What the Hell Is Going On?


“So the first thing we are going to cover is shooting” Dean said as he placed all of the weapons down next to him on the ground.

“I know how to shoot Dean”

“Really? When did you have to shoot anything Nixie?”
Dean said cocking and eyebrow looking over at me.

“Well a while back when Bobby was away I took on a case that dealt with a shapeshifter that was lying on his desk because I was bored. And then after that case I took another one that dealt with a windigo and I shot at it seeing if it would buy me sometime to find something to torch it with” I said picking up a .50 cal Mark XIX Desert Eagle and walking away.

“You did what?”both Bobby and Dean yelled from behind me.

I quickly turned around to face him and looked at him oddly.

“You took on those things by yourself with no experience what so ever? You could have gotten yourself killed you igit!” Bobby yelled.

“Look you weren’t here, I had no one and I was bored. Plus with the lack of attention that I got I figured that no one would miss me if anything were to happen to me” I yelled back.
I instantly felt bad after I said that because both Dean and Bobby’s facial expressions changed from pissed to sorrowful. I didn’t mean to throw the past in their faces like that but it was the truth.

“How about you just show us what you got then” Dean said pointing over to a “makeshift-demon” that Sam had put up as my target.

“Ok” I said turning and lifting up the gun.

“Ok so you can shoot a ‘makeshift-demon’ that doesn’t move from about 20 feet right between the eyes that’s pretty good Nixie,” Dean said walking over towards me and taking the gun from my hand, “Not all of the things that you’re going to be shooting at though will be standing still they will be moving, think you can handle that?”

“Yea I think I can”
I said facing him.

For the next couple of hours Bobby, Dean and Sam were all teaching me the basic skills that I needed in order to become a hunter. Bobby taught me how important it was to know what I was up against and how important it was to know how to kill it. Sam and Dean taught me how to use different weapons that I would need during hunts and also some hand to hand combat skills. Sam even taught me some phrases in Latin that I needed to know for when we were dealing with demons.

Most people wouldn’t enjoy going through all of this training to become a hunter, heck most people wouldn’t even want to become a hunter of the Supernatural and things that go bump in the night. I on the other hand am not like most people I think hunting is pretty cool and I kind of am a bit supernatural even though I haven’t figured out what I am just yet.

Dean decided that I’ve had enough training for one day and said that we would pick up the rest tomorrow. I said goodnight to everyone and headed to my room. I guess I was too excited with the training that I couldn’t sleep so I decided that I should just go downstairs and read the different lore books that Bobby had. I picked up a book on voodoo and headed for the kitchen to get myself something to drink while I read.

“Sam? What are you doing up?” I asked when I saw Sam in the kitchen with his laptop and a couple of books.

“I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d try and figure out what is happening to you,” he said looking up at me, “What about you? You should be sleeping Dean has even more training lined up for you tomorrow.”

“I know he does but I think I’m too excited to sleep plus I slept so much at the hospital that I can’t really sleep”
I said taking a seat at the table.

“Next to Dean you are the only other person that I know that is into this whole hunting thing” Sam chuclked.

“I don’t really think that Dean is into it per say it’s just this is all he’s known and he thinks he’s making a difference. And me I just think it’s because I have a talent for this and it can help me figure out what I am”

“Yea that is true”
Sam said looking back down at his laptop, “Hey Nixie look at this”

I asked getting up and walking over towards him.

I looked at the screen and read what Sam was looking at. Half-Demon children. That was the title of the page. I kept reading and stopped when I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Sam you can’t be serious Half-Demon?”

“It’s not impossible Nixie, There is lore on half-angel children so why not half-demon. I have demon blood in me form that yellow eyes demon and you said that your eyes were a crystal blue. It does say that these half-demon children has demonic powers and some are witches. It explains some things Nixie”

“That’s just insane Sam your dad couldn’t be possessed by a demon when he was with my mom because he had that mark tattooed on him to prevent that and my mom…my mom.”

I stopped short unable to finish my sentence. Could my mom have been possessed by a demon when she was with John? I thought to myself.

“I’m going to bed this is just too much Sam” I said turning around starting to walk out of the kitchen. “If it’s true how will I know for sure that I am a…a..a half...half...half..that?” I asked Sam.

“I don’t know Nixie but we’ll find out I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took me so long to get out. I really wanted to tell you what Nixie was in this chapter but I kind-of didn't know myself up until now. The Idea kinda comes from this book hat I am reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. It has half-demons beings , nephelium (half-angel/half human) and other things. It's really good you should read it.

Anywho what do you think? Like it/don't like it? Tell me people and don't hold back I can take it. Again I'm sorry it took so long.♥

Oh and I got bored one day and made this on my polyvore Polyvore Banner