What the Hell Is Going On?

Who's your father?

Sam and Dean said that they needed to go talk to the police to find out what happened and to Charlie’s parents to see if anything unusual went on before Charlie killed his sister along with himself. Before they left I asked if there was anything that I could do to help and they told me that if I really wanted to help that I could look up the hotel’s history in the library and see if anything seemed unusual.

BIG MISTAKE… If I would have known then that looking into the hotel’s history would involve me being surrounded by mounds and mounds and mounds of paper work then I wouldn’t have offered to help. You’re probably wondering why I didn’t just use the digital files well first off they were broken and secondly they didn’t go that far back digitally. The hotel’s history started back in 1927 when the hotel was being built strange deaths happened and the history makes a sudden stop in 1954 when a mass murder took place there. It wasn’t in the newspaper again until 3 years ago when Charlie committed a murder/suicide with his sister and himself.

While I was trying to make sense of this last article Sam and Dean opened the door to the motel room.

“Don’t move or step on anything!” I yelled while still looking at the article in my hand

“Ooookay” Dean said walking around the papers

“What’s all this Nixie?” Sam asked taking a seat next to me while handing me a coffee

“Thanks, well you said to look into the history of the hotel and that is what I am doing!”

“Yea, I know but why is all the clippings spread out all over the place” he asked as he picked up a clipping that was in front of me

“Well I was trying to find a pattern on all of the murders and suicides, plus this is how I work” I said as I snatched the clipping from his hand and put it back where it belonged

“So what did you find out?” Dean said through the cheese burger that was in his mouth

“Well when there was a boom in guest then the murders where high and when the hotel was shut down in 1954 everything was quiet”

“Do you know why it was closed down?”Sam asked interested

“Um…well I think it had something to do with this” I said handing him the article that I was holding.

It was quiet for awhile as Sam was reading. All you could hear was the sound of Dean chewing. Suddenly Dean said that he couldn’t take the silence anymore and that he was going to work on his car. As soon as Dean left Sam spoke.

“So you think that this woman’s disappearance had something to do with all this?”He asked

“Yup! After she went missing the hotel became dormant until…well you know” I replied.

“Interesting…you know Nixie just because your mother was killed by a demon doesn’t mean that you need to help”

“I know but I want to, plus my dad used to hunt so do my brothers, who I never met” I said mumbling the last part

“Oh ok…what wait your dad hunts?” Sam asked shocked

“Um…yea…he said he got into it because his wife was killed by…by…by something unexplainable.” I hesitantly said not wanting to share my father’s personal life

“Who’s your father? If you don’t mind me asking”

“His name is…um…um…um…John Winchester” I said

At that moment Sam’s eye balls almost flew out of his head and he was choking a little on his coffee. Then there was his awkward silence for a while so I said that I was going to see if Dean needed my help. When I got to Dean he was tuning up something in the engine.

“You know I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but you have a beautiful car” I said making my way slowly towards Dean.

“Thanks Nixie,” he said was he looked up from the engine.

“No problem.” Dean smiled at me and then asked for a monkey wrench.”Sure, need any help,” I asked handing him the wrench.

Dean and I were out there for about an hour and a half while he taught me how to work on the Impala. While we worked we did a bit of talking and laughing. We walked back to the room and Sam was still sitting in the same spot that I left him in wide eyed.

Dean and I started to call Sam’s name to try and break him out of his trance. After what seemed like forever Sam finally spoke…