What the Hell Is Going On?

Demons are real

I woke up the next morning to Dean asleep on the bed next to the one that I was in and Sam on the computer. I went to the bathroom, came back and saw that Dean was awake and Sam was telling him about the murders that occurred at Hotel Radar.

"There have been 30 deaths at that hotel including a mass murder in 1952. All of the deaths were cracked up to suicide." Sam was saying as he showed Dean what he found on the computer.

"And you don't think they were just that suicides?"Dean asked looking at the picture of the hotel.

"No there are too many and they all started before the hotel was ever in business."

"So what do you think..." Dean started but stopped what he was asking when he heard me. Me and my stupid self bumped into the dresser as I was inching closer towards them trying to hear better.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked while closing his laptop.

"Still a little sore but good, why were you guys talking about hotel Radar? That place hasn't been open in years not since Charlie Michael killed his twin sister then himself."

"Do the police know why he killed his sister?" Sam asked interested in what I said.

"No they don't he got along great with everyone, a little paranoid at times but then again who isn't?! You never answered my question though why are you so interested in that hotel?"

"Sounds like it could be a possession, but why kill the body that you’re in?" Sam asked Dean.

"Could be and I don't know it doesn't make sense" Dean answered.

Possession?? Isn't that like something that happened in the Exorcist? That wasn't real right? You can't really get possessed can you? No I thought to myself. I wondered why they were thinking like that and saying that. Sam and Dean must have seen the confusion on my face because they started to answer my question.

"Nixie this may sound crazy and out there but you know the things that go bump in the night and demons?" Sam started and before I got a chance to answer dean said "Well they're real and we hunt them and send their sorry asses to hell."

"Haha you guys are kidding me right?! I mean demons and..." That’s when I started to think about what had happened to my mother, "Ok so if demons were real how would they look like?"

"Well they would look like you and me, they possess people’s bodies and use us to do whatever they need" Sam said.

"So how would you tell if someone has a demon inside them?"

"Well they would flinch at the name of god, Cristo, and they would have jet black eyes."

That’s when I broke down and cried. Sam and Dean looked worried and didn't know what to do. So I told them what happened to my mother 6 years ago. When I was done I asked "So demons are real and there might be one in that hotel?"

"Yea" Dean responded

"Alrighty then" I said which caused Sam and Dean to laugh again.

"You're taking this better than other people would" Dean said

"Yea well most people didn’t hear their mother die by the hands of a demon, so how are you going to find out if there is a demon at Hotel Radar?" I said.