What the Hell Is Going On?


Dean walked up me and reached out for my hand, I took it hesitantly and got up off of the couch. As I got up Dean wrapped me into his arms and whispered into my ears

The ride back to my apartment was a quiet one. As much as I wanted to believe that Sam and Dean really wanted me to be a part of their family there was something in the back of my mind that thought differently. I felt as though they were only doing this for two reasons the first being that since John tried to be a part of my life that they felt obligated to try to be as well and the second being since they never got a chance to really get to know Adam they feel like this might be their second chance. Don’t get me wrong I was ecstatic that I was finally going to be a part of the Winchester family but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had.

When we got to my apartment told both Sam and Dean to make themselves comfortable while they waited for me to pack since I was leaving with them in the morning. Even though I felt the way that I felt about Sam and Dean I couldn’t help but also feel a little excited because I finally wasn’t going to be n my own I was going to be with family, something that I haven’t had in a long time. Then I remembered that Ms.Palomino, her two little children Ellie and Jacob and her 19 year old daughter Arlene was kind of like family to me since my mother died and that I should probably go next door to tell her that my brothers had finally came and that I was finally leaving with them. I finished packing and gave my duffel bag to Dean and told them that I would meet them downstairs that I had something to take care of before we left.

I walked to Ms.Palomino’s apartment next door to tell her and her kids my news. I knocked on her door and waited patiently for her to open it. When I didn’t hear any one I knocked again, I still got no answer. I thought it was strange because she was always home at this time since she was scared that something might happen if she went out. I was about to knock again when I heard what I thought to be Ms.Palomino’s daughter Arlene give a small scream and then things banging. I quickly got out my keys to find the one that Ms.Palomino gave me just in case of emergencies and I opened the door. I was speechless at the sight that I saw next.

There on the living room floor was Ms.Palomino and her two younger children on the ground mutilated lying in a huge pool of blood. I wanted to break down and cry right there but then I remembered why I rushed in to the apartment in the first place, Arlene. I ran into the bedroom as fast as I could to find Arlene crawling to a corner with a vampire over her. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find and ran back into the bedroom. The events that followed next were all a blur to me all I know was that I was covered in blood and Arlene was thanking me and crying in my shoulder.

I heard Sam and Dean scream my name from the living room and I walked out with Arlene at my tail.

“Nixie what the hell happened here? What the hell happened to you” Dean asked me as I came out of the bedroom

“A vampire” I said as I finally dropped the knife that was still in my hand.

“Where is it?” Sam asked

“The bedroom”

“Nixie did you kill that thing all by yourself”
Sam asked coming back to the living room

“Yea I guess, I don’t really remember” I told Sam truthfully

“Thank you so much for saving me Nixandra” Arlene said to me hugging me again

“You’re welcome I’m just sorry that I hadn’t come in earlier to save your mother, Ellie and Jacob”

“How did you know how to kill that vampire though Nixandra?”
Arlene asked me but before I got a chance to answer her Dean said “I taught her, it’s kind of what I do for a living” with a slight grin on his face.

“Dude she almost just died and her family was just killed any you are hitting on her?” Sam said with a disgusted look on his face walking to the kitchen motioning me to follow.

Before Dean gave Sam a response Arlene said “Oh really well can you teach me a thing or two?” with the same look that Dean gave her earlier causing Dean’s grin to grow wider. I just shook my head and waited for the cops to come so that I can tell them the story that Sam was going to tell me to tell them.

The next morning I gave Arlene one last goodbye while telling her that I was sorry for her loss before getting into Dean’s Impala to start my new life. Dean also gave Arlene one last goodbye before getting into the car and driving off. As I sat in the back seat of the Impala filled with mixed emotions I was happy to be leaving with Sam and Dean to start a new life and be rid of all the horrible memories that were accompanied with my hometown, but I was also sad to leave the place I grew up in. I think that they both sensed that too because they stood quiet in the front seat.