What the Hell Is Going On?

First Meetings

It was 2 weeks before my 14th birthday when I met Sam and Dean...

"So why are we here again?" Dean asked Sam as they were walking into Mom & Pops Breakfast.

"Because in dad's journal he makes reference to this place every Halloween for 8 years and he always mentions someone named Nix" Sam explained.

"So?" Dean Said while motioning the waitress over.

"So aren't you the least bit curious after everything that happened with Adam? What if we have another brother?"

"Alright fine" Dean said as I appeared.

"Hi My name is Nixie and I'll be your waitress today what can I get you?"

"2 burgers, fries, 2 beers, and a slice of pie. What do you want Sammy?" Dean said.

"I'll just have a burger, fries and a coke thanks."Sam said as I walked away.

"Wow you can eat,"I said as I took Deans menu "I'll get you your order as soon as I can."

"Thanks" Sam said to me smiling.

I came back with their food and they thanked me and went back to talking. They both looked kind of cute and they were really funny. Every time I went to go check on them they were always playing jokes on each other.

"Our waitress is cute" Dean said as I was walking away laughing to get him more pie. Man that guy can eat.

"Yea but she's too young, for you Dean" Sam said.

"Yea I know I was just saying"

I brought Dean his pie for the umpteenth time and told them that we were closing in 10 minutes. Just as I told them that Carlos came in through the door. (Carlos is the guy that lives in the apartment above me that claims to be my boyfriend, but he's not he's just this idiotic ass who doesn’t know how to take a hint.) Well he came in and saw me waiting on Sam & Dean and went berserk.

"What the hell Nixie? What are you whoring yourself out? Aren't you closed? Huh?!? Answer me when I'm talking to you bitch" Carlos yelled as he grabbed my wrist.

"One you’re hurting me, two they are customers here at the diner who were just leaving, three why the flip are you yelling at me I'M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND" I said pulling away from him.

Well Carlos got angry and punched me in the stomach. He was about to punch me again when Dean leaped out of the booth and punched him in the face, stomach and face again. While Dean was throwing Carlos out Sam was by my side making sure that I was ok.

"Who was that?" Sam asked while helping me up into the booth.

"Carlos he lives in my building and is convinced that we are going out." I said rubbing my throbbing stomach. "Thanks" I said to Dean as he was coming back to the booth.

"No problem. You’re going to stay with us tonight just to make sure he won’t try anything else."

"Oki Dokes" I said getting up.

Both Sam and Dean started to laugh after I said that which caused me to laugh. We were like that all the way to the way to the hotel. It felt good, I liked them. Being with them felt like I was with family. And it looked like they felt the same way.