What the Hell Is Going On?

Kobal and the fight

“Carlos I wanted to thank…” I stopped in mid sentence, “Carlos?” That’s when I saw them his eyes were as black as the night sky.

“Why hello Nixie long time no see. How are you?” he said with a smirk getting off of the tree.

“Get the hell out of Carlos!” I spat.

“Now is that any way to speak to an old friend?” he said getting closer.

“I don’t remember making friends with a demon!” I said taking a step back.

“Now that really hurts that you don’t remember me Nixie” he said as he was a foot away from me. I just looked at him weird and confused.

“Fine let refresh your memory my dear…I am Kobal and the first time we meet you were about 7…it was late you and your mother were on your way home…I was bored and you two were there just in time for me to have some fun and boy did your mother and I have fun…so now do you remember me?” he said with an sinister smile on his face.

It took me a few seconds to fully understand what he had just said and when I did something inside me just snapped. I charged at Kobal only to be grabbed by the throat and flung right at a tree.

“Oh yay,” he yelled happily as he clapped his hands jumping up and down, “you do remember me! How about we have some fun you and me just like your mom and I had all those years ago.”

Kobal started walking towards me but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my face. Confused I looked down in the puddle of rain water that I had fallen into after hitting the tree and saw that my eyes were crystal blue.

“NO IT CAN’T BE!” Kobal exclaimed taking a step back. As Kobal was slowly walking backwards away from me all I could think about was that I wished I was standing right in front of him so that I can punch that sorry son of a bitch right in the face. With the blink of an eye that was where I was right in front of Kobal.

“Whoa,” I said as I looked back to where I was and where I was standing now, “How the hell did I get here?” Before I had a chance to say anything else Kobal punched me right in my nose, then in the stomach. He picked me up by the neck and was about to throw me across the road towards another tree but my hands grabbed his arm and Kobal starting to seize on the floor as he let go of me.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” I yelled as I let go of Kobal taking a step back.

Kobal stopped seizing after I asked that and the fight continued. The fight with Kobal was a long and gruesome one. There was blood all over the road. Even though I know that I wasn’t really hurting Kobal I was satisfied with the blood that was drawn. I did feel a little bad that I was hurting Carlos’ body while I was fighting with Kobal until I saw Carlos almost die in a car crash and Kobal entering his body just before he died. How I saw that I have no clue but I know that it was real because I felt it.

After a while I couldn’t take it anymore and I just wanted Kobal gone.

“Face it Nixie no matter what you do to me you will never kill me, unless you realize your gifts” he said with an underlying tone of satisfaction and mumbling the last part.

“I wish you would go back to hell and rot there for all eternity” I mumbled as I was trying, but failing, to pick myself off of the ground for the umpteenth time.

I heard a scream an looked up to see Kobal coming out of Carlos’ body and entering the ground burning it. What the hell just happened? I thought to myself. I had given up trying to get off of the ground and rolled over to my back slowly fading in and out of consciousness. I heard a car quickly drive down the road and then come to a screeching halt.

“Nixie…NIXIE! Oh my god what the hell…Nixie get up! Nixie! NIXIE!” I heard Michael yell. I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with Michael’s pleading eyes. I faintly heard Michel tell me to hang in there as a faded out of consciousness again.

Michael’s POV

“Nixie please come back” I yelled after her. But she didn’t turn around she just kept walking. “Shit” I yelled kicking the rims of my tires. I knew I needed to go and look for her and have her understand that it wasn’t my fault that her mother died I was possessed by that stupid fucking demon Kobal. I ran back inside the garage to look up Nixie’s address once I found it I got into my truck and speed over to her house.

As I rounded the road to her house I saw the body of the guy that pulled Nixie off of me when she was beating the crap out of me. I drove further down and saw Nixie lying on the side of the road lifeless, but I wasn’t too sure that it was her. I quickly stopped my truck and hopped out walking slowly over to her.

“Nixie” I called skeptically looking at the body on the ground. “NIXIE! Oh my god what the hell” I yelled as I got closer. I didn’t know what happened to her but it hurt me to see her laying there almost lifeless. I knelt down next to her and gathered her in my arms pleading with her to get up. She opened her eyes and looked up at me and then slowly closed them. I knew then that I needed to get her to the hospital quickly so I picked her up and took her over to my truck. “Don’t worry Nixie hang in there! Everything is going to be ok.”

I knew that I just couldn’t leave the other guys body there in plain sight so I went over to his body picked him up, placed him in my trucks bead and then place a tarp over the body. I figured I’d bury his body after I’d taken Nixie to the hospital and found out that she was ok.

I speed over towards the hospital and busted in through the door like a bat out of hell.

“Help I need a doctor” I yelled with Nixie in my arms.

A doctor and a nurse came rushing towards me as soon as they saw Nixie.

“What happened sir?” the doctor asked me as soon as he got over.

“I don’t know I was driving to her house because she left something at my garage in town where she works at and I saw her on the side of the road.”

He took Nixie off of my hands and placed her on gurney and quickly rolled her into the emergency room. I waited outside and looked in as the doctors were working on Nixie. The doctors were working on trying to stop the multiple bleedings that she had before they took her up to surgery. Everything was going fine until I noticed the doctors becoming frantic and yelling at each other. And that’s when I knew that Nixie flat lined.
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Michael's Truck

Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year is better than last and no more celebrities die! Seriously if one more celebrity that I like dies I don't think I can handle it.

anywho comment please!♥♥ I really love hearing what you think.