What the Hell Is Going On?


So how do you like knowing the truth?

How do you like knowing the truth?

How do you like knowing that you are nothing but a monster!

Nothing but a monster!

Watch your back because he will come looking for you!

Come looking for you!

He will hunt you down just like he did with the others!

Hunt you down just like he did with the others!

There’s no escaping him!

No escaping!

There’s no running from him!

No running!

He will find you!

He will find you!

And when he does say goodbye to your soul!

Say goodbye!

I screamed waking up from my dream drenched in sweat.

It’s been a couple of days now since Sam had proposed the idea that I was half demon. In those few days I’ve been having the same dream I am surrounded by darkness and smoke and there are voices in the background talking to me but I have never seen their faces. Tonight there was a slight difference in the dream, this time I could see the faceless bodies within the smoke. Some were standing and others were lying on the ground motion less. For the most part it seems like my dreams are trying to warn me of something coming my way. I just hope that when whatever is coming comes that I won’t be alone in facing it.

I quickly put the thought about something coming in the back of my head and got out of my bed. I made my way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. Dean finally thought that I was ready to go hunting with them. I packed all of my belongings into a duffel bag and headed downstairs.

I made breakfast for everyone since they were still asleep. Once I finished my breakfast I went on Sam’s computer and started researching everything that I could on half-demons. But the most I found on them were that they were powerful beings more powerful than a demon that’s taken residence inside a human.

“More powerful than a demon, that can’t be right” I said to myself. Or at least I thought I had.

“What can’t be right?” Dean asked walking into the kitchen with Sam right behind him.

“That…That…That those Ghostfacers guys show got picked up for a season” I said quickly trying to cover my tracks.

“Are you serious?” Dean asked sitting down in front of me with a huge plate full of the food I cooked.

“Uh ye…No it was a false alarm it’s just some stupid person hoping that they get picked up” I said relieved that he bought it.

“Wow ok…So Nix have you decided what you are going to do with your car?” Dean asked.

“Well I had wanted to take the car with me but I think that you might prefer it if I just left it and rode with you guys” I told Dean as he took a huge mouthful of food nodding, “And I though right, so I guess that I am just going to leave it here with Bobby if it’s ok with him.”

“It’s ok with me Nixie” Bobby said walking into the kitchen.

“Ok then now that that is settled when are we leaving” I asked smiling widely.

“As soon as you give up the laptop so that I can find us a hunt” Sam said chuckling sitting down next to me.

He took the laptop and quickly looked over at me when he saw what I was looking at. He gave me a look as if he was going to speak to me later about it before he went on to look for a hunt that we could go on. He found a hunt in Croton-On-Hudson, NY which was not far from where I used to live in Sleepy Hollow. It was about a day’s drive straight through from Sioux Falls, SD where Bobby lives. Dean was satisfied with it and said that we would be leaving in a couple of hours.

After breakfast Bobby and Dean left the kitchen to get everything ready to leave and to have a little talk, which I was guessing that they were going to talk about me because they both looked at me right before they left the room. Once they left the room Sam shifted in his chair and looked towards me.

“More powerful?” Sam asked me.

“I have no idea but Sam I’m getting a bit scared I keep having these dreams where these voices are telling me that some guy is going to come for me.”

“Don’t worry Nixie no one is going to come for you not with Dean and I here”
Sam said but I can hear the worry in his voice which made me worry even more.

After my little talk with Sam I walked upstairs and grabbed my duffel bag and headed outside to the impala. Sam and Dean were already out there waiting for me and so was Bobby.

“Now you be careful out there Nixie and take care of these two idgets will you” Bobby said before hugging me.

“I will Bobby”

“And before I forget this is for you I thought you might like it seeing as this is the only gun you kept picking while we were training you”
Bobby said handing me a box.

I opened it to find a beautiful .50 AE Mark XIX Desert Eagle. I let out a squeal before placing the box in the back seat and giving Bobby a huge hug.

“Most girls get excited when you give them something shiny you get excited when someone hands you a gun, gotta love you Nixie” Dean chuckled getting into the car.

I gave Bobby one last hug goodbye and told him to tell Michael goodbye for me and that I will see him soon, hopefully. Driving away from Bobby’s house was a bitter-sweet feeling but knowing that I was finally off hunting with my brothers left me feeling excited. I just hoped that whatever was coming didn’t come soon.
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Sorry this took forever to get posted I went to New Jersey for my best friends wedding and then was in New York on vacation. I'm going to try to update faster it depends on how fast I write the chapters since I have a short attention span. Your comment's are greatly appreciated they keep me writing =]

The gun Bobby gave Nixie

p.s How are you guys liking the new story layout?