What the Hell Is Going On?

Legion pt.2

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” I yelled out in frustration.

“Nixie what the…crap” Dean yelled flying down the steps.

“We’re too late what the hell are we going to do now?” I worriedly yelled.

“Calm down Nixie” Sam said grabbing my shoulder.

“Calm down? Calm Down? You want me to calm down! Any second now Legion is going to rise and we are going to be faced with a man possessed by two thousand demons and we have no clue how to stop him”

Sam and Dean both exchanged a worried look before dragging me to the car and speeding towards the motel room. They immediately pulled out all the books that they had with supernatural rituals or black magic spells looking through each of them trying to find something to stop legion.

“I think I found something” Sam called out.

“What is it?” Dean asked walking towards him.

“It’s a spell to do the same thing that Jesus did to Legion in the bible all we need is about two thousand pigs or cows…”

“Done I saw a cattle farm just up the road”
Dean interrupted.

“Good all we need then is either a powerful witch or powerful demon” Sam said looking up and staring at me.

“No! There is no way in hell you are going to get me to stand in front of Legion to recite that spell” I yelled at Sam.

“How the hell can Nixie do this spell Sam? Is there something that you two aren’t telling me?” Dean asked angrily confused.

“Don’t tell him Sam” I pleaded.

“He has to know Nixie” Sam said with a sorrowful look.

“Fine but I’ll tell him not you” I sighed “Dean you might want to sit down.” I began to tell Dean everything. From what I found out when I fought Kobal, to what Sam found out what I could be, to how I found out that I might be even more powerful than a full demon.

“So you mean to tell me that Nixie might be a half-demon and no one thought to tell me about it sooner” Dean yelled.

“The way you are reacting now is exactly why we didn’t want to tell you Dean. When you found out that I had some demon blood in me you flipped out, I didn’t want you acting weird around Nixie like you did to me” Sam exclaimed trying to calm Dean down.

“Fine either way I’m with Nixie there is no way in hell she is going to stand there in front of Legion”

“I have to Dean there is no other way”
I sighed, “Plus I know you two won’t be too far behind and will jump in if anything starts to go south.”

“You bet your ass we won’t I almost lost you once I won’t let that happen again”
Dean said.

“Ok well then what are we waiting for lets copy that spell down and lure Legion back to the fiery depths from which he came” I said walking out of the room.

We drove towards the cattle farm and Sam recited a ritual in Latin that summoned Legion towards us.

“Now remember we will be right over there incase anything were to happen” Sam said walking over towards a shed where he and Dean would be hiding behind watching everything.

I wasn’t standing in the field for more than a minute when a huge body builder type man was standing before me.

“What is thy name?” I called out trying to make sure that it was Legion in front of me and not just one random demon.

“My name is Legion for we are many” it called out.

“Good” I smirked before reciting the spell. I was half way through it when the demon started to laugh at me.

“Puny hairless ape you aren’t strong enough to use that spell to cast me out to these cows” it laughed.

“That’s where you’re wrong” I smirked again blinking and reveling my crystal blue eyes.

“No!” It called out angrily running towards me.

Sam and Dean ran out from behind the shed and started blasting Legion with bullets filled with rock salt hoping to slow it down long enough for me to finish. It flung them both in different directions clear across the field. By the time Legion got to me it was too late I had already finished the spell. It fell to its knees and fled the body builder’s body and each entered a different cow, each of which were standing in the middle of a huge devil’s trap. Sam, Dean and I all started reciting the exorcism ritual expelling the demons back to hell.

“I think I need at least a day’s rest after that” I sighed climbing into the back seat of Dean’s car.

“Don’t worry we won’t head out to Croton until at least Wednesday just for you” Sam smiled.

“Thanks, I'm sad though that we weren’t able to stop this seal from being...ahh” I screamed seeing Castiel sitting next to me,“Can’t you warn a person before appearing next to them out of nowhere” I growled at Castiel.

“I am very sorry but on behalf of all the angles we would like to thank you for sending Legion back to hell, even though you did fail in protecting the seal that kept him in hell in the first place” he said, “had he not be casted off it would have been very bad for the world.”

“You’re welcome, I think”
I scratched my head and with that Cas was gone. “Someone should really put a bell around his neck he nearly gave me a heart attack for the second time”

Sam and Dean erupted in laughter with me joining in on the laughter after a few second.
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here is the second part for you all. Again I am really sorry about the super long wait and hope that these two chapters make up for me not posting in a long time.

Remember your comment's and thoughts are greatly appreciated =]