What the Hell Is Going On?


I hung up the phone as fast as I could. What else was I supposed to do just be like oh hey it’s me Nixie I realize that you are my brother because I called my dad and his voicemail told me to call you so yea want to hang?! Um...yea no I wasn’t going to do that so I hung up. I really needed to think it out and the only way I was going to do that was if I went out for a walk. I grabbed my keys and just headed out blind, not knowing where I was going.

I can’t believe this I was with my brothers the whole time and I never realized it how stupid was I? That what I was thinking out on my walk. I didn’t know how long I was walking but it must have been awhile because I ended up at Hotel Radar which is about an hour away from my apartment by car. Now when I have things on my mind I do stupid things. The stupid thing I did this time was go into the hotel to look for the Thesulac (yea I figured out what the thing was at the hotel it fed off of people’s fears). I think I also went into the hotel to just forget about what I was thinking about.

I was walking through the hotel and I started to hear things…

If your father loved you he would have came for you after your mother died

You’ll be alone all of your life

I tried my best not to pay attention to the voices. And I was doing a damn good job of it if I do say so myself. Hotel Radar was really huge by my standards with about 200 rooms. I had just looked through the first 50 rooms while successfully ignoring the Thesulac but when I went into the next room something the Thesulac said got to me.

They’re never going to accept you if they wanted you to be their sister they would have came after you

After that I everything it said got to me. It got to a point where I just crawled myself into a corner and just shut down. While I was in the corner I saw a flash of light out of the corner of my eye, I looked outside and saw the last thing I wanted to see. Dean’s precious 1967 Chevy Impala. Great I thought to myself.