Torn into Two

Coke is my life

I woke up with a smile on my face. Tonight I get to see the Bouncing Souls, and with who else than my best friend! How much better can it get?
I slowly sat up and stretched. After yawing at least twice, I looked at the clock: 3:06.
Wow, I slept pretty late.
I walked out of my room and into the living room. And there was my mom, lazily on the couch watching TV and drinking coffee.

"Morning hun. You slept late." My mother smiled as I sat down next to her. So what? I have a good relationship with my mom.
"Morning, and yeah I really did. I'm starving though. Do we have and bagels?" I asked.
My mother nodded and sipped her coffee.
Knowing she wouldn't get it for me, I shuffled into the kitchen area and pulled a bagel out of the bag and split it in half. After I pushed the lever down on the toaster I opened the fridge and grabbed the cream cheese along with the milk. Nothing like a bagel with cream cheese, and a nice tall glass of chocolate milk for late lunch! I don't know. What ever it was, I could feel my stomach begging for it as I heard gurgling sounds.
After my bagel was toasted and had just the right amount of cream cheese on it, I headed back to the living room with chocolate milk in hand.
My mom had left the room so I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. I settled on Friday afternoon cartoons… nothing better!

"What time are you leaving?" My mother asked as I took the remaining sip of my milk. I took a quick glance at the clock: 3:45.
"Probably around 4:45." I shrugged and went to put my glass and dish in the sink.
"Are you going to be sleeping over?" My mother continued to question me.
"I don't know. I'll call you if I do. And I won't need to come back here for clothes and stuff. I have plenty at Marie's. It's practically my second home." I smirked.
"Yeah I know. I 'm just making sure. But if you're not sleeping over, be sure to call me too. Like I said before, there's no need for you to fall from the second floor balcony and you go splat!" My mom made a squishing noise.
"What the hell was in your coffee?" I laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"Watch your language!" She called as she headed towards her bedroom.
"Yeah, yeah I know!" I yelled back.

I entered my room and threw my flat iron, make-up, and other necessities in a bag. I quickly got changed into my new outfit and made sure it fit right. I looked in my full length mirror and was delighted with my new 'look'. After making sure I had enough money, my cell phone, and any other random thing I would need, I looked at the clock: 4:23. Oh well, I can leave early.

I said goodbye to my mom and promised I would be careful and what not.
I skipped down the building's stairs and out the front door. I took a left outside and into the parking lot, finding my beautiful black mustang easily. My brand new mustang was a 16th birthday present from my dad, he still felt guilty about leaving. I revved the engine and pulled carefully out of the parking lot and headed up the road towards Marie's house. She was only about a 10 minute drive there anyway. So, basically, I would only get there about 10 minutes early! As soon as I came to the first stop light -which was always the one on the hill because it is mean to me- I pulled out my Bouncing Souls CD and turned up the volume, letting the amazing music fill my ears. Once the light turned green I was off again and down the back roads. Marie lived in this secluded little area, all around her were trees, and well… there was a golf course down her hill but hey, it was still really quite… okay, I'm lying. She lives right next to a main high way pretty much, but hey, it's not loud or anything, so you can pretend she lives in the vast acres of Colorado. How's that suit you?
I pulled up the rather large hill -music still blaring- and into her drive way. I parked behind her mother's jeep and turned off the engine, just as one of the songs ended… just the way I like it. I hate it when you shut off the car during a song, it bugs me.

Before I even got out of the car Marie was out side.
"I could hear you from like, 3 blocks away! People are going to call the police!" She laughed.
"Hey, I like my music loud, what can I say?" I smiled and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and followed Marie inside.
"You're early, which is unusual." Marie threw me a can of coke.
"Now I'm going to have to wait like, 8 minutes to open this!" I pouted. "And yeah I'm early; I wanted to get out of my house."
"I love how you have certain minutes for everything." Marie rolled her eyes as she cracked open her can of coke and took a large sip.
"And I love how you can pretty much chug coke." I giggled and carefully opened my can.
"Coke is my life." Marie laughed. "And your outfit is perfect by the way."
"Well thank you kindly." I smiled and sipped my cold beverage.
"Kay, let's go pick out MY outfit!" Marie suggested and the two of us went upstairs to her room.

"What shalst I wear?" She tapped her long index finger on her chin. "I know!" She exclaimed and pulled out a grey shirt with little cupcakes on it, and some skinny jeans.
I quickly left so she could get changed and whatever.
"Okay you can come back in." She called and I opened the door.
"You brought your make-up and flat iron right?" She asked.
"Sure did." I said and raised my draw string bag slightly.
"Well let's plug the sucker in and get that eyeliner on!" She laughed.

We spent a good hour minutes getting ready, mostly because we were fooling around and laughing. But hey, we're teenagers, we're aloud to have fun!
"I don't want to go back to school in two months." Marie sighed.
"I know, neither do I." I agreed.
Marie hated, and I mean hated school, with a burning passion. She would do anything in her power to skip school. I think she even once tried to cast a spell so it would snow 4 feet. I 'm telling you, she's crazy, and that's why she's my best friend.
"You should come to my school!" Marie suggested, for about the millionth time this week.
"I know. But you know my mom won't let me." I scowled.
Marie sighed heavily.
"Just come to my school!" I suggested.
"No way am I going to an all girls school." Marie shook her head.
"I know, it sucks complete ass." I grumbled. I hated my school, yet my mom wouldn't let me go to Marie's school. Nope, I had to stay at my school because it had voice lessons.

