Sequel: She Almost Left Me

The One That Got Away

Lost In Stereo

You could be happy and I won't know
But you weren't happy the day I watched you go

And all the things that I wish I had not said
Are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head

Is it too late to remind you how we were
But not our last days of silence, screaming, blur

Most of what I remember makes me sure
I should have stopped you from walking out the door

You could be happy, I hope you are
You made me happier than I'd been by far

Somehow everything I own smells of you
And for the tiniest moment it's all not true

Do the things that you always wanted to
Without me there to hold you back, don't think, just do

More than anything I want to see you, girl
Take a glorious bite out of the whole world

When the boys turned up the next day, at the same time they always did, Danny was still asleep. The bathroom light was on; he'd been up during the night. Harry put a hand on Danny's shoulder and shook him slightly. He groaned, moved slightly and opened his eyes, blinking back the lights blinding him.

"Hey guys," he smiled, the momentary amnesia of waking up still bubbled around him.

"Hey," they all replied, quietly.

"Hiya, Danny!" squawked Ellie loudly, Tom's girlfriend of three months.

Everyone except Danny turned around to her at once and shushed her. She went red and hung her head, shrinking back into her iPod and getting lost in stereo.

Danny looked around, and everyone saw his heart sink in his face as memory washed over him. He took her hand, hanging his head. Tom and Harry looked at each other, sighing. He'd been happy for a second there; but it wasn't to last. Happiness doesn't last when the one you love is lying, possibly dying, in a hospital bed like a little bird.

Dougie patted Danny's shoulder in comfort.

"Thanks guys," Danny said suddenly.

"What for?"

"For being there. For being my cushion. I guess I really needed you guys around when all this started. I'm glad you were there," he replied to them, his bottom lip and chin starting to wobble slightly.

Tom, Harry and Dougie all jumped at him at once, engulfing him in an enormous group hug. He couldn't help it; he just had to cry. His eyes, sore and dry as they were from tiredness, a lot of sleep and previous crying, obviously still had enough tears left for one more cry. He was crying for her.

A small noise was made, just audible, like a groan or a moan.

Tom, Danny, Harry and Dougie all looked at Ellie, who looked up from her iPod at that moment to see herself being stared down by the four boys; she went red again and looked confused and quizzical. It wasn't her; lost in stereo.

Danny's head whipped round to look at Lauren, his hopes in the sky.

"Mmm," she groaned, visibly wincing at the pain as she fought against her own mind to wake up.

"Lauren? Baby, it's Danny. Please wake up... I need you..." he whispered, kissing her hand.

Her eyes slowly opened. The first thing they fell on was Danny. They weren't their usual bright, sparkling, bubbly blue colour. Her eyes were dulled and greyed; they were bloodshot and dry; huge bags surrounded them; they were sunken and sullen. She looked so ill. Danny couldn't help but feel guilty, even though it wasn't his fault.

"Hey," he whispered to her, leaning closer and mustering a weak smile.

"How long have I been here?" she asked him hoarsely, turning her head slowly and painfully.

"Five days," Tom told her.

Hey eyes moved to him, then to Ellie, who was still lost in stereo.

"Who's she?" Lauren smiled at Tom quietly, but cheekily.

Tom laughed slightly, and leaned in next to Danny, holding onto his friend for support. "My girlfriend. You met her once, remember? She was at the concert. Her name's Ellie."

"Hi, Ellie," Lauren waved.

Ellie looked up at her name and went red a third time, waving back, before going back to being lost in stereo. Lauren laughed slightly to herself, before groaning in pain and holding her stomach. Naturally, Danny worried.

"My tummy hurts," she complained, her voice still broken and quiet. "I'm starving."

Everyone sighed a deep sigh of relief, before laughing at something so obvious as Lauren being hungry. She was becoming who she should always be again; Lauren was always hungry, always eating. Never gaining an ounce.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you there'd be a happy chapter this time! :)
Written especially for Ellie. :)
She knows I love her loads and loads and loads! :)
She's brilliant. :)
You got Tom, Ell, just like you wanted. :)