What the Hell Is Going On?

Cars and Confessions

I finally got the family that I wanted. During my stay at the hospital Sam and Dean never left my side and we actually grew a bit closer. They told me how Dad was like and the sad story about how they became hunters and I told them what my mom was like and how my life was growing up on my own. I was finally able to leave the hospital one month before my 16th birthday. My mom wanted me to be with Sam and Dean for my 16th birthday and she is getting her wish, although I wish I knew why she wanted me to be with them.

Sam had brought me a pair of clothes so that I wouldn’t have to wear the ones I wore when I was admitted. I quickly put on the clothes and sprinted to the door only to be stopped by an orderly and told that I had to sit in a wheel chair until I was outside the hospital walls. He brought me outside to Dean’s car and I got inside.

“So we’re going to go to Bobby’s and then show you the basics about hunting so then you can come with us” Dean said from behind the wheel as he started driving.

“Um ok sure but can we make a stop at the garage?” I asked.

“It’s ok Michael knows that you are going to come with us so you don’t have to go there and tell him” Sam said turning around and looking at me.

“No I know that but I kind of left something there.”

“What did you leave there?”
Sam asked.

“My baby Oz” I said smiling widely.

“Your what?” Dean yelled hitting the breaks.

“Whoa I just got out of the hospital I don’t want to go back,” I said as I shot forward a little bit, “Calm down I mean my car, I fixed up one of the car’s in the salvage yard and I named it Oz and I left him at the garage when everything went down.”

“Oh ok”
Dean said as he started driving again.

“So what kind of a car is it?” Sam asked.

“Oz is a ’69 z28” I said proudly knowing that Dean would be impressed with my choice of car.

“Whoa Bobby had that in the yard?” Dean asked.

“Yup and he wasn’t in that bad of shape he just needed a few tweaks here and there”

“How did you know how to fix it?”
Sam asked.

I felt like I was playing 20 questions although I didn’t mind it. “Well I remembered the things Dean had shown me when I was helping him tune up the Impala and as for the rest of the stuff that I didn’t know I just looked it up in a book.”

“Wait so you’re saying that you fixed it with the things that I showed you and a book?”
Dean asked dumbfounded.

“Yea I did” I said.

“Haha look at that she is the both of us combined” Sam chuckled. Dean thought it over and started to chuckle as well.

We got to Michael’s garage and I got out of the car with Sam and Dean following behind me wanting to see my car. As soon as I entered the garage I saw Oz immediately and ran over to him. Dean was impressed with how well I fixed up the car. I got the keys from Michael and drove Oz out of the garage and followed Sam and Dean to Bobby’s house.

Driving down the road to Bobby’s house was a bit nerve wracking. Kobal was so scared when he saw my eyes and I was doing things that weren’t possible, not to mention I almost died there. I just didn’t know what to make of it all just yet.

When we got to Bobby’s house Sam took me to the yard and Dean went inside to get a few things.

“So now that it’s just me and you; want to tell me how Kobal was really exercised from Carlos’ body?” Sam asked as we were walking through the yard.

“Sam I told you before I was on the ground trying to get up so I don’t know how” I said nervously.

Sam raised his eyebrow and I knew that he didn’t believe me. “Nixie you can lie to everyone else but not to me now tell me” he said sternly.

I knew I had no choice I had to tell Sam, maybe he could help me make sense of everything. “Ok well after I hit the tree I got pissed and looked up at him, he stopped dead in his tracks and yelled it can’t be moving backwards. I looked down at a puddle and saw that my eyes were a crystal blue, he was still moving backwards and I wished that he was in front of me so that I could punch the son of a bitch in the face and in a flash I was in front of him. He punched me and then grabbed me as if he was going to throw me again and when I grabbed him he started to seize on the floor. We fought for a little while more, I saw how Carlos died and how Kobal entered his body, and then I couldn’t take it anymore and I wished that he was gone and back in hell. He started screaming and got exercised.”

Sam just looked at me confused. “So you wished it and he was gone just like that?”

I said looking down at the ground.

“And your eyes were a crystal blue?” he asked again.

“Yea. Sam I don’t know what the hell is going on with me.”

“Hm…don’t worry Nixie we’ll figure it out”
he said pulling me into a hug.

“Figure out what?” Dean said as he was coming back with his arms filled with different kinds of weapons and Bobby following behind him.

“How Nixie is going to bring her car along with us seeing as she doesn’t trust me driving it either” Sam said quickly.

Dean let out a chuckle. “A ’69 z28 and she doesn’t trust you driving her car? Yea she’s defiantly my sister!”
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I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit short and kinda fillerish. I promise that the next one would be longer =]
Comment please =] I love hearing your feed back!

Nixie's after hospital clothes