What the Hell Is Going On?

Prank Wars

Sam was true to his word when he said that we weren’t going to leave till Wednesday. I actually didn’t notice that we had left because when they had gone to check out they didn’t wake me; Dean just picked me up and packed me into the car while I was still sleeping. I woke up about three hours later just as we were entering Jackson, Tennessee.

“Why didn’t you guys wake me up when we were leaving Clarksdale?” I yawned.

“Well because you looked like you were having a good dream for once and we didn’t want to wake you” Sam said as he turned around and looked at me.

“Thanks” I smiled.

I enjoyed the car ride this time more than the last time. I guess it was because Dean. Sam and I were bonding more. We had started talking about a lot of different things music, cars, books, and our favorite memories as a child which then led to us talking about the best pranks that we ever pulled on someone.

“Wait so you put Nair in his shampoo and his soap” I laughed from the back seat.

“Yup he had no air on his whole body for about two months” Dean laughed.

“That wasn’t funny I had to use a marker to paint on eyebrows on my face” Sam pouted. That was enough to make me burst out into a fit of laughter for a good five minutes.

After our prank talk Sam and Dean decided upon themselves to start a prank war to try and make the drive go by faster. At every truck stop they pulled about 2 pranks each on each other and used me to help them. I was having a blast until they decided that it was my turn to be pranked, and then I wasn’t having much fun because the prank war turned dangerous.

“I can’t believe that you tied my shoes to the table at the diner” Dean hissed getting back in the car.

“Well if you wouldn’t have put tons of ants in on my burger and in my soda then I wouldn’t have done that”

“For all of our sakes let’s make a truce”
Dean said holding out his hand starting the car.

“Ok truce,” I smiled shaking his hand, “Should we have woken Sammie up to eat?” I asked turning around to check on if Sam was still asleep.

“We brought him some pie so he should be fine” Dean grinned.

Truth be told I was glad that we didn’t wake up Sam when we went to eat. I had spent more time with Sam than I did with Dean so having that alone time with him was really nice.

“So how does this whole half-demon thing work?” Dean asked keeping his eyes on the road.

“Huh? Oh um…I don’t really know exactly I figured out that if I really want something all I have to do is wish for it and then poof, but other than that I honestly don’t know”


“You don’t look at me any different now that you know do you? I mean Sam told me that you looked at him a bit different when he had some of yellow eyes blood in him”
I said softly playing with my thumbs. I was too afraid of Dean’s expression to look at him I cared more about what he thought than I did Sam. I heard a soft sigh from Dean before he started to talk.

“If you are asking if I am going to watch you more closely and make sure you don’t do anything thing stupid then yes I’m going to do that but if you are asking if I look down at you or if I wish you weren’t my sister because of it then no I don’t Nixie,” he said softly, “I’m glad that we found you, I’ve always wanted a little sister and not that” he chucked pointing to Sam.

“Thanks Dean”

“Don’t mention it kiddo”
he said rubbing my shoulder gently, “Enough with the mushy Brady Bunch moment let’s have one more prank before this truce is put into effect” he smirked grabbing a plastic spoon.

I let out a small laugh before taking the spoon from him and gently placing it in Sam’s mouth. Once it was inside I took a picture and turned back around Dean put Ozzy Osborne’s Crazy Train louder waking Sam up.

“Haha very funny jerks” Sam growled from the backseat.

Dean and I just busted out laughing giving each other a high-five and singing along to Crazy Train.
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so sorry if this chapter is a bit short I wanted to give you something before my finals start tomorrow. Hopefully after this week I will be able to post a chapter weekly if I'm not doing anything until the next semester starts. Anywho wish me luck on my finals.

oh and p.s my 20th birthday is tomorrow I'm so excited but pissed that I have to take a final on the same day.