Torn into Two

You need to leave!

I woke to the sound of a constant beeping. I groaned and open my eyes to come face to face with my sidekick. The beeping sound signaling that I had a new text message.
I looked up to see Marie still out cold sprawled in her bed. The neon green numbers next to her bed read 1:30.
I sighed as I flipped open my sidekick to read the message, I raised an eyebrow when I realized it was from a number I didn't recognize. 'Oh well' I said to myself and opened the message anyway.
I smiled as I read the message. 'Hey molly its zoey. I hope I didn't wake you. But I was wondering if u wanted to catch a movie tonight.'
I looked at when it was received, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was only sent a mere 2 minutes ago.
I sat up to text a reply. 'Hey, I would love to go out tonight! What time and what movie?'
I hit the send button and closed my sidekick and stood. I laughed as I heard Marie mutter something in her sleep.
I cautiously walked over to her and poked her shoulder, no response. Again, I poked her a little harder, no response. "Marie!" I yelled and her eyes sprung open.

"What the fuck?" She grumbled, and once she noticed it was me she slumped back down in her bed and groaned. "What?"
"Zoey just sent me a text message." I was grinning from ear to ear.
Marie couldn't help but smile. "What she say?"
"She wanted to know if I wanted to see a movie tonight." I sat on the edge of the bed.
"So are you going to go?" Marie was now sitting up.
"Yeah." I nodded and smiled.
"What time?" Marie sure was curious.
"I-" Before I could answer my sidekick started to beep. "I'll tell you right now."

I flipped it open and went straight to the message.
'How about 3? And I hope you like scary movies : )'
I quickly replied. '3 sounds great. And I love scary movies.'

"Well…" Marie prodded.
"3. And we're going to see something scary!" I was so over joyed it was insane! I couldn't take the smile off my face.
"Ooh, scary huh? She must be the 'omigosh it's scary! Hold me!' type." Marie giggled and pushed a stray piece of black hair behind her ear.
"I wouldn't mind that." I admitted as I blushed a bit.
Marie glanced at the clock. "You need to leave!"
"Why?" I asked sadly.
"I'm coming with you! But you need to go get ready!" Marie jumped out of bed.
I laughed at her eagerness. "You're just as excited as I am!"
"This is exciting stuff! Now get out so I can change!" Marie giggled and shoved me out the door. Oh well, may as well take this time to use the bathroom. I have to pee like a racehorse!

As soon as I was finished in the bathroom I was pulled by my hand downstairs.
"Marie! You're going to rip my arm out of my socket. And I don't even have my bag!" I said as we fled down the stairs.
"I have your bag!" Marie laughed as she let go of my arms and threw my car keys at me from the kitchen table. I watched as Marie quickly scribbled a note to her mother and put it on the fridge. "Alright come on slow poke!"
We ran outside and lept into the car.
"Drive woman drive!" Marie yelled before I could even get my seat belt on.
"Dear god Marie! We have an hour and a half!" I sped down the street.
"Well, it's going to take you time to shower, time for me to blow dry and straighten your hair, and time for you to pick ou-" Marie rambled.
"Okay, okay I get it!" I laughed and increased my speed, yet still obeying the speed limit.

We finally made it to my house to find my mother gone and a note on my bedroom door that read:
'Molly, I went to Papa's house to visit him and made sure he was doing okay. Be home soon.
~ mom'

"Yeah, yeah we get the note!" Marie pushed me towards the shower. "Water and soap now!"
"Okay, okay!" I got into the bathroom to have the door shut behind me.
I turned on the water and quickly shed my clothes. I sighed as I let the warm water rush over my body, washing away all the sweat residu, and god knows what else from that concert. I laughed to myself. Mikey, Frank, Marie, and I must have stunk pretty bad when we went to McDonalds.
Once I was done with my 'water and soap' I wrapped a towel around my body and headed towards my room.

"Marie I need to get dressed." I said as I opened the door. I was surprised to see the Marie had already had two outfits spread out on my bed.
"I don't know which one to pick!" She tapped her finger on her chin, a random habit of hers.
"Alright, you leave. I'll pick!" I laughed and pushed her out the door.

On the left side of the bed laid a pair of black skinny jeans with a white hem and a black shirt with white polka dots with a white cami to wear underneath. The second outfit was a pair of navy blue skinny jeans with a yellow hem and a black hoodie/shirt with short sleeves with a red cami underneath.
Fuck. This was hard. So you know what? I'm going to mix and match! I threw on the black skinny jeans and the red cami and black hoodie shirt. I also grabbed my black studded belt and threw it on.
"Alright Marie! I can be your Barbie now!" I laughed and she came in and flipped me off.
We both laughed and I plugged in my flat iron and sat in the chair.
"How are we doing your hair?" Marie asked as she picked up a brush and the blow dryer.
"Just straight I guess." I shrugged.
"Okay." Marie said and went to work.

Marie was right, it was a good thing we left her house when we did. Once we were done it was around 2:25.
"Now where are you guys meeting?" Marie asked as I read the recent text.
'I'll meet you in front of the theatre at 2:45.'
"We're meeting in front of the theatre at 2:45!" I smiled and checked my make-up in the mirror once more.
"Okay, I'll have Ann pick me up here since we took your car." Marie said as we both headed towards the door. "Am I aloud to tell her that you're going out with a girl?"
I smiled, Marie knew that Ann wasn't very 'supportive' or whatever. "I guess so. Just tell me what she says."
"Alright. Call me when you get home!" Marie said as we waved good bye to each other.

I pulled up to the theatre at precisely 2:45 and got a great spot next to a very shiny black Harley-Davidson ULH 1941. I looked at it for a second before getting out of my own shiny black vehicle and walking into the theatre. Right away I saw Zoey standing near the ticket booth. I walked over with a smile plastered to my face.
"Zoey?" I asked and she turned around.
"Molly!" There was that smile that drew me in from the beginning.