Sequel: She Almost Left Me

The One That Got Away

Three's a Crowd

Pick up all your tears
Throw 'em in your backseat
Leave without a second glance
Somehow I'm to blame
For this never-ending racetrack you call life

So turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You won't be alone
You might
Fall off this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line

Driving all your friends
At a speed they cannot follow
Soon you will be on your own
And somehow I'm to blame
For this never-ending racetrack you call life

So turn right (turn right)
Into my arms
Turn right (turn right)
You won't be alone
You might (you might)
Fall off this track sometimes
Hope to see you at the finish line

I did all I could
And I gave
But you had to go your way
And that road was not for me

Turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You won't be alone
You might (you might)
Fall off this track sometimes
Hope to see you at the finish line

Davinia and Harry had been together for a few months now; Harry was forever doing band stuff and Davinia was helping Lauren through the pregnancy. It was getting to them, somehow.

"Harry..." Davinia sighed one day, one of the few times they managed to be in the house at the same time.

"I know," he replied, also sighing.

They hugged, and agreed to go their separate ways. There were no tears, no fights, no anything. They just went from lovers to friends in three simple words. Davinia was happy they'd ended on amiable terms, and Harry was glad he wasn't hurting her anymore. She deserved someone who was always there.


Frankie had decided to stop traveling. He'd had an amazing time, seeing the wonders of the world, straying from the beaten tourist track into uncharted places one wouldn't dream of spending their summer break in. That, and funds were running dry. He made his way home, to help his little sister take care of the bump he was sure was going to be his nephew.

He'd be the fun uncle, teaching the boy football and guitar and how to get a girl. He didn't think that boyfriend - fiance, he reminded himself - was good enough for her. He'd seen his eyes on so many other women on days out, heard his phone calls that were definitely not to his mother, and saw him texting unknown faces.

Danny'd be better for her, he'd always known that. He'd always planned it like that. And he'd have always had Davinia. Not that he'd ever told her, or anyone, how he felt. And though Frankie knew how stupid that was, he didn't want to ruin what she had with Harry.


Danny pulled the duvet from his head for the first time in days. His eyes were sore, and the sunlight burned them even more. His stomach was groaning in protest, because he hadn't eaten since he'd crawled under the quilt days ago. He'd only crawled out because his phone was buzzing.


Oh what now, he thought. Was she going to cry and tell him it was twins? That would really mess him up. But he flipped it open anyway, just because he could hear her voice.

"You answered! I've been so worried..." she bawled, obviously crying.

Danny sat up suddenly. "What's wrong?"

"H-H'es been cheating on me! Ever since..."

She went silent.

"Since when?"

"Since forever!" she yelled, before sobbing loudly.

Danny felt his heart break. He'd wanted him gone, but not like this. The girl he loved was hurting badly, and was left stranded with a baby inside. The baby...

"Are you okay, like, physically?" he asked.

The line went silent, until there was a barely audible: "No."

"What's happened?" Danny asked, unable to hide his worry.

"I lost my baby," she wailed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's sad. :(
I'm sorry; it has to happen.
Don't hurt me for putting the characters through all this!
I love them really...