The Humanoid Diaries


Dear Diary,

We are currently in Germany. I feel so nostalgic at this point. It has been so long, since I have been home.

Home is that even a word?

Home is where the heart is…but my heart is broken. Our home was in shambles. It had been ransacked, and many things missing, the inside looked as if it had gone through a fire, and smelled strongly of urination. I suppose some squatters hid there from the humanoids. The atmosphere was depressing…cold…and I was to the point of tears.

The whole scene symbolized life for us. A painful reality of all that we had lost. There was no family to welcome us home…no smiles…no embraces…just coldness. All of us were mentally affected by this. This is what we had become what Aerieus made us…and because we had held emotion in for so long, in this moment, could not adequately express in words what we were feeling. We simply separated into different parts of the house…

And so here am I, in my old bedroom…scribbling these things…with a heavy heart.

In light of the events that have been taking place over the past few days…I will continue my story that I started earlier…telling you how I came to be incarcerated along with the rest of the guys…

After meeting with David once again…many ideas came into my head on how to save the world. Music…I had decided was the only solution. Over the following weeks after our meeting…Tom, Georg, Gustav and I, would go to David’s home…and hold small rehearsals…reviewing past songs…(I did not know, why we were not discovered at this point…but I would later find out.). We would play for hours…upon hours…until our eyes were bloodshot red, because of fatigue…but we were driven…and intoxicated with our purpose. We played better than we had ever had in the past…and I began to have ideas for new songs…

Finally…after all of this…we began to formulate a plot on how to share our clandestine act with the entire world. David in his genius…thought it would be safer if we would start audio recording our sessions and leak them over NEWBABYLONNET (That is New Babylon’s Internet.) many humans have been registered under NEWBABYLONNET, due to the fact, that they always received e-mails…detailing orders from Aerieus…and new rules…it was a requirement…David proposed we send a mass email all over the world…and the rest would be history.

So we embarked on the act.

The feedback was stupendous.

“Rette Mich” was leaked…and all over the world, it had been played through the speakers of the helpless human race. How ironic…What a relevant song for the life we as human were leading. We wanted to be rescued…we cry out…and only Tom, Georg, Gustav and I could set them free.

News reports came out almost instantly…Aerieus was angry…

“Who dares defy my rules of no music in the world! I will kill them!” she blasted out in an interview.

Now I know that wondering…how is it that Aerieus didn’t know that we were Tokio Hotel…and why didn’t it surface who we were as a band…and “Rette Mich” was a song that belonged to us? Well when Aerieus banned music in the world…she erased all musical history…to make sure that nothing of it existed. So in Aerieus world…Tokio Hotel never existed…and basically the concept of the band…was erased from people’s memories. We are simply unknown artists defying a Queen.

The news report began showing footage of humans dancing in the street to the song…and singing the words…with such passion and emotion…sadly, however, the screen would also show humanoid guards shooting the people in the heads.

I felt guilty that we were causing such bloodshed…but I knew that it was the right thing. The world had to be saved. We were the saviors…and we were succeeding.

Aerieus ordered inspections of every apartment in New Babylon...and that is when…everything turned for the worse. Early one morning…Humanoids busted into David’s apartment…they discovered the music…and arrested him…He was to be executed…if he did not give up the names of the artists performing the music…David refused to speak…and he was dragged to the gallows…

My heart pains me to write that.

But it is reality.

He was a wonderful friend…loyal…and he aided in saving the world. He didn’t give us up, and that bought us enough time to do what we had to do. We had to get revenge for David’s death. Aerieus had to pay…and we planned to humiliate her in the worst way possible.

A few days after the David incident…Aerieus’s ordered a mass gathering of everyone in New Babylon. She wanted to make a huge announcement concerning the music in the world…and that is when Tom, Georg, Gustav and I made our big move.

Aerieus stood in a gazebo which stood in middle of the town square. She held a microphone, and spat out various cursing…and swearing about what she would do to the disruptors of the peace in Babylon. Everyone listened to her intently.

“Death will come to them! They will be punished!” She screeched.

We, on the other hand…were on the opposite side of the Gazebo...and I nervously gripped a microphone that I had hidden in my jacket. Tom and Georg pulled their guitars from behind a bush…and Gustav twirled his drumsticks.


“We….were running through the town…” I began to sing…my voice shaking because of the fear.

The whole crowd went silent…including Aerieus.

“Our senses had been drowned…no place we hadn’t been before…”

Aerieus scanned the crowd trying to see where my voice was coming from.


“We learned to live and then…our freedom came to an end…we have to break down this wall…to young to live a lie! Look into my eyes-----“I breathed into the mic.

The crowd turned in our direction.

Tom and Georg paused their playing…everything went still.

And, I do not know what it was that made me do what I did next…but I began to weave my way through the crowd…toward Aerieus…


I finally stood in Aerieus’ face. She was trembling in anger. Humanoid soldiers pointed their high-caliber weapons in my face. Yet, I remained defiant…and continued:

“We are looking back again…our loneliness and pain...never been so wide awake…breathe…slowly in and out…somewhere beyond the clouds…I can see the morning break…” I continued….

“To young to live a lie…look into my eyes…”

Aerieus’s stared…her eyes full of hatred.

Then the most remarkable thing happened. The whole crowd began to join in on the chorus.

“Ready, Set’s time to run…the sky is changing we are one…together we can make it while the world is crashing down! Don’t you turn around!”

Aerieus frowned and whispered.

“You dare defy me in my face? KILL THEM ALL!”

The scene was sickening…bullets began to ring out onto the crowd. I dived to the ground. People were getting wounded…running…screaming…trampling each other. This enraged me. She was pure evil…she laughed as men, women, boys and girls lives were being unjustly ripped away from them. She threw back her head…chuckling…pointing…I couldn’t take it anymore…it was driving me crazy….I had to make her pay for everything…for all that she had taken away…I had to take away her life…this was the moment…the only opportunity.

A noticed a gun lying on the ground, perhaps one of the humanoids dropped it. I crawled to it…picked it up…and cocked at Aerieus’…she noticed what I was doing. Her eyes widened…her face went pale…I felt such power…such control…I was in control of that moment…I held her life in my hands…and she knew it…She had no one to protect her…she sent her soldiers away to kill and left herself out in the open…a target. I was going to blow her brains out of her head. I was going to make her suffer…I was going to watch her take her last breath…she wasn’t Queen…defiant…strong…she was afraid…a little girl…about to piss in her pants…an evil little girl…who held all power…but was weak…I pulled the trigger.

There was a pop…Aerieus fell back…I had hit her in the arm. My aim was off. I was tackled to the ground by Humanoids…and I along with Tom, Georg and Gustav…were arrested…and sentenced to death, and so that is how I had became a prisoner in New Babylon.

My sin…was that I loved…I loved the world…I wanted to save the world…and I loved the thought…of killing Aerieus.

We broke all of the rules…and so had to suffer the consequences.

Now…here I am in the present…wondering what those consequences will be. There is no more Aerieus…and I am no longer a prisoner…but I had committed an action…and so there must be a consequence. I guess the consequence…is that I will suffer with the memories of the past…in this old house.

I must go…but I will write again momentarily…

Until Then


I can’t recall an empty house…You say I’m fixed…but I still feel broken…
