What the Hell Is Going On?

Legion pt.1

“I’m Detective Gibbs and this is my partner Detective DiNozzo” Dean said showing his badge to the woman that was standing in front of us.

“How may I help you officers?” She asked a bit confused.

“We are here to talk about your husband Mr.Caps, you witnessed your husband killing himself am I right?” I asked her calmly.

“Yes I was, I don’t understand why is the FBI concerned with my husband’s suicide?”

“Well your husband was working with the government secretly and we usually talk to the families and make sure it was an actual suicide and not a murder”
Dean answered, “When he shot himself was there a cloud of black smoke around right before he passed?”

“Um yes there was, what does that mean?”

“That is what we are going to find out madame, thank you for your time”
I reassured her turning around and walking away with Dean, “Did you notice the sulfur along the door frame we the demons are definitely behind these suicides.”

We walked back to the motel room where we had left Sam trying to figure out why the demons would be killing their host bodies. It didn’t surprise me that he really hadn’t come up with anything. The only way we were going to figure out what was happening was if we captured a demon and forced it out of him ourselves. Well actually myself seeing as Sam and Dean didn’t really agree with my plan.

I was walking around the town looking a bit helpless, hoping that the demons will fall for my act and one would come along that I could trap. I turned down a dark alleyway where I had everything set up when I noticed someone following me.

“Now you know that a young pretty inexperienced hunter as yourself shouldn’t be walking alone in a town like this” a woman said from behind me.

“Thanks I am young and pretty, but inexperienced no” I chuckled turning around to face the demon.

“Honey you are dealing with a century’s old demon I saw your seal from a mile away” she laughed “I know what you want and I would tell you for the asking”

“So then tell me”
I demanded.

“Now is that anyway to talk to your mother’s friend?”

“You knew my mother?”
I asked shocked.

“Yes I did she was a ruthless demon until she met and fell in love with that asshole of a hunter John Winchester”

The mere mention of both my mother being a demon set me off. I lunged myself at the demon pissed wanting to beat the crap out of her and send her sorry ass back to hell. I didn’t care anymore about there being tons of demons in Clarksdale or about the fact that yet another seal was going to be broken. All I cared about was the fact that this demon had reminded me that my sweet mother was actually a demon and that I was a demon child, it was something that I was trying so hard to forget.

“Now that’s the little half-demon girl that I wanted to see” she cackled grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into the brick wall.

I gasped trying to breath grabbing on to her arms trying to free myself and wishing that somehow this demon will start seizing just like Kobal did and I could free myself. The next thing I know she started to scream but instead of letting me go she only tightened her grip.

“Now that wasn’t very nice” she hissed but then smiled looking into my now crystal blue eyes, “ but I will forgive you since you do not know any better yet. Now to tell you what is going on here as you already know we are trying to break another seal. Which seal you might ask? The freeing of Legion of course! With him risen Lucifer will have an edge when bringing the Apocalypse. As the people commit suicide under the name of Legion their souls will be added to him bringing him so much closer to life. All we need is another four more souls and he shall walk again” she smiled before screaming out in pain a exiting the host body while heading to the ground back to hell.

The woman that the demon was possessing let go of me and ran away in terror. I laid on the ground gasping for air trying to steady my breathing while Sam and Dean ran up to me.

“What the hell were you thinking you could have gotten yourself killed” Dean yelled in frustration.

“Are you ok?” Sam asked helping me up.

“I’m fine and I was thinking that I wanted to find out what was going on here and that the only way to do that was to ask a demon and I had everything under control till you showed up” I hissed.

“Right because you choking to death is such a great strategy”

“It is when you are trying to get information out of a demon. Let them think that they are in control and they will give you anything that you want”

“Well what did you find out then Nixie”
Sam asked.

“They are trying to raise Legion” I said walking out of the alleyway.

“Who?” Dean asked confused.

I huffed and started walking towards the nearby church to explain to Dean who legion is. I found a catholic church not too far from the alleyway and walked inside heading towards one of the pews, sitting down grabbing a bible and opening it to Mark chapter five. I handed the bible to Dean and instructed him to read the chapter up to verse 14.

“Two thousand demons in one vessel?” Dean asked in horror.

“Yes and they are very powerful that is why we need to flush out all of the demons that are still in the city before it’s too late and they successfully get the last four souls they need to bring forth Legion” I said quickly getting up and walking out of the church but not before seeing four men fighting on the steps of the church.

I stood at the top of the steps in horror knowing that we were too late. One by one the men started shooting and stabbing each other and then in a flash there was a huge cloud of black smoke escaping from their bodies. I ran down the steps hoping that the demons had missed a major artery or vital organ so that these men wouldn’t die on the steps and be added to the collection of souls. By the time I reached them they all took their last breath.
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I feel like a terrible author really! I have screwed up my writing schedule and now I am posting this three weeks later than I promised you all. I hope you aren't mad with me. Although some probably are since I lost some subscribers. I am really sorry and I hope that these next two chapters makes up for it since it's too long to be one chapter. I was inspired for it when I watched the movie Five Girls. Your comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated =]