What the Hell Is Going On?


66 out of 600 and 60 have already been broken. That’s what kept replaying in my head the whole time that we were driving towards Mississippi. I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe that the angles nor Sam and Dean were able to successfully stop the demons in breaking the seals. I mean there have to be just as many angels out there as there are demons maybe more and they couldn’t stop this on their own. Something about this whole situation just didn’t feel right to me, but I wasn’t going to let anyone else know that because why would they believe my gut feeling about this when I was just starting out being a hunter and I wasn’t very experienced yet.

I needed to shake this out of my head because there was nothing that I could do about it now to make the number lower. No all I could do was to help Sam and Dean stop the number seals broken from reaching 66.

“How much longer till we reach Mississippi?” I looked over and asked Sam, who was driving since Dean was in the back seat resting.

“About half an hour why?” he asked only glancing at me.

“No particular reason, I just wanted to know so I knew how long it will be till I can start investigating why all the demons are there?”

“Nixie you can’t just jump right into this as soon as we get there you need some rest you haven’t slept more than 10 minutes since we left Bobby’s house.”

“I’m just not tired Sam so excuse me for wanting to be a good hunter”
I snapped. I didn’t mean to snap at Sam it was just I was tired I just didn’t want to admit it. I wasn’t able to sleep since we left because my nightmares were becoming more intense.

“Nixie what’s wrong?” Sam asked me softly.

“Nothing Sam I’m fine” I lied. I didn’t want to worry Sam too much than what he might already be.

“Nixie what’s wrong?” Sam said a bit more firmly.

“It’s this whole half-demon thing Sam I still don’t understand it and now we are going to a place that is filled with demons and it’s just a little nerve wracking that’s all. I mean one could quite possibly know what the hell I am and then again they can be douchebags and not tell me or like Kobal they could be scared shitless of me and not want to tell me to avoid something that I could do” I rambled.

I was trying to figure out something to say to Sam so that I wouldn’t have to tell him about my nightmares that I just said whatever I was thinking. Although a part of me was worried about what I had told Sam but only a little part because the rest was worried about what might be coming for me and if I could handle it.

“Nixie calm down” Sam said taking one had off of the steering wheel and placing it on my shoulder.

“How can I calm down Sam when I have no clue what is going on and yet Kobal did and maybe some other demons know” I groaned looking at him.

“Because I promised you that we will figure this out together and we will” Sam said.

“Fine,” I sighed, “You look like your getting tired how about you let me drive?”

“And risk Dean biting my head off because I let you a person that has only been driving for about what a year dive his baby, he already gives me a hard time when I drove…no I’m good”
Sam chuckled.

“Hey I’m a good drive plus he wouldn’t mind seeing as I also have a classic beauty so I know where he is coming from, come on let me drive while you two sleep” I smiled. After a couple of minutes and tons of convincing Sam finally decided to pull over and let me drive so he could rest.

As much as I wanted to sit and think about what I was and try and figure out what was going on with me I knew that if I went down that path while I was driving then it wasn’t going to end well, so I decided to focus my energy on the world’s problems rather than my own. I guess I was more disturbed with the fact that all these seals were being broken and the Angles hadn’t put out their best efforts to stop it. It was like they wanted the seals to be broken in their own sick little way but why, what did they have to gain out of Lucifer rising bringing him the end of the world.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t see that a man had walked right into the middle of the road and was just standing there waiting for me to hit him until he crashed up against the windshield. I slammed on the breaks causing Sam and Dean to fly forwards waking them up out of their seats.

“What the hell?” Dean yelled groaning.

I didn’t bother answering him, I ran out of the car to make sure that the guy was alright and wasn’t hurt that badly or worse dead.

“Are you…” was all that I could manage to get out before I saw the demon rush out of the man’s body. He laid there on the ground twitching for about five seconds before I saw him take his last breath and pass away. “What the hell was that? Why did he just kill his host body?” I mumbled to myself as I stood there in disbelief.

“Nixie what the hell just happened?” Dean asked rushing to my side with Sam following suit.

“Did you? Is he dead?” Sam asked quickly once he saw the body heading over to check his pulse.

“The guy came literally out of nowhere and when I came out here to check him a demon came out of him and then the guy died. Why the hell would a demon do that?” Both of them were as confused as I was about why it would just do that. We dragged the body off of the road and burned it so that no one would find out what happened, not like they would believe it anyway.

“Where are we anyway?” Dean yawned rubbing the back of his neck as we walked back to the car.

I didn’t give him an answer, I just simply pointed at the sign that was infront of me.

Welcome to Clarksdale, Mississippi

No one said a word, they just simply nodded and got in the car with Dean driving again.

“I guess now it’s time to figure out why all of the demons are here and why that demon just did that” I said shaking my head. This was going to be a tough one I could feel it already.
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So I wrote this last week but I had my ride along with the sheriff's department and I had forgotten to post it. I got to be Dog the Bounty hunter with the sheriff for an hour out of the six hours that I was with him it was amazing...what a rush XD. Anywho yea here it is please comment =] oh and I also set up a schedule I am going to try and put out a chapter every two weeks and I have them planned out too I think I am going to be ending at 34 or 35. Also I have and original story that I am working on that I would love your input on...if you want that is
I Won't Apologize
Thanks ☮♥☻