What the Hell Is Going On?


We were on the road for about two days and I had no clue where we were going. I slept for most of the ride and when I was awake I was listening to my ipod, who I named Doxy, and I was reading a book by one of my favorite authors Gregory Maguire called What the Dickens. So I wasn’t paying attention when Sam was on the phone talking to someone named Bobby telling him that they had found me and they were bringing me over to meet him. Before we got to Bobby’s we stopped at a small town somewhere in South Dakota to rest for a little bit. That’s where I asked Sam who Bobby was and why was it so important for me to meet him.

“Well Bobby is a good friend of ours, kind of like a father figure to Dean and I since dad died” Sam said as he was getting out of the car.

“Oh ok but why is it so important that I go meet him?”

Hesitantly Sam answered me, “Well because you’re going to be staying at his house for a while”

Those words made my heart drop. I knew that me going with them was too good to be true, the first chance that they are getting they are dropping me off at some guys house and going off to do their own thing. I automatically felt so betrayed by what Sam had said and all I wanted to do was just get out of the car and just run, run until I couldn’t run any more. And that is just what I did I got out of the car and just started running in any direction that my feet would take me. As I was running I could hear Dean yelling at Sam asking him what he told me.

Little did I know that the direction that I was running in lead me straight to Bobby’s house.

After I knew I was as far away from my brothers I started to slow my running down to a walk. I started to think about everything. Sam and Dean were hunters, very good hunters, and I was just a 14 year old girl (today was my birthday) that didn’t know a thing about hunting and only happened to be lucky in killing a vampire and the Thesulac. If I did go with them I would only get in their way, maybe I should go live with this Bobby guy so that they won’t get hurt worrying about saving me. And Sam said that this Bobby guy has been like a father figure to them so nothing bad will happen to me while I was there.

I had decided that I would go to Bobby’s house but I had no clue where it was or where I was for that matter. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I had walked into a car salvage yard. I kept walking straight and saw a house. I figured I should stop there and ask to use their phone to call my brothers. As I got closer to the house I saw Dean’s car pull up behind a pick-up truck. An older man got out of the truck and my brothers got out of Dean’s Impala.

“Why didn’t you guys run after her?” the older man who I assumed was Bobby asked.

“Well she’s fast by the time we did she was already gone” Dean answered.

“Well which direction did she run in?” Bobby asked.

“Um south-east I think” Sam responded.

“Well ok then lets head back and try and track her” Bobby said as he was walking back to his truck.

“That’s ok you don’t need to track me” I said as I was emerging from the salvage yard.

“Nixie what the hell were you thinking running away like that and how the hell did you end up in the salvage yard?” Dean yelled at me

“Well I felt like you were betraying me after Sam told me that you were going to leave me here with this guy and I have no clue how I ended up in there I stopped running and just started walking and ended up walking out of the yard into you guys” I hissed at Dean.

“I’m sorry that you felt that way Nixie, its just that with what we…” Sam started.

“It’s ok Sam I understand that your job is dangerous and that I would be better if I stay here I’m ok with it now” I interrupted.

“Ok then well then let’s get inside and eat something I’m starving” Dean said.

“When aren’t you boy” Bobby responded. And with that we all went inside and ate and celebrated my birthday. Which by the way I have to say was one of the best birthdays because I finally wasn’t celebrating it alone but with my newly acquired family.