What the Hell Is Going On?


“Michael how the hell did Nixie end up here?” Dean practically yelled at Michael.

“I have no clue. She found out that I was the guy that the demon was possessing that killed her mother and she flipped a shit on me and started punching me. Some guy with blond hair came and took her off of me and ran away laughing. She walked off after that and when I was driving to Bobby’s house to see if she was ok and make her understand what happened wasn’t my fault I saw her lying on the ground almost lifeless and that guy that pulled her off me dead on the other side of the road. Who’s body by the way is still in the back of my truck” Michael said.

“So then what the hell happened between the two of them?” Bobby asked.

“He was…he was...he was” that was all I could say before I went into a coughing fit.

“Nixie,” Sam said as he walked over to me and grabbing a cup with water, “you’re awake. Here drink this.”

“Thanks Sam” I said as I looked into his eyes seeing the hurt in them seeing me all battered in a hospital bed.

“Nixie don’t you ever do that to us again! Do you hear me Nix NEVER AGAIN” Dean yelled.

“Settle down boy,” Bobby said placing a hand on Dean’s chest, “Nixie what happened?”

Before I answered Bobby I tried to sit up in the bed but failed miserably. “You should just stay lying down” Sam said.

“No I want to sit. I’ve been laying here for a while now.” Sam helped me sit up and trying his hardest not to hurt me in the process, which was useless because every movement that I made hurt. After I was sitting I took another sip of water and proceeded to tell all of them what happened leaving out a few key details that I didn’t think they needed to know just yet.

“So Kobal was possessing that guy?” Michael asked

“Carlos?” Dean asked “I’m going to rip his ass to shreds!”

“Yea he was possessing him and he is already dead Dean remember” I said.

“I’m still going to rip him to shreds” he said mumbling.

“How did he get exercised from Carlos’ body?” Bobby asked.

“I don’t know Bobby I was on the ground trying to get up.”

Sam just gave me a weird look but said nothing. Both Bobby and Michael stayed in the hospital room for a little while to make sure that I was ok but they both had to go, Michael had a garage to run in the morning and Bobby had to go and help another hunter with a case of his. By this time Sam and Dean had both fallen asleep in the chairs, they had told me that after Bobby called them they drove as fast as they could all the way from Montana literally right after they finished up a case there so they were wiped out.

I decided that since both Sam and Dean were asleep that I could get some rest in. While I was asleep I had a dream that was similar to the one that I had before except my mother and father were not in it, neither was Bobby, only Sam and Dean. In it they were in the hotel room saying that they didn’t want me and saw me standing there by the window and then they started to chase me with rifles and shooting at me. I turned around to plead with them to stop and Dean pulled the trigger of his riffle, before it had a chance to hit me it stopped in mid air turned around and got Dean right in between the eyes. Sam yelled and cocked his riffle and before he had a chance to fire it, it exploded and killed him too. I tuned to see my reflection in the window of some store and saw my eyes. I broke down and asked why then there was a flash of light and I couldn’t move or see. I heard footsteps coming towards me and a deep voice saying there was no escape. Before anything else happen I snapped open my eyes and woke up form my dream. I was about to sit up but I heard Sam and Dean talking so I laid there and acted as if I was still asleep to hear what they were saying.

“Dean I told you we should have kept her with us and shown her how to be a hunter” Sam said.

“NO” Dean growled.

“And why not? If she was with us then…”

“If she was with us this would probably happen on a regular bases and I don’t think I could handle that”
Dean said cutting Sam off with hurt in his voice.

“You don’t know that for sure Dean.”

“Look Dad didn’t want her to get involved with this type of stuff that’s why we never knew about her and that’s why he didn’t go pick her up when her mother died.”

“Ok maybe but Dean we aren’t Dad and sooner or later the demons are going to find out that she is a Winchester and are going to come after her, what then huh? She got lucky this time but she doesn’t know how to really defend herself and make sure that this doesn’t happen again. She needs to be with us. Plus I kind of miss having her around and hearing her voice.”

“I guess you are right. It is hard asking Bobby how she is when I call and not having him put her on the phone. All this time I thought keeping our distance was right for her but I guess it isn’t.”

That’s all I needed to hear to feel at ease that they really did care about me. I decided to not let them know I was awake and heard all of that so I went back to sleep. This was a big mistake because I had the same exact dream that I had earlier but with a little twist. Instead of Sam and Dean me killing them that guy had killed them both leaving me there angry and then flash of light came back and the guy was there in front of me, he touched me and it felt like I was on fire from head to toe and the flames kept growing and growing until I couldn’t take it anymore and I let out a scream.

“Nixie…Nixie…NIXIE wake up.”

I woke up to both Sam and Dean hovering over me with worried expressions in their faces. Before I had a chance to say anything the excruciating burning sensation came back and I screamed in pain.

“Nixie…Nixie what’s wrong?” Sam asked.

"It…it…it…it bur...” I managed to get out before I screamed again.

“What the hell is happening to her?” Dean growled trying to hold me down so I wouldn’t hurt myself anymore that I was.

“I don’t know. HELP” Sam yelled for a doctor.

The doctors came rushing in and pushed Sam and Dean to the side. After a couple of minutes trying to figure out what was wrong the doctors finally gave me some pain medication to subside the burning sensation. When the doctors left Sam and Dean were at my bedside again.

“It felt like I was burning to a crisp from the inside” I told them.

“The doctors gave you something so you won’t feel like that anymore,” Sam said stroking my hair like my mother used to do, “get some rest.”


“Nixie its fine”
he said.

“No because whenever I close my eyes I see the both of you chasing after me with shotguns telling me that I am a waste of life and that I should just die already.”

I could tell that what I had just said felt like a dagger going through their hearts because it felt like that for me. Sam and Dean stood there speechless for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to tell them the other things I see when I close my eyes.

“And that’s not the only thing. There is this guy and he had the ability to freeze me and when he touches me it feels like my body is on fire.”

“Nixie don’t worry we are here now and we won’t let anything happen to you ever again because we won’t let you out of our sites”
Dean said grabbing my hand.

“That’s right” Sam agreed grabbing my other hand.
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I hope you like this chapter. Comment please and tell me what you think.♥♥