Torn into Two

Uhm...I say red right?

"Mom I'm home!" I called as I barged through the front door with all my bags.
"I thought you were only getting one outfit?" My mother laughed a bit as she saw me place all the bags on the small, pale green couch.
"I couldn't help it, I went a little crazy." I said sheepishly.
"Well, as long as they aren't those band shirts you always buy. Your closet is filled to the brim with them!" She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, well, now I have some 'normal' clothes I guess." I shrugged.
"Did you get anything for tomorrow night?" She motioned to the bags.
"Yeah Marie picked out this awesome outfit!" I smiled and pulled out the outfit to show my mom.
"Wow! It's adorable!" She smiled, but her eyes didn't show the excitement. I don't think she liked me going out to concerts but I mean seriously, I'm going to be 17!
"Alright, well, I'm going to go put all this stuff away." I announced and grabbed all my bags.
"Dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes by the way." My mother headed towards the mini kitchen.

I practically kicked open the door to my room and dropped all the bags on the bed, causing some shirts to fall out of a bag.
I growled, and I mean literally growled and the shirts. Oh well, I guess all the shirts and what not can come out to play to right? I laughed at myself -no I'm not insane! - as I dumped everything out onto my bed.
I walked over to my stereo and threw in a random Black Flag CD and turned up the volume. I bobbed my head to the music and put the shirts, pants, and shorts in my drawers and closet.
But I wasn't really thinking about the lyrics to the music, nor was I paying attention to what drawer I was putting what in. I was thinking about Zoey, and her god damn smile. How could anyone's smile be so perfect? I also wondered when she would call, and I was hoping she wouldn't call tomorrow night when I was at the concert. If my mom picked up and found out some how that I was planning on going out with Zoey, I'm kind of afraid she would get mad. Oh well. I gave her my cell phone number anyway, and I should have my cell phone with me tomorrow night anyway.

I heard a loud banging noise... ah, that would be my mom's fist pounding on the door. I sighed as I turned off my blaring music and opened the door.
"Diner's ready." My mom smiled and I followed her in to the living room where our dinning room table type thing was set up.
On the table sat two plates of steaming fettuccini Alfredo, man would Marie be jealous; it's her favorite.

"Wow mom, that was really good." I meant every word as I pushed my plate away.
"Thank you." My mother said kindly as she simply took both of our plates into the kitchen.
I quickly took a glance at the clock, 8:30 as I suspected. Time for me and Marie's nightly phone call. Just as I thought that sentence, I heard the phone ring in my bedroom.

I quickly ran to the phone and lifted it off its cradle and put it to my ear.
"Yellow?" I smirked.
"Uhm...I say red right?" I heard Marie laugh.
"Yeah, then I'm supposed to say mauve or something." I flopped on my bed as started to play with a strand of my hair. Sooo prep right? Ha, get a clue. I'm not that kind of chick. I may twirl my hair, but hey, everyone has a habit!
"So, was your mom surprised by all the bags?" Marie asked.
"Yeah she was. She also made sure I didn't buy any band shirts." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew Marie couldn't see me.
Marie giggled. "Good thing I didn't let you go into Hot Topic huh?"
"Yeah no kidding, I could probably waste a whole 10 years salary of babysitting in there!" I continued to twirl my hair.
"So, tell me more about this Zoey girl." Marie got excited.
"Well, she has dark brown hair past her shoulders, an amazing smile, and the greenest eye's I've ever seen in my whole life." I smiled as I envisioned her.
"I wish I had green eyes." Marie sighed.
"Me too. But hey, your blue eyes can like, pierce through some one's soul." It's true, they could.
"Eh, blue is kind of boring." Marie stated plainly.
"Pfft, no way. My brown eyes are like the color of dirt. Who like dirt? Unless it's being thrown at people on a lawn at a huge concert?" I laughed as I remembered when a bunch of people on the lawn threw mud at each other.
Marie let out a full laugh. "Yeah, throwing dirt is fun."
"So, whose house are we getting ready at tomorrow?" I asked.
"Mine? Since I have the tickets." Marie suggested.
"Alright, what time?" I sat up and headed to my closet to pick out my pjs.
"Well, the show starts at 7:30, and it will take about 20 minutes to get there with traffic, so how's 5:00 sound to you? We can hang out before we get ready." I heard Marie riffling through something.
I laughed. "What are you looking for?"
"That book." Marie huffed.
"Which book?" I asked as I pulled out my favorite sweat pants and a random t-shirt.
"You know, that book." Marie tried to explain.
"Oh you mean the one with words on the pages?" I snickered.
"Hey. No making fun of Marie." She pouted.
I looked down at my desk and saw a book sitting there. "Hey Marie?"
"What?" I heard the noises stop.
"The book you're looking for wouldn't happen to be Eclipse is it?" I tried to stifle my laughter.
"Oh my god! Yes!" Marie gasped.
"It's right in front of me. You left it here last week." I let my laughter escape my lips.
"Oh." Marie bursts out into fits of laughter.
"Alright, I’m gunna go take a shower and go to bed. You tired me out today." I giggled.
"Alright. Night." Marie sighed.
"Night." I replied, like every other night.
"Sweet dreams about Zoey!" Click.
I made an angry face at the phone, but then realized it was an inatimate object and just hung it up.

// Time Elapse \\

After a relaxing shower, I flopped into bed and grabbed my book on my nightstand. Marie was reading Eclipse, which I had finished a while ago. So now, I'm reading Blue Is For Nightmares. We share a book collection, cool huh?
I read a good four or five chapters before my eyelids became heavy. I slipped my book mark into place and tossed the book aside. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.