What the Hell Is Going On?

Natural at this

“So what are we dealing with Sammy?”Dean asked

“It’s something called a Thesulac; it feeds off of a person’s fears.” Sam responded

“And you know this how?”

“Nixie…she found out what it was, she was right when she said that it had something to do with a woman who disappeared in 1954. It fed off of the woman’s fears for years until she died 3 years ago.”

“Didn’t that kid commit a murder/suicide here 3 years ago?”

“Yea he did that because the Thesulac drove him to it”

“If it feeds off of a person’s fears then how was it able to survive this place being empty for 3 years?”

“The woman it was feeding on I guess left around enough fears for it to last.”

“And Nixie found out all of this?”

“Yea she is really smart and a natural at this, oh and one more thing she found out the Thesulac will talk to you to bring out your fears so whatever you do don’t listen to anything that you hear.”

“Ok got it what does it look like?”

“That I don’t know”

I could hear every word that they were telling each other from the room that I was in but I was too scared to move. When I couldn’t hear their voices any more I decided to try and get out of the hotel so that they wouldn’t find me. I got as far as the lobby when the voices came back.

If your father loved you he would have came for you after your mother died

You’ll be alone all of your life

They’re never going to accept you if they wanted you to be their sister they would have came after you

I couldn’t take the voices so I did what I did before, but instead of sitting in a corner with my knees to my chest I sat on a round sofa thing with my knees to my chest. About 10 minutes later Sam and Dean were coming down the stairs and saw me.

“Nixie…NIXIE!! What the hell are you doing here?” Dean asked

I just looked at both of them then looked back at my knees and started to cry.

“Nixie what’s wrong?” Sam asked sitting next to me

“You guys don’t want me as your sister…I’m doomed to be alone all of my life” I said in between sobs

“Nixie who told you that we don’t want you as our sister?” Dean asked

“Dean I think the Thesulac is tell her that” Sam said giving Dean a worried look

“How do you know Sammy?”

was all Sam said

“I don’t hear anything…wait who’s whispering? Is that the Thesulac?” Dean asked

“I think so” Sam said to Dean “Nixie stop listening to it, everything its telling you is a lie we want you as our sister you’ll never have to be alone again. Nixie please stop listening to it and listen to me” he said in a pleading tone

He’s lying to you once he gets you out of here and gets rid of me you will never see them again

I knew I shouldn’t have believed the Thesulac but I did which made me cry even harder. The next thing I know there was a crackling noise and something that sounded like thunder. Sam, Dean and I looked over to where the sound was by the stairs and out of nowhere comes an ugly floating figure with tentacles.

mMm mMm mMm man is this girl filling I think I’ll keep her here for a while like I did the other one

Two seconds after it said that both Dean and Sam went to work trying to kill it. Everything they tried didn’t work they shot it, and nothing, they went to stab it and still nothing. The Thesulac just wrapped one of its tentacles around each of their necks. At that point I had stopped crying and realized what was going on. The next thing I know I was grabbing one of the tentacles and sticking it into an electrical socket to kill it and the only thing that was going through my head was even if they didn’t want me as their sister they are my brothers and I am not going to sit here and let them die.

“Nixie how did you know how to do that?” Dean asked breathlessly

“I don’t know I just acted on my instincts”I replied sitting back down onto the couch

“Well thanks Nixie and just so you know we really do want you to be our sister that was the whole reason we came to Sleepy Hollow to find you and take you with..” Sam started but was cut off by Dean pulling him away

“Sammy we can’t take her with us, it’s too dangerous for her to be with us”

“Dean we can’t just leave her here she is all by herself and she needs us we have to take her”

“Your right”
Dean said as they both were walking towards me