Torn into Two

Yes! Morning Conflict!

I groaned lazily when I felt light touches on my collar bone. That’s when I opened my eyes and remembered where I was. I looked down to see Frank planting kisses on my collar bone and I smiled.

“Morning.” Frank giggled.
“Morning.” I replied with a smile before stretching. “What time is it?”
“2:34.” Frank answered. “Gerard and Mikey are already up.”
“No!” We both heard from down stairs.
“Yes! Morning conflict!” Frank smirked and pulled me out of the bed. “You’re lucky! This only happens every once in a while!”
“Aw Frank I’m too lazy!” I pouted as he pulled me down the stairs.
“How could you Michael!?” Gerard exclaimed.
“Oh man, he’s using his full name! This is serious!” Frank laughed softly as we both peeked around the corner and into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry! I figured you would grab a Starbuck’s before work!” Mikey retorted.
“I don’t have work today!” Gerard sat in one of the kitchen chairs.
“Uh oh.” My eyes widened.
“What?” Frank turned.
But before I could stop it, I sneezed. My sneeze isn’t like a normal sneeze either, it’s very distinct and high pitched.
Mikey and Gerard both looked towards the doorway.
“Frank! Mikey drank all the coffee!” Gerard said sadly as we entered the room.
“Well what would you like me to do about it? I don’t piss coffee!” Frank said as he opened a cupboard and took out two bowls. “Do you like Lucky Charms?”
“Is that a real question?” I smirked.
“Frank!” Gerard dragged out his friend’s name like a young child.
“Why don’t we all just go to Starbuck’s? There’s one right near Marie’s house. That way, maybe we can pick her up and we can all go do something!” I suggested as I sat down with Frank and started to eat the Lucky Charms.
“This one’s smart Frankie boy. She’s a keeper.” Gerard winked at me.
“And you’re a creeper.” I laughed. “Heh, that rhymed.”
“I’ll call Marie so you guys can finish eating.” Mikey said as he pulled out his phone and walked into the living room.
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please comment guys! I know this is my first update in a while, but I need something to keep me going! <3