The Humanoid Diaries

9.11.2012 Entry Nine

Dear Diary,

I have been slow on my entries because I have found myself deeply involved in the matters of New Babylon.

As you know, Aerieus is dead. Her funeral was a few days ago. It was televised...closed casket (Her body was severely charred beyond recognition.) It had taken place in the city square of New Babylon. It was small besides the fact of the millions of humans watching in awe, in their small apartments. (No humanoids were preset, because at Aerieus' death, they self-destructed. Aerieus' servants stood around her casket weeping and wailing.

I must admit, that I had felt a pange of grief. Not because I had cared anything about Aerieus, but; it was the fact...that people were hurt over it...her servants had showed more compassion over her, than she had ever did for them in life.

The funeral lasted for two hours. After it, Aerieus' body lied in state...everyone in New Babylon were required to file past, and pay their respect. Tom, Georg, Gustav and I muttered cursing and insults as we passed by the tiny white casket. There was this huge portrait of Aerieus. Her green eyes glared mockingly and seemed to follow you...I could still hear her creepy mouse-like voice in my head:

You are quite pretty

After three days of this ceremony Aerieus' body was dropped into the sea. It was a relieving sight. Humans erupted into celebration. We were alive again! For a moment....

Until we received this strange announcement over the television. It said:

"Queen Aerieus has gone to sleep...Never to awake again in New Babylon. Her creations are destroyed. Her humanoids are no more. Her rules are silenced...dead...dead as her heart. A new light has come to bathe New Babylon in peace and eternal love. freedom is a tangible element, free to all. Grasp your freedom! There will be no more toil in New Babylon! Celebration will replace grief! Humans are in control again! There will be a New Order. An order of honor! Respect! Dignity! Happiness! PLEASURE...we will get drunk in PLEASURE. Tomorrow our destinies begin! Our world starts over."

The announcement ended by saying:

"All political prisoners of Aerieus are to be released immediately. Those who were to be executed are pardoned of their crimes. Factory tasks are to be halted...until further notice. "

Currently, Tom, Georg, Gustav and I are on our way to Germany. We plan to see what is left of our country, and hope that we can come across leads that can tell us what happened to our friends and family.

We met this elderly woman, who had a small airplane...she was more than happy to assist us. I kept telling her that if we had money we would pay her for her services...(but due to a law that Aerieus had passed, while she was alive, humans were forbidden to carry any monetary item) The pilot assured us that she had understood. So, here we are now in the air...we've been this way for about an hour.

It has been a quiet flight. We haven't really said much, since Aerieus's death. It is rather ironic to me. You would think, that after this has happened that we would be the most happy. However, something that Tom said yesterday, has really been on our minds:

"Something isn't right..."

Until Then,


...we will get drunk in PLEASURE.
