What the Hell Is Going On?


When I came to Michael was gone and all of my wounds were completely healed. I thought it was a bit weird seeing as I vividly remembered my fight with Kobal and hearing Michael’s voice, but I still got up and walked down the road towards Bobby’s. I walked up the steps and to the door and thought it was odd that there was a voice coming from inside when there was no car outside. I opened the door and walked in to find Bobby talking on the phone to someone. Not wanting to eavesdrop I made my way to the stairs but suddenly stopped when I heard my name.

“I can’t handle her anymore boys…no I can’t…because you need to come and get her…what do you mean you don’t want her? She is your sister!…I was doing you guys a favor when I took her in but I can’t handle her anymore…if you don’t want her then why did you take her from Sleepy Hollow? Fine so what should I do with her? Ok then I’ll pack up her things and tell her she needs to get out.”

I didn’t stay for the rest of what Bobby had to say I just felt the tears start pouring down and I ran out of there like a bat out of hell. I suddenly found myself at the motel in town and saw the last thing that I wanted to see, Sam and Dean getting out of the Impala and into a room. I had thought about turning around and disappearing into the night but there was something holding me back telling me to go an listen to what Sam and Dean had to stay. Rather than make my presence known to them I just stood outside by the window and eavesdrop.

“What are we going to do Dean? Bobby said he didn’t want her anymore.”

“Idk Sam but I’m sure as hell not taking her back! I don’t care if she is our sister if dad didn’t want her why should we.”

“That is true.”

That’s all I needed to hear from my brothers. I backed away from the window as quietly as I could and walked away. I couldn’t tell where I was walking to or where I was exactly because my eyes were blurry from the tears. I would have kept walking but I heard a familiar voice so I stopped and was hit with the smell of coconut my mother’s favorite sent and mine too.

“Nixandra?” the voice called out, “Nixie honey what’s wrong?”

No it can’t be
I thought to myself. Slowly I turned around to come face to face with the woman who gave birth to me, the woman who died more than 8 years ago.

“How…You’re…But…How?” was all I could manage to get out.

“Oh honey it’s ok come here?” she said as she made her way towards me but stopping as she saw me taking a step back away from her. “How?”

“Well your dreaming honey,”
she said as she walked over towards me again, “Michael took you to the hospital and after the doctors struggled to bring you back to life you slipped into a coma, that’s where you are now honey look.”

She led me over to a small pond towards out right that I didn’t think was there before. I looked in and actually saw myself laying in a hospital bad hooked up to monitors. I even saw Michael sitting beside my bed looking over towards me talking on the phone to someone.

“So then this is a dream?” I asked looking at my mother with tears forming in my eyes again.

“Yes honey it is” she responded engulfing me into a hug and stroking my hair like she used to do when I was a little girl.

“Well then I never want to wake up ever no one cares” I spat as she let go.

“Honey that’s not true Michael cares”

“He only cares because he feels guilty that he had a hand I killing you”
I spat at her again taking a seat on a tree stump.

“Now that maybe true but she still cares” she said walking over towards me again.

“Yea well he is the only one then” I said as I crossed my arms.

“Your brothers and Bobby care for you too” she said as she stroked my hair again.

“No they don’t! Sam and Dean left me with Bobby, they don’t even call me or see how I am doing and Bobby ignores me whenever he is there so they don’t care about me they never did. They only took me in because dad wrote about me in his journal and they wanted to make things right because they didn’t get a chance to get to know their other brother Adam so they wanted to try and make things right. But they really don’t care” I said with tears threatening to rolling down my face.

“Now that doesn’t seem like my boys” I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see my father, John Winchester, walking up towards me.


That’s all it took for my tears to pour out again. Now I really knew I was dreaming since both my parents were together and I was seeing my father face to face rather than hearing his voice over the phone.

“Nix please don’t cry. I can handle demons and monsters but I can’t handle crying” he said.

“I’m sorry,” I said trying to stop the tears, “but I feel like no one wants me, the both of you died when I was young, and well you know.”

“Look honey just because we died doesn’t mean that we didn’t want you. Things happen for a reason. Us dying was a way for God to bring you to your brothers”
my mother said.

“And I know my boys; they probably care so much more than you think. They don’t want to see their only sister get hurt and they don’t want you to be sucked into the lifestyle that I threw them into” John said.

“But I’m a Winchester so I have a knack for that lifestyle.”

“I know I’ve been watching you.”

“Well then why can’t they see it then?”
I asked my father in frustration.

“They probably did but don’t want to believe it Nix. They wouldn’t wish this life on anyone” John said.

“He’s right honey plus they do care about everything that happens to you. I see them calling Bobby all the time and asking about you. And they are at the hospital right now hoping that you will wake up just look” my mother said leading me to the pond once again revealing Sam, Dean and Bobby sitting in the hospital room along with Michael. Sam had his hand in mine and it looked like Dean was sitting in the chair crying.

“They are only there to make it look like they care” I said hatefully.

“No Nix they really do now I want you to stop all this and wake up already!” John yelled at me.

“Why should I?” I yelled back.

“John please don’t you’ll just start her up” my mother said laying s hand on his shoulder.

“Fine” he said talking a step away from her.

“Nixandra I promise you that if you wake up then everything will be fine” she said.

“Fine but before I do I need you to answer something for me.”

“Anything Nixandra”
she said getting closer.

“What the hell is going on with me?” I asked her.

“I can’t tell you that just yet honey. But you will find out soon I promise. We love you Nixandra”

“But wait…”

Before I could say another word my mother pushed me into the pond and everything went black again. I could feel myself slowly coming to and I could also hear the voices of Sam, Dean, Bobby and Michael. At that point I knew they did care on some level.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nixie's Dream outfit
Nixie's mom

So the next chapter will have more of the Winchester boy's because I've been looking over my chapters and I notice that they aren't in the story that much. And you will find out about Nixie's eyes in due time I promise!
Well comment please♥♥