// Time Elapse \\

"Bouncing Souls here we come!" Marie yelled as we pulled out of her drive way.
"Ahh! You have no idea how excited I am! Well, maybe you do but.. yay!" I yelled along with her.
And of course, we blasted the Bouncing Souls all 25 minutes it took us to get there.

"You have the tickets right?" I asked as we jumped out of the car.
Marie searched her pockets, and looked up at me slowly.
"You forgot the tickets?!" I yelled.
But her frown quickly turned into a smirk. "Got 'em." She pulled them out from her back pocket.
"Gah! I hate you sometimes!" I threw my arms in the air as we walked to the door of the club.
The random guy checked our tickets and let us inside. Neither of us had been to a small club like this, so it would be an experience. The opening band started and on the small dance floor was a mosh pit that consisted of about 3 or 4 kids kicking their legs out and punching this way and that. There were about three opening bands, and only one of them was actually good.
Marie and I eventually ended up getting right to the stage! It was kind of awkward because you had random guys squishing themselves right up to your back.
At one point two people were squishing up against Marie and I, and once I turned around to see the guys face.. possibly to yell at them, I couldn't. I turned my head right back around. I smirked at Marie who turned around and like myself, turned right back around and smiled. Yeah, it sounds very perverted, but hey, we're teenagers. Behind me was a guy a little older than me, and about a mere 2 inches taller than me, maybe about Marie's height. He had amazing eyes and the sides of his hair were dyed a deep pink, and on the top his hair was much longer than the shaven pink sides, and the top was black.
Behind Marie was a tall guy, with black and white glasses and mousey brown hair styled in the smallest faux hawk you've ever seen.
A heavier song started to play and everyone went insane!
I felt the guy behind me get squished into me even more. I tried to push back but it was no use. I felt him lean into my ear. "I'm sorry I'm squishing you!"
I smiled. "It's alright!" I yelled back.
"I'm Frank." He yelled.
"Molly." I smiled.
I looked over and saw the other guy apologizing to Marie as well, and she just smiled and nodded.
"That's my friend Mikey!" I heard Frank yell.
"That's my friend Marie!" I motioned to Marie.
"Do you guys want to grab a drink after this?" Frank asked with hope in his eyes.
I smiled. "Yeah that would be awesome." This was random, I wouldn't normally go out with some random- well, I did kind of give out my number to a girl yesterday so, you know what. I'm going to be more outgoing from now on!
Speaking of Zoey, it's alright for me to go out with Frank right? I mean it's just a drink, and it's not like I'm even technically dating Zoey…yet. We'll see where it goes.
"We'll meet you outside after the show!" Frank yelled before he and Mikey jumped on the stage and stage dived off.
"We're going out for drinks with them!" I yelled to Marie whose smile grew.
"Let's go up and dive off!" She suggested. "Come on! It's your birthday!"
I sighed but agreed. After some pushing we finally got on. Marie walked over to the microphone-random people were doing it! Why not Marie right?- and yelled it's her 17th birthday! Show some love!"
And with that the two of us stage dived off and were passed to the back.
Just as I landed on the floor I heard the lead singer wish me a happy birthday.

"I need to pee!" I announced and Marie followed me to the bathroom.
After we both went to the bathroom and what not, Marie invited me to sleepover, so I called my mom and informed her and she said it was fine.
The show ended as quickly as it started sadly. But the two of us exited the club and waited for Frank and Mikey by the door.

"Hey!" I heard someone call and Marie and I turned to see Frank and Mikey waving us over.
"Hey." Marie and I smiled.
"You ready to go?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah let's go." I nodded.
"We can take my car, and we'll bring you back here to pick up your car." Frank said as we all walked over to a red mustang.
"I have a black one of these!" I laughed.
"Well, red is so much cooler." Frank snickered.
"Is not!" I argued.
"Stop arguing!" Marie and Mikey both said, then looked at each other and laughed.
"Happy Birthday by the way." Frank smiled at me as he revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
"Thanks." I couldn't meet his hazel eyes just yet.
"I'm turning 20 in October." Frank said randomly.
"So I take it there will be no alcoholic drinks?" Marie asked from the back seat.
Everyone laughed.
"No, sorry, no alcohol." Mikey said as his giggles subsided.
"Figures." Marie rolled her eyes.
"You'll have to excuse her and her outbursts." I laughed and Marie hit me lightly on the arm.
"I say we get ice cream!" Frank suggested as he pulled into McDonalds.
"Looks like we have no other choice do we Frankie?" Mikey laughed.
"Nope you don't. Because now I want ice cream." I smirked as Frank pulled into a spot.
"See, the birthday girl wants ice cream; therefore, we all get ice cream." Frank winked at me as we all got out of the car.