Status: This was on Quizilla and i decided to put it on here

Wow! Who Is He?!


I woke up to my mom calling my name. Today was the day i was moving to New Hampshire to stay with my Aunt Kacie because my mom and dad wanted to travel and I agreed to move in with her. It was 7:45 A.M. and i hurried to get ready to leave. My flight left California at 9:30 A.M. and i had to leave at 8:00 A.M. to make it there at 8:30 A.M. and check in. "Danii, Hurry up" my mom yelled to me "Im coming one sec. let me just grab the last bag!" I yelled back.

~Arriving in New Hampshire~

I got to the Manchester Airport at 5:30 P.M. and was really tired. I rushed off the plane as fast as possible, so I could get this over with already. I loved visting my Aunt during Christmas because my cousins and I always played in the snow. But now I wasn't so happy because this time it wasn't just for 2 weeks, it was for an entire year, not to mention senior year. After I'm so going to college in California! I went to baggage to find my Aunt and cousins with my bags. I walked over to them and hugged them all. I had two little cousins who are twins (boy and a girl)-Joey&Kelly they're eight-, one older (Johnny) who is 21, and a cousin my age, 17, (Cali) and then my Uncle Chris. I was goin to be sharing a room with Cali. Her and I are like twins, we look alike and are good at field hockey, love cheering, and love the sun. It was Friday so I didn't have school for a few days.
When we got back to my aunts house I went to my room with Cali. My aunt's house was like a mansion so I really didn't need to share a room but Cali's room was HUGE so it was like having my own room. I put all my stuff away and fell asleep.


I woke up and got ready. Cali was driving me because she had an awesome new car. Its a new black Ford Mustang 2009 limited edition. When we get there we went straight to the front office. Of course, I got a paper for my teachers to sign and I was off to first period. I had it with Cali, THANK GOD! The first 4 periods went by so fast and it was lunch time. I sat with Cali and then I swear 9 angels walked into the caf. Cali saw me staring and said "Those are the Cullens, the extremely beautiful girl is Rosalie, the guy with her that has blonde hair is Riley, him and Rosalie are going out and that big strong guy is their brother Emmett, the short girl who looks lik a pixie is Alice, the guy with her is her boyfriend Jasper, the tall thin bronze haired guy is Edward, and thats Bella with him, behind them is Renesmee and Jacob." "Wow, that guy, ah, Emmett, what grade is he in?!" I said through gasps "He is in our grade,Danii" Cali said laughing at my reaction. I was staring at him when he turned to look at me. I quickly looked down. Cali was laughing when she whispered "Emmett is checking you out!" I whipped my head up to look at him and he really was. It was time to go so I was headed to Math when I heard someone say "Hey!" from behind me it scared me so I jumped a little and turned around to see Emmett. I blushed and mumble "Hey." He introduced himself to me and I did the same. He said that he was headed to math too. So we headed to math together talking and him making me blush. Thats when I heard his amazing booming laugh...
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Okay so I logged into quizilla today after a while of not being on and look what i found! lol, i was like WOW, i forgot about this storyyy!!! && so im gonna be putting it on this [:
Love Linn[: