What the Hell Is Going On?


After that hunt with the shape shifter I craved for more. Lucky for me Bobby still hadn’t come home so I was able to sneak back on to his desk and look for another hunt that was close so that I would be able to get back to the house quickly if I ever needed to. But I don’t think that was a problem since Bobby barely notices when I am in the house anyway and no one ever calls or looks for me. There were hardly any that were close to Bobby’s house; well none that Bobby had figured out what needed to be hunted anyway. The only thing that I saw on Bobby’s desk that was close didn’t really say what I needed to hunt it was just a bunch of information about females disappearing on a small stretch of road about 5 ½ hours away from Bobby’s house over in Minnesota. I decided that since that was the only hunt that was closes that I was just going to take it. So I packed up everything that I thought I might need in an old army bag that I found lying around and left. It was late when I got to where I needed to be so I rented a hotel room for the night.

The next morning I woke up and turned on the television while I was showering. I got out and heard something about the stretch of road that I was looking into so I turned up the television.

“Another group of girls have gone missing on state road 536 on Thursday. One of their tires on their car had blown out and they called a tow truck to come and get them. When the tow truck got there, there was no sign of the girls but a slight sign of a struggle. Authorities are investigating all of these disappearances but so far they haven’t turned up any suspects.”

I turned off the television and knew that I needed to find whatever was doing this before anyone else got hurt. I got dressed and grabbed my fake FBI badge that I had made the night before and left to the police station to get some more information on the disappearances.

“Hello officer I’m Agent Flores of the FBI I’m here to investigate the disappearances that have been going on in your town” I told the officer at the desk while flashing my badge hoping that he wouldn’t notice that it was a fake and that he would believe me.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be an FBI agent?” he asked me while leading me towards the police chief’s office.

“I’m going to take that as a compliment seeing as I am almost 30” I lied to him. He told me to sit down in the chair and that Chief Gamely will be with me in a few minutes.

“Agent Flores,” Chief Gamely greeted me as he entered his office, “Please take a seat. How may I help you?”

“Well Chief Gamely I understand that there is a number of disappearances that has gone unsolved here in town?”

“That’s correct Agent Flores. Why is the FBI interested in these disappearances?”

“There have been disappearances in the past like this in other states and the FBI has decided that it is finally time to step in and stop the disappearances. Now if you please tell me everything that you know.”

About two hours later Chief Gamely finally filled me in on all the disappearances that happened and on everything that they had so far. I decided that it was finally time for me to go over to SR 536 and take a look after hearing everything that I needed to. When I had gotten there I noticed that there was already a car on the side of the road. I got out of my car and saw that the car’s right back tire was blown out and it looked as though girls had fought back from whatever was taking them and had failed miserably. Shit I thought to myself and ran back to Oz to get the gun that I had “borrowed” from Bobby. I got back to the car and ran through the woods following the trail of blood.

I followed the blood straight to an abandon coal mine. Shit Shit Shit I thought to myself I don’t even know what I’m up against. Then I heard whimpers coming from this little opening towards my right. I followed the whimpers and found two girls, who looked like they were in their early twenties, hanging from the ceiling. Hovering next to one of the girls was an ugly looking creature that looked like it used to be a man. I racked my brain trying to figure out where I’ve seen something like that before. Then it hit me I saw it in a book on Native American folklore, it was a Wendigo.

"Damn it this gun isn’t going to do anything" I said quietly to myself looking at the gun.

I needed to get it away from the girls to get them out of there so I chucked a rock that I picked up from the ground as far as I could. The wendigo snapped up its head when it heard the sound of the rock hitting the floor and went to see what the noise was. When it left I quickly ran over to the girls and cut them down telling them not to make any noises and to follow me. We almost got to the entrance of the mine when one of the girls tripped, she landed with a loud thud and within two seconds the wendigo was standing in front of us.

“RUN” I yelled to the girls as I took out my gun and started to shoot at it in hopes that the bullets will slow it down so I can find something to torch it with.

It didn’t and the wendigo came at me smacked the gun out of my hand, hit me across the face, picked me up and then flung me clear across the mine. I hit the wall and landed on the floor. The wendigo started walking towards me and I looked frantically around for something that will go up in flames. I found a lit lamp, what it was doing there lit I didn’t know or question it, but I picked it up and threw it at the ground by the wendigo’s feet and the wendigo went up in flames.

I sighed in relief as I picked myself up off of the ground. There was blood running down my face but that didn’t matter to me all that mattered was that I was still alive and that I had saved the lives of those two girls. I walked out of the mine and was tackled by hugs from the two girls.

“Thank you so much for saving us back there” one of them said.

“What was that?” the other asked.

“It was a wendigo,” I said to the girls they both just looked at me weird so I continued to explain to them what it was. “A wendigo is a man that has beed cut off from supply resorts to cannibalism and was then given amazing speed, strength and immortality.”

“If it was immortal how did you kill it?” one of them asked.

“You have to torch a wendigo in order to kill it” I responded.

“Well whatever it was thank you”

“No problem it’s my job”
I said and with that I left and went back to my hotel to get some much needed rest.

In the morning I got up and made the 5 ½ hour drive back to Bobby’s house. When I got there I saw Bobby’s truck sitting in the driveway. Fuck I thought as I got out and made my way to the house.

“Nixie is that you?” Bobby yelled from the kitchen.

“Yea it is Bobby” I answered.

“Where have you been? I came here last night and you weren’t here.”

“I kind of fell asleep in the library in a dark corner and didn’t wake up until this morning when the librarian came back to the library.”

“Oh ok then.”
And with that Bobby went outside.
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Nixie's FBI outfit
Nixie's hunting outfit
So I'm done with classes and I have a ton of ideas!
Comment me and tell me what please its greatly appreciated♥♥