Torn into Two

Do I look like Big Ben to you?

"This is surprisingly really good!" Mikey laughed.
"I know! Who would have thought a fake McFlurry would taste this good?" Marie laughed.
It was about 12 when we got to McDonalds, and when we tried to order McFlurries, they had already shut the machine off. So, they mixed the vanilla soft serve and the m&ms.
"Hey, we never sang happy birthday!" Frank fake gasped and I groaned.
"Oh please no!" I begged.
"Happy birthday to you!" Mikey started to sing and I hid my face on Frank's shoulder.
"Make it stop!" I pleaded, but with no avail. They finally finished the song and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god."
Mikey glanced at his watch. "Shit Frank. I told Gerard we'd be back by 12:30!"
Frank frowned. "Looks like we better get going."
"Wait a sec!" Marie said as she took out a sharpie from her pocket and grabbed Mikey's hands.
"What are you doing?" Mikey laughed as she wrote something on the top of his hand. "It tickles!"
"You think I'm just going to let you guys leave and never see us again? Ha! You're stuck with us as friends now." Marie smiled and winked at Mikey. He looked at the number on his number and smiled.
I turned to see a hand and a sharpie in front of my face. "Me too, me too!" Frank squealed.
I rolled my eyes and laughed as I wrote my number on Frank's hand.
"Look Mikey! I got a number! Woo!" Frank squealed.
"Wait. We need a ride back to my car!" I exclaimed.
"Ah, right. Well come on then!" Mikey said as we all headed towards the car.

The four of us pilled into the little red mustang and started to drive back to the club's parking lot. It was a little quiet besides the little chit chat, or the occasional joke. Frank and Mikey were really cool guys, I hope we get to hang out with them more often. And not to mention Frank is absolutely gorgeous, his eyes actually reminded me of Zoey's. Mikey was adorable as well, but something tells me that Marie is looking at Mikey for a little more than 'just friends'. And for me, it was going to be difficult to decide between Frank and Zoey, I mean, it's literally complete opposites. Then again I haven't really been on a real 'date' with either of them… maybe Frank doesn't even want to date?

"Here you are my ladies." Frank giggled as he pulled up next to my black mustang and waking me from my thoughts.
"Thanks guys." Marie and I smiled.
"Anytime." Mikey returned the smile.
I was about to get out of the car when Frank grabbed my hand; I looked over.
"Happy birthday." His smile was so innocent.
My grin must have looked ridiculous. "Thank you."
Frank held my hand a second longer before letting go so I could get out of the car.

Marie and I slid into my car and sat there for a minute.
"They were really cool." Marie smiled and turned to me.
"Yeah they were." I nodded and turned the key in the ignition.
"Frank really liked you huh?" Marie tried to hold in her giggles.
"You really liked Mikey huh?" I returned the 'hilarious' sentence.
Marie's mouth turned into a small O. "Do not."
I looked over at her and she smiled.
"Okay, yeah, I do."
"I so called that." I said as we pulled up to a stop light.
"Well you like Frank!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "And Zoey! Ha! I win!"
It's true, she won. I sighed. "What ever."
"So who are you going to pick?" Marie asked curiously.
"Technically we don't even know if Frank likes me back, and second I haven't been out with either of them. So I don't think it's fair to pick without getting to know them." Wow, that was complex.
"Ah. I see… I think." Marie laid her head back on the head rest. "I'm tired."
"Yeah I am too." I agreed as we finally pulled in to Marie's drive way.

The two of us lazily walked to Marie's back door and I waited for her to get her key out and open it.
I shut the door behind me and we trudged up the stairs. As soon as Marie opened the door to her room, she collapsed on the blow up mattress I use that is always in the same spot next to her bed.

"Huh, I guess I get the bed then." I smirked and jumped on the bed.
"No! Absolutely not! That is my bed missy! Get on your rubber rectangle of air!" Marie pushed me softly off the bed and onto the floor.
"Oh, thank you oh bestest friend of mine!" I laughed and fell onto the mattress.
"What time is it?" I heard Marie mumble into her pillow.
I sighed. "Do I look like Big Ben to you?"
"Yes." Marie answered simply.
I lifted up my hips and pulled my sidekick out of my pocket and flipped it open. "1:45." I tossed it to the side.
"Why the hell am I so fucking tired? I usually stay up till like, 5!" Marie turned on her side and laughed.
"Probably because we went to a concert and jumped around." I shrugged and slid under the blanket I had been laying on.
"Good night Molly."
"Night Marie."