Status: This was on Quizilla and i decided to put it on here

Wow! Who Is He?!

Emmett and I, together? THATS CRAZY!

I woke up with Emmett's arms around me. I yawned and he let go of me. I turned to face him and I had a puppy face on. "Aww, Danica, whats wrong?" Emmett asked, "You let go I was very comfy like that Emmett" he laughed and pulled me into a hug. Alice came dancing in "Danica! time to get ready for school!" she said in a singing kinda of way "Aww Alice do I have to go?" I whined. Which made Emmett and Alice laugh "Well you mite wanna call Cali and tell her your not going if you dont want to." She sang. "k" I said cheering up. I called Auntie Kacie "Heyy Auntie" "Hi Danica, whats up?" "Um well I kinda don't wanna go to school today and I have everything done and I really just feel like staying here and chilling today PLEASE?" "Sure Danii, Cali is staying home anyways to watch Kelly because she doesn't feel good" "THANKS AUNTIE LOVE YAH BYE" "bye Danii" click. "K I'm not goin to school today!" I said with a smile "Ok Danica, let me go ttell Carlisle I'm staying home with you" "K!"

Emmett left the room and Alice sat down. "hey Alice whats up?" "umm well I'm not going to school because I'm gonna design a room for you if you stay over again, well me and Esme are. What r your favorite colors?" "umm anything really" i said. She laughed and said "ok lets go get you dressed" "k." 15 minutes later I was dressed in Alice's clothes.

I went down to find Esme putting breakfast on the table for me. Jacob was already eating. Renesmee was siting there laughing at him. I sat next to Renesmee and ate some eggs and bacon. "Heyy Danica!" said Emmett. "You looking stuning!" he said amazed. "Thanks Emmett you look terrific too!" I commented back.
After that we went up to his room and watched some more movies and talked more. "Emmett your eyes look beautiful right now a perfect golden color!" "thanks your eyes look amazing too" he commented back. A minute later we were kissing a passionate soft kiss a minute or so later we pulled away. "Wow! Emmett that was AMAZING!" "yeah I know" "so does this me we r going out now?" "i guess Danica" he smiled "I love you and I have since I met you" he whispered "I love you too, you had my heart from the moment I saw you walk into the caf." I said. And that was that, me and Emmett were together!

I went upstairs a few hours later and saw my amazing room. (down in authors note)

Later on when I had to go home Emmett came in and slept over. Cali, Johnny, Uncle Chris, Auntie Kacie, Joey and Kelly were all making smoochy faces when i came down stairs for a cup of water. Cali came back up with me and we played the wii that we had in our room. Emmett was an awesome bowler. Later when I fell asleep in Emmetts arms AGAIN I realize how cold his skin was but it didn't bother me because I always liked to be cold when I fell asleep even during the day I guess I just like the cold but maybe because it was always hot in California. The next day I had to go to school so Emmett went home to change then came back to get me and Cali.
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^Danica's New Room^