyes.

There was only one candle left, and it was almost down to the end of the wick. But it still radiated enough light to gleam off of Frank's already glowing eyes.

I couldn't stand his body just inches from mine, I needed it, I needed his warmth. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I felt the vibrations of Frank's moan go from his lips to mine as I slyly slipped my tongue into his mouth.

As the kiss got more heated, the candle went out.

We broke apart in both surprise, and in need of air.

"Great. We're going to fall over something now." Frank said as he planted baby kisses on my neck.

"You can brake my fall." I smiled as I felt Frank grab my hands and pull me up from the ground.

We both yawned.

"Maybe you should brake my fall." Frank giggled and slowly led me into a hallway.

"I already broke your fall. You owe me one." I grinned weakly as we stopped and Frank opened a door. It was a dark colored door from what I could see, it was still dark out.

We entered what I believe is Frank's room and he shut the door behind us.

I flopped on to Frank's bed and was immediately engulfed in a big black comforter.

Frank giggled. "Did you get lost in the abyss?"

"Yes." I laughed as well and felt Frank get in to the bed next to me.

He pushed the blanket down and exposed my face to the darkness. He laughed as I pouted. "I'm sorry, did you like the abyss?"

"Yes, I did happen to like it." I smiled and slid myself under the covers.

I glanced over at the clock over Frank's shoulder.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"4:57." I read the neon green letters.

"We're going to end up sleeping until 3 tomorrow." Frank laid his head down on his pillow, I followed suit and yawned.

"Goodnight Molly." Frank grinned in the darkness.

"Goodnight Frankie." I grinned as well as Frank placed his lips onto mine and gave me a kiss goodnight that I wouldn't soon forget.

sorry its so short! I'll get more up as soon as i can!comments please!