What the Hell Is Going On?

They are my brothers

“I think Nixie is out sister!!”

That was the last thing that I remember hearing before everything went black. I couldn’t believe what had just come out of Sam’s mouth, and I don’t think that Dean believed it either because as I was coming too I could hear him talking to Sam and pacing.

“Sammy what are you talking about you think Nixie is our sister?! Yea she is helping us with this hunt and she is fun to be around but…OUR SISTER?? Plus if she was our sister don’t you think that Dad would have mentioned it in his journal?!” Dean ranted

“But he did mention it in his journal whenever he mentions calling on Halloween to…”

“You said that we were looking for a boy, A BROTHER!, NOT A GIRL” Dean said cutting Sam off.

“I assumed that we were because Nix sounds like a guy’s name, but after what she told me I knew that she was the Nix that dad was talking about.”

I had finally come too and was shocked at what I was hearing. I thought how did Sam know what my father called me unless he really was my brother. Or at least I thought I thought it because as I was sitting myself up from the bead, which I assumed they put me there after I fainted, Sam and Dean were both looking at me expression less like I was some sort of freak. Since I knew they heard me I became frustrated by the silence and asked them again. “How do you know what my father called me?” I asked again. They still didn’t give me a verbal answer they just handed me a journal. I looked through the journal and saw that under every entry from Halloween that the man who kept this journal said that he called Nix today and was glad to hear that Nix was happy and safe. This was just too weird for me to take in, hearing that demons do exist is one thing but hearing someone say that they’re your brother is something totally different.

“Just because this guy says he called Nix every Halloween doesn’t mean that he was talking about me or that he was my father” I said a little bothered.

“I know that Nixie but we…”

“NO it doesn’t mean anything” I said cutting Sam off while heading to the door.

“Hey where are you going?” Dean asked

I didn’t answer him I just left the motel room and started to walk back to my apartment. All through my walk I was thinking that I needed to find my father and ask him myself if Sam and Dean were really my brothers or not. I remember the last phone call I got from my father he had finally given me his number so that if I were ever in any trouble that I could call him and he would come. So I called his number and all I got was a voicemail saying that I should call another number I wrote down the number that my father had just said, and just as I was about to hang up I heard him say that it was his son Dean’s number. It must be a coincidence that my real brother’s name is Dean I thought as I was dialing the number. It rang three times before someone picked up.


I knew that voice well…it was Dean. Sam was right they are my brothers!