Torn into Two

Beep, beep!

"Molly are you okay?" My mother quickly ran over to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I put a hand on my mother's shoulder. "But, do you think it's okay if I go to the movies with Marie and some friends?"
"Friends? Like who?" Wow, my own mother thought I didn't have more friends.
"Like, some guys we met." I could tell the officers wanted to speak with my mother about the robbing. "I'll call you later." I quickly kissed her cheek and went outside.

I sat on the stairs out side and quickly dialed Marie's number.
"Hello?" Marie answered.
"Are you ready yet?" I asked as I fiddled with my spider ring.
"Yeah." Marie confirmed.
"Can you pick me up?"
"Sure. Be there soon!" Marie hung up with out a good bye, and I sat and waited. She wouldn't be long. Probably 10 minutes tops.

"Beep, beep!" I heard Marie call. I looked up and saw Marie in her black Scion.
"Hey." I smiled. "I already called Frank and told him we'd be there soon."
"Cool." Marie put the car in gear and sped off. "What's up? Something seems off with you." Marie always was observant.
"My house way robbed." I said plainly.
I thought Marie's eyes were going to fall out of her head. "What?"
"Marie!" I yelled and pulled the wheel to the right as an angry driver flipped us off.
"Sorry. But what the hell did they take?" Marie's eyes were safely on the road again.
"Some of my money, the TV…and Venom." My converse were suddenly very interesting.
"They took Venom? Aww Molls I'm so sorry!" Marie put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay." I sighed. "I don't want to think about it."
"Alright then." Marie nodded and pulled off the highway.
"I see them over there!" Marie said as we pulled into a parking space.
I looked to the entrance of the theatre and sure enough, there was Frank and Mikey laughing about something. We stepped out of the quiet car and were quickly greeted with the sound of Frank's loud -and slightly girlish, but adorable- laughter. Marie and I looked at each other and silently giggled.

"Oh by the way. Don't mention anything about Zoey and I seeing Halloween today. I think that's what the four of us are seeing." I said quietly as we approached the boys.
Marie nodded.
As I turned to say hi to Frank and Mikey I immediately felt a pair of warm arms around me.
I laughed. "Uhm hi to you too Frank!"
"Your house got robbed. You need a hug." He stated with a lopsided grin.
"Okay then." I shrugged.
"Come on, the movie is starting soon! I want to see the previews!" Mikey whined.
"Previews are the best part." Marie stated as if it was the cure to cancer.
"I know!" Mikey beamed and stretched out his hand and high fived Marie.
Frank and I laughed at the two.
"Okay, you guys get the tickets, we'll get the candy." Frank said as he handed Mikey a twenty. I went to hand Mikey my money, but Frank pushed my hand away and smiled. "I got it."
"Thanks." I returned the smile.
"I want a coke and Reese cups." Mikey gave Frank about fifteen dollars in ones, making Frank chuckle.
"I'll have the same." Marie went to hand Frank money, but Mikey did the same to her as Frank had done to me.

"What would you like?" The teenager looked at me funny, probably because she recognized me from earlier.
"Let's see four cokes, two Reese Cups, Skittles…" Frank looked at me so I could add my order for a snack.
"Make that two skittles." I smiled.
The employee rung up our order and we paid, just in time to meet up with Mikey and Marie.

"Alright. Bring on the gore!" Marie laughed as we entered the theatre.
We all laughed as we took our seats and were immediately shushed.

Even though it was the second time I had seen this movie today, I was still excited to see it again. It truly was an amazing movie. And not to admit, I was here with Marie, Frank and Mikey!
Every few minutes I would see the shocked expressions on everyone's faces as they saw little Michael Meyers kill another human being with an aluminum baseball bat or his long chef knife.
At one point during the movie, Frank had flinched and grabbed onto my arm. He looked up apologetically but I smiled. "How are you not scared?" He whispered.
I shrugged. "I like this kind of stuff."
Frank still had his hand on my arm, but he moved it down to my hand and entwined our fingers. He looked up at me with his hazel orbs and we both smiled at each other.
As soon as I looked back at the screen Michael Meyers decides to slam through a car window, shattering it and grabbing a girl from the front seat. I jumped and squeezed Frank's hand.
He looked at me and covered his mouth and laughed. "Not scared?" He asked.
I shook my head. "Heck no." I whispered back and smiled.
The movie went on, I looked over to see how Mikey and Marie were doing. I smiled as I saw Marie and Mikey clutching to each other.
Everyone else was watching the movie, but my mind kind of drifted… here I was holding Frank's hand in the same theatre I had been in with Zoey. I had to make up my mind… before I did something I regretted.