What the Hell Is Going On?


"God why did you bring me here in the first place?!"
"Because we couldn't just leave you there all by yourself" Dean yelled.
"I'm all alone here anyway!" I yelled back at my brother. I was so mad that I did what any other teenager in my position would do...I turned around grabbed my jacket and headed for the door. My brother has no right to yell at me like that he's never here and he was never there growing up.
"Where the hell do you think you're going Nixie?" Dean yelled as I was walking towards the door.
"Out! And as far away from you as humanly possible!" I said as I slammed the front door of Bobby's house. And that's when it happened.

But I'm getting too far ahead of myself aren't I ?! I think I should tell you who I am and how I got here. Well my name is Nixandra Johana Winchester or Nixie for short, and yes I'm Sam and Dean's little sister. Although I didn't know who they were until two years ago. See their father, John, and my mother, Nelly Johana Valentin, hooked up one night after John saved my mother from a group of vampires. John never knew my mom was pregnant until my second birthday when my mom finally tracked him down and told him. I met him once when I was three after that I only got phone calls from him every Halloween (my birthday).

I lived in a small town in upstate NY, Sleepy Hollow, it was nice there. Nothing exciting happened except for the occasional missing person. My mom and I had a cute little house that was perfect for the two of us. One night coming home from my mom's work we were attacked by this guy with jet black eyes. He said that he was looking to have a little fun and that me and my mom came at the right time. My mom told me to close my eyes until she said it was ok to open them. All I heard was things breaking and then nothing but the sound of laughter and fading footsteps. When my mother finally told me to open my eyes she was lying there on the floor with blood all around her. Through my sobs I could hear her telling me to not to let anyone take me and to wait for my father to come or my brothers, who I just found out I had. Before my mother took her last breath she started to tell me about how I should be with them on my 16th birthday and how they might be able to help.

6 years...that's how long I was living alone after my mother died. I was 13 almost 14 living in a rundown apartment building on the outskirts of town. The people closest to me, like Ms.Palomino, knew that my mom was dead and kept an eye on me like I was one of their own. As for other people, let’s just say that my mom was on a very long business trip.