The Humanoid Diaries

2.11.2012 Entry Eight

It has been awhile since I have written, and I am somewhat proud to admit that many things has happened.

First off, I am battling a sickness. I do not know why I am so ill. I have tried to keep up my health, but perhaps I've got a bug from somewhere. It has been hard for me to keep any of food down...and I have found myself vomiting constantly. I am pale...weak...deathly weak...dragging myself around. Tom, Georg and Gustav are saddened at my appearance...I have been avoiding them lately until I get well. I don't know if what I have is contagious.

Moving on...

A most startling event has taken place in New Babylon...Queen Aerieus...

Queen Aerieus is dead.

Yes, I said it...dead. How can this be you wonder? It is all a mystery really. A few days ago, an announcement was made over the televisions...Aerieus' face was flashed....she was in the middle of a speech...when a huge ball of fire...targeted her, slamming her body against a concrete wall...there was a cry...a splatter of plume of smoke...and the burned carcass of Aerieus...her human servants gathered around her...weeping...wailing...the camera then flashed over the crowd...Humanoid's began to go haywire...and self-destruct...sending parts of metal flying into the air and landing violently back against the cement. I stared wide-eyed at the screen...I didn't know what to do...celebrate? Or feel saddened...she was a little kid after all...who could have done this? They had to be genius...or madmen...

It was as if the apocalypse was occurring in New Babylon...I've never seen so many their own hands...without Aerieus...they had no life...The camera went back on to the charred body of the little girl...her hand still gripped that cursed Teddy bear...oddly enough...the bear suffered no harm... A servant of Aerieus lifted her body up gently and rushed into the palace.

The screen then went back...and after the incident...all humans have been put under lock down. Until the assassin is caught. Tom, Georg, Gustav, and I were being interrogated, but it was proven impossible that we could have killed Aerieus (even though we all made it clear that we all wanted to do it.) we were always being watched, and hadn't been allowed out of our cells.

Yesterday, I heard one of the guards whispering...about there being a new ruler for Babylon...I was amazed to here that because I assumed that with Aerieus dead, that New Babylon would crumble...she kept it together...and what of her remaining humanoids? Would humans still be enslaved under this new ruler? Who is he? Or who is she?

As I think on these things I began to think about Phoenix...I guess the prophecy didn't come true...I mean...we were supposed to be saviors of this world...and destroy Aerieus...but we were captured...and Aerieus is dead...and it was not because of us...Maybe Phoenix had it all wrong...

Yes, she was wrong...and now...I feel peace...maybe things will work out after all...

***Bill has a fit of coughing***

I think I need to get some more rest, and as soon more news arise...I will update you...and most of all...finish my story...

Until Then,


Teddy bears never die in fires
