Status: This was on Quizilla and i decided to put it on here

Wow! Who Is He?!

London Trip...Gone Wrong

"MOM! DAD! I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A PUPPY! THANK YOU!" I yelled. "Danica, your very welcome" My dad said. "Danii, I hope you like him. I picked him out especially for you! His name is Kellan!" Sarah (my mom) cooed happily. I laughed and hugged them both. Kellan is a rottweiler mixed with pug puppy. We talked for another 15 minutes about Kellan. "Emmett isn't he adorable?" I asked. "Yes he is. Almost as adorable as you are." he said kissing me.

"We're going to go upstairs and put Kellan in his bed (little kid sized) okay?" I said to Sarah and Jack (mom and dad.) "Okay sweetie I will be in the kitchen cooking dinner." My mom said. "I'm going to be watching her cook." Dad said winking at us. I knew he ment im going to be stealing food from her as she cooks. I smiled bringing Kellan and Emmett following us up the stairs.

Emmett and I were laying in bed talking when, BOOM! CRASH! is all we heard from down stairs. "MOM! DAD! WHAT WAS THAT!" I yelled down. 'Hmm, mom must have slipped or something' 'why isn't she answering?' Still no answer. "Emmett will you come check with me? Oh and wake Kellan up too, just in case." I said in a worried voice. Me, Kellan, and Emmett came down stairs. "WOW THIS PLACE IS A MESS!" Emmett gasped. "My parents never let this place get messy. When I was young if i didn't clean up my toys I had to go sit in the 'time-out room' they couldn't have done this." I said to Emmett starting to panic. That's when I opened the swinging kitchen door.

This was a site that no child would EVER want to see. There on the kitchen floor my parents lay. Dead, a pool of blood around them. I stopped whipped around pushing Emmett. "Emmett! Get out of here NOW! There is blood and I would rather not have to see you sucking MY PARENTS blood INFRONT of me nonetheless!" I screamed at him while tears started flowing down my cheeks.

I Broke down crying next to the pool of blood. I heard Emmett running up the stairs and heard his cell ringing. Probably Edward, Alice, or Carlisle. I called the police studdering the first time I tried to tell the man what happened, I was mad the second time so I said it in a very high and annoyed and crying voice. 15 minutes after the call my parents bodies were being carried out and me and Emmett were being questioned.

Twelve hours after the horrific London accident we were on a plane back to New Hampshire. I fell asleep sobbing into Emmett's lap. When I awoke I was on my Aunt's couch. My Uncle and Aunt had attacked me with hugs and kisses when my eyes opened. Not even 5 seconds after they let go two more people were hugging me. This time Johnny and Cali. Who both gave me a hug and a kiss. Then 5 seconds after they let go two littler hugs. My eight year old twin cousins, Joey and Kelly, were hugging me. They were sobbing too. I hugged them tighter then let go. Falling back into Emmett's strong arms to be wrapped into another but MUCH stronger hug.

"Auntie?" "Yes, Danii?" my aunt answered. As I leaned into Emmett's chest hiding my face. "What about the houses ALL around the world?" "Well me and your mother decided when you were born that if or when this happens that you are to sell all but one or two of the houses. Keeping your favorites." she said "Well I think I'm going sell them all." i stated softly."Why?" Emmett and my aunt said in unison. "Well, I like it here and i want to stay here and surprisingly we don't have a house here." I stated simply. "Oh but yes your parents do. Danica, their house is right across the street from here. Just incase you ever need to come stay over in New Hampshire." She took a breathe and continued. " They have a house in every state and in every country sweetie. All for you. So you could go to whatever school you wanted in any place on Earth." My aunt finished with that. I picked my head up turning to her "WHAT! They never said that to me!" I said kind of angry now. 'MY PARENTS LIED TO ME!' I thought in my head. "Well, Danica they were going to tell you in London at dinner the last night...." My aunt's voice faded out.

That is when i remembered something. Now looking at Emmett i tilted my head to the left. "Emmett, babe, where is Kellan?" i asked sweetly. "He is at my house in your room. Alice came a got him." He said. "Why?" i asked. "Well Kerry and Kellan werent getting along." he said. "OH!" i whispered. 'I forgot about Kerry! She is my aunt's huskie.' i thought to myself. My auntie got a dog for her birthday, which is two weeks before christmas, and she named her Kerry. "Okay, i wanna go there to check on him." i said sadly. "Okay, then thats what we will do."

Me and Emmett got in my hummer, Emmett driving, and headed to the Cullen's house...
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Shocker, huh?
Love Lin<3