What the Hell Is Going On?

Angels and Seals

I realized that there was more driving involved when it came to going on hunts than I would have liked. Even though it had only been about 5 hours it felt like I have been in the car for about five days. I had brought things to entertain me on the trip but with my short attention span I am only entertained for so long. I would have talked to either Sam or Dean but they were busy talking about some impending doom that I had no idea about. I knew that it was only a matter of time that I was going to find out what kind of trouble the world was in on my own so I decided against asking them about it.

A couple more hours went by and Sam and Dean stopped talking about the impending doom and then stopped talking all together. Not having anyone talking in the car and only having Van Halen playing was killing me.

“So what’s the deal with this hu…ahh” I screamed when I saw a man sitting next to me that wasn't there before.

Dean hit the brakes as hard as he could stopping the car. When we came to a complete stop he whipped his head around.

“Damn it Cas” he yelled.

“What?” the random stranger asked with a confused look on his face.

“You know this guy? What the hell? Who the hell is he? More so what the hell is he?” I asked Dean frantically.

“Nixie calm down this is our friend Castiel and he is an” Sam started.

“I’m an angel" Castiel said cutting off Sam.

“Yea ok and I’m the freaking queen of England” I said sarcastically. I was fine with believing and knowing that demons existed but not angels. I just couldn’t wrap my head around that concept. I mean if angels existed then that had to have meant that God existed and if he did exist then where was he when my mother and I were attacked, and she was killed by Kobel? Where was he when my neighbors, who I considered family, were attacked and killed by a vampire? No it was safe to say that I did not believe that there was a God, so in my head if God didn’t exist then neither did angels.

“He is Nix. Believe me it took me a while to come to grips too that angels exist but they do, and some of them are assholes, actually only a select few aren’t and when I say a select few I mean 2” Dean said making me laugh a bit, “Why are you here Cas?” he asked a bit annoyed with Castiel.

“You guys need to head over to Clarksdale, Mississippi now” Castiel said firmly.

He explained to us that all of the demons were all gathering there for some reason and that they needed to go there to find out why. Before Dean had a chance to question him further about the demon invasion Castiel was gone.

“Is he always that demanding?” I asked staring at the now empty seat next to me.

“At times” Sam answered.

“So how did you guys find out that angels existed?” I asked curious on how they found out that angels existed.

“It’s a long story” Dean said turning the car around and heading to Mississippi.

“Don’t worry you have time to tell me this long story seeing as we now have to go to Mississippi instead of New York.”

Dean started to tell me what had happened to them last year, how he had sold his soul to bring Sam back from the dead and how the crossroads demon gave him only one year to live. He explained how the hell hounds came after him and dragged his soul to hell. Even though he was in hell for about four months for everyone else it was about 40 years for him. During those 40 years he succeeded in resisting the temptation to stop being tortured in exchange for torturing others for 30 years but then suddenly he cracked and started torturing people for the last ten years. Apparently while Dean was torturing people he broke one of the first seals that had to be broken in order for Lucifer to be set free and walk the earth bringing the apocalypse with him.

He also explained that one day he was in hell torturing people and the next day he was waking up inside a coffin and digging himself out of the grave that Sam had buried him in. At first Bobby thought that Dean was something else and had to prove that he was really him. After they found Sam they went to look for the thing that “dragged” him out of hell. Well that “thing” turned out to be the angel Castiel, who told Dean that God commanded him to do it and that God has plans for Dean. Ever since then Sam and Dean have been going all around the country trying to help the angels in stopping this

“Wow” was all that I could say after Dean finished telling me his hell and back story.

“Wow is right” Dean sighed.

“So wait how many seals have to be broken in order for the devil to be set free?” I asked leaning forward closer to Sam and Dean.

“66 out of 600 seals have to be broken” Sam said as his eyes never left the road.

“And how many seals have been broken already?”

Dean said quietly gripping the steering wheel just a tad bit tighter.

“Oh” I said leaning back into the seat, “I picked a great time to become a hunter” I mumbled looking out the window. Suddenly I didn’t feel the need to talk throughout the whole car ride anymore, I actually didn’t feel the need to do anything but just sit there quietly and think.
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Ughh I feel like the times in between each chapter have been getting longer and longer and I am deeply sorry for that. I really do have a short attention span so when I sit to write if I am not in a writing mood I would only write like one sentence and then that's it. And I am truly sorry for that. I am thinking about trying to work up a plan schedule for me to sit and write and then for me to post the stories. So when I figure it out I'll let you know but since I'm back in school I have to work it around my school paper writing schedule. I hope I haven't lost all of you =/

p.s Supernatural come's back tonight...yes tonight 9/24 since it is 12:30am for me. I am so freaking excited! Don't forget to watch it at 9pm =